Configurando o IDS - Snort / Honeypot (parte 2)

Nesta segunda parte do artigo, como prometido, irei falar do Honeypot, que juntamente com o Snort, forma uma ótima dupla para estudo de ataques e invasões à servidores. Confere aí, vale a pena!!!

[ Hits: 62.867 ]

Por: Jefferson Estanislau da Silva em 11/10/2003


Vou me prender apenas no arpd e no honeyd, pois as bibliotecas já podem estar instaladas, ou como eu disse, podem estar nos CDs da distro que você usa e assim ser instalada facilmente.

Para instalar o arpd:

$ cd arpd
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install

Para instalar o honeyd:

$ cd honeyd
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install

Serão instalados e gerados os scripts para enganar o atacante no diretório scripts.

A configuração que adotei utiliza as redes de à como base. No arquivo honeyd.conf faremos o seguinte:

Abra este arquivo com o seu editor preferido, no meu caso, uso o mcedit.

$ mcedit honeyd.conf

## Honeyd configuration file ##

### Windows computers

create windows
set windows personality "Windows NT 4.0 Server SP5-SP6"
set windows default tcp action reset
set windows default udp action reset
add windows tcp port 80 "perl scripts/iis-0.95/"
add windows tcp port 139 open
add windows tcp port 137 open
add windows udp port 137 open
add windows udp port 135 open
set windows uptime 3284460
bind windows

### Linux 2.4.x computer
create linux
set linux personality "Linux 2.4.16 - 2.4.18"
set linux default tcp action reset
set linux default udp action reset
add linux tcp port 110 "sh scripts/"
add linux tcp port 25 "sh scripts/"
add linux tcp port 21 "sh scripts/"
set linux uptime 3284460
bind linux

Agora vou explicar linha a linha o que fiz acima:

create windows

Esta opção cria o nome da configuração que o honeyd irá emular. Você poderia colocar qualquer nome no lugar da palavra windows.

set windows personality "Windows NT 4.0 Server SP5-SP6"

Esta opção indica que sistema será emulado nesta configuração chamada windows. Ele irá consultar o arquivo de assinaturas nmap.prints com as características de fingerprinting do sistema.

set windows default tcp action reset
set windows default udp action reset

Estas opções enviarão um flag RESET para conexões TCP/UDP, indicando que deverão estar simuladas como portas fechadas. Isto é muito importante para enganar um scanner.

add windows tcp port 80 "perl scripts/iis-0.95/"

Esta opção é a mais interessante, nós dizemos aqui que a porta 80 está aberta e o script que o honeyd deverá utilizar para simular o sistema.

Utilizamos o, que é um programa em Perl que simula o Internet Information Server, da Microsoft. Este pacote vem com uma versão pré-compilada do honeyd, o honeyd kit que pode ser baixada do site da honeyd.

add windows tcp port 139 open
add windows tcp port 137 open
add windows udp port 137 open
add windows udp port 135 open

Outras portas abertas que são emuladas.

set windows uptime 3284460

Tempo de uptime (sistema ativo sem dar boot) em segundos. No caso do windows, cuidado para não exagerar aqui! hehehe!!! fazer o que!!! :)

bind windows

Endereço IP que o honeyd simulará (spoof) junto com o arpd e responderá para o atacante como um sistema verdadeiro.

Muito bem!!! Conseguiram entender o esquema???

Observem que nesta configuração também foi criada uma opção para uma máquina Linux, que é justamente para confundir ainda mais o atacante.

Detalhe importante: lembrem-se que a maioria dos ataques acontecem em máquinas rodando o windows.

Página anterior     Próxima página

Páginas do artigo
   1. Introdução
   2. Obtendo o Honeypot
   3. Instalando
   4. Executando o Honeyd
   5. Conclusão
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Ping - O que há por trás?

[1] Comentário enviado por fabio em 11/10/2003 - 11:14h

Excelente artigo! Sem dúvidas essa técnica de confundir o fingerprinting executado pela pessoa que está tentando invadir seu servidor é eficaz, pois se o cracker não souber o sistema operacional ou os softwares que você está usando, como ele usará um exploit ou algo parecido para ganhar acesso? Legal!

[2] Comentário enviado por cmarcelo em 18/04/2004 - 01:08h

Gostei muito do artigo, não vejo a hora de ve-lo funcionando aqui, mas na quando eu vou compilar. estou tendo o seguinte erro:

gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I. -I./ -I./compat -I/usr/include/python2.2 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -O2 -Wall -g -DPATH_HONEYDINCLUDE="\"/usr/local/include/honeyd\"" -DPATH_HONEYDDATA="\"/usr/local/share/honeyd\"" -DPATH_HONEYDLIB="\"/usr/local/lib/honeyd\"" -DHONEYD_PLUGINS_DECLARE="" -DHONEYD_PLUGINS="" -c pyextend.c
pyextend.c:62:20: Python.h: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
pyextend.c:82: parse error before "PyObject"
pyextend.c:82: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
pyextend.c:83: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `pFuncReadData'
pyextend.c:83: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
pyextend.c:84: parse error before '*' token
pyextend.c:84: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `pFuncWriteData'
pyextend.c:84: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
pyextend.c:85: parse error before '*' token
pyextend.c:85: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `pFuncEnd'
pyextend.c:85: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
pyextend.c:86: parse error before '}' token
pyextend.c: In function `pye_compare':
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:93: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c: In function `pyetree_SPLAY_NEXT':
pyextend.c:96: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:96: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:96: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:96: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c: In function `pyetree_SPLAY_INSERT':
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c: In function `pyetree_SPLAY_REMOVE':
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c: In function `pyetree_SPLAY':
pyextend.c:97: storage size of `__node' isn't known
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: warning: unused variable `__node'
pyextend.c: In function `pyetree_SPLAY_MINMAX':
pyextend.c:97: storage size of `__node' isn't known
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:97: warning: unused variable `__node'
pyextend.c: At top level:
pyextend.c:107: parse error before "PyObject"
pyextend.c:107: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
pyextend.c:122: parse error before '}' token
pyextend.c:124: parse error before '*' token
pyextend.c:124: parse error before '*' token
pyextend.c:124: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `pyextend_readselector'
pyextend.c:124: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
pyextend.c:125: parse error before '*' token
pyextend.c:125: parse error before '*' token
pyextend.c:125: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `pyextend_writeselector'
pyextend.c:125: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
pyextend.c:126: parse error before '*' token
pyextend.c:126: parse error before '*' token
pyextend.c:126: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `pyextend_log'
pyextend.c:126: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
pyextend.c:128: parse error before "HoneydMethods"
pyextend.c:128: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `HoneydMethods'
pyextend.c:129: warning: braces around scalar initializer
pyextend.c:129: warning: (near initialization for `HoneydMethods[0]')
pyextend.c:129: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast
pyextend.c:129: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
pyextend.c:129: warning: (near initialization for `HoneydMethods[0]')
pyextend.c:129: `METH_VARARGS' undeclared here (not in a function)
pyextend.c:129: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
pyextend.c:129: warning: (near initialization for `HoneydMethods[0]')
pyextend.c:130: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
pyextend.c:130: warning: (near initialization for `HoneydMethods[0]')
pyextend.c:131: warning: braces around scalar initializer
pyextend.c:131: warning: (near initialization for `HoneydMethods[1]')
pyextend.c:131: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast
pyextend.c:131: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
pyextend.c:131: warning: (near initialization for `HoneydMethods[1]')
pyextend.c:131: `METH_VARARGS' undeclared here (not in a function)
pyextend.c:131: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
pyextend.c:131: warning: (near initialization for `HoneydMethods[1]')
pyextend.c:132: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
pyextend.c:132: warning: (near initialization for `HoneydMethods[1]')
pyextend.c:133: warning: braces around scalar initializer
pyextend.c:133: warning: (near initialization for `HoneydMethods[2]')
pyextend.c:133: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast
pyextend.c:133: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
pyextend.c:133: warning: (near initialization for `HoneydMethods[2]')
pyextend.c:133: `METH_VARARGS' undeclared here (not in a function)
pyextend.c:133: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
pyextend.c:133: warning: (near initialization for `HoneydMethods[2]')
pyextend.c:134: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
pyextend.c:134: warning: (near initialization for `HoneydMethods[2]')
pyextend.c:135: warning: braces around scalar initializer
pyextend.c:135: warning: (near initialization for `HoneydMethods[3]')
pyextend.c:135: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast
pyextend.c:135: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
pyextend.c:135: warning: (near initialization for `HoneydMethods[3]')
pyextend.c:135: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
pyextend.c:135: warning: (near initialization for `HoneydMethods[3]')
pyextend.c:135: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
pyextend.c:135: warning: (near initialization for `HoneydMethods[3]')
pyextend.c:136: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
pyextend.c:140: parse error before '*' token
pyextend.c:141: parse error before '*' token
pyextend.c:142: warning: return type defaults to `int'
pyextend.c: In function `pyextend_log':
pyextend.c:144: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:147: warning: implicit declaration of function `PyArg_ParseTuple'
pyextend.c:147: `args' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:147: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
pyextend.c:147: for each function it appears in.)
pyextend.c:154: warning: implicit declaration of function `Py_BuildValue'
pyextend.c:154: warning: return makes pointer from integer without a cast
pyextend.c: At top level:
pyextend.c:157: parse error before '*' token
pyextend.c:158: parse error before '*' token
pyextend.c:159: warning: return type defaults to `int'
pyextend.c: In function `pyextend_selector':
pyextend.c:162: `args' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:167: `ev' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:171: warning: return makes pointer from integer without a cast
pyextend.c: At top level:
pyextend.c:174: parse error before '*' token
pyextend.c:175: parse error before '*' token
pyextend.c:176: warning: return type defaults to `int'
pyextend.c: In function `pyextend_readselector':
pyextend.c:180: `args' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:180: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c: At top level:
pyextend.c:183: parse error before '*' token
pyextend.c:184: parse error before '*' token
pyextend.c:185: warning: return type defaults to `int'
pyextend.c: In function `pyextend_writeselector':
pyextend.c:188: `PyObject' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:188: `pValue' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:192: `args' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:192: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:200: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:200: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c: In function `pyextend_cbread':
pyextend.c:209: `PyObject' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:209: `pArgs' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:209: `pValue' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:209: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
pyextend.c:211: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:219: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:226: warning: implicit declaration of function `PyObject_CallObject'
pyextend.c:226: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:229: warning: implicit declaration of function `Py_DECREF'
pyextend.c:232: warning: implicit declaration of function `PyErr_Print'
pyextend.c: In function `pyextend_addbuffer':
pyextend.c:260: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:260: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:260: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c: In function `pyextend_cbwrite':
pyextend.c:268: `PyObject' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:268: `pArgs' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:268: `pValue' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:268: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
pyextend.c:270: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:278: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:286: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:288: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:291: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:292: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:293: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:300: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:307: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:317: warning: implicit declaration of function `PyString_AsStringAndSize'
pyextend.c:334: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c: In function `pyextend_init':
pyextend.c:351: `PyObject' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:351: `pModule' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:356: warning: implicit declaration of function `Py_Initialize'
pyextend.c:357: warning: implicit declaration of function `Py_GetPath'
pyextend.c:357: warning: passing arg 2 of `strlcpy' makes pointer from integer without a cast
pyextend.c:359: warning: implicit declaration of function `PySys_SetPath'
pyextend.c:361: warning: implicit declaration of function `Py_InitModule'
pyextend.c:362: warning: implicit declaration of function `PyModule_AddIntConstant'
pyextend.c: In function `pyextend_exit':
pyextend.c:371: warning: implicit declaration of function `Py_Finalize'
pyextend.c: In function `pyextend_load_module':
pyextend.c:386: `PyObject' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:386: `pName' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:386: `pModule' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:386: `pDict' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:386: `pFunc' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:386: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
pyextend.c:386: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
pyextend.c:386: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
pyextend.c:387: storage size of `tmp' isn't known
pyextend.c:402: warning: implicit declaration of function `PyString_FromString'
pyextend.c:403: warning: implicit declaration of function `PyImport_Import'
pyextend.c:413: warning: implicit declaration of function `PyModule_GetDict'
pyextend.c:415: warning: implicit declaration of function `PyDict_GetItemString'
pyextend.c:415: warning: implicit declaration of function `PyCallable_Check'
pyextend.c:420: sizeof applied to an incomplete type
pyextend.c:423: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:423: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:423: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:424: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:424: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:424: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:425: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:425: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:425: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:426: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:426: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:426: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:428: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:387: warning: unused variable `tmp'
pyextend.c: In function `pyextend_newstate':
pyextend.c:445: sizeof applied to an incomplete type
pyextend.c:449: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:450: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:451: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:452: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:454: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:454: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:454: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c: In function `pyextend_freestate':
pyextend.c:464: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:465: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:471: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:472: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:474: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:475: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c: In function `pyextend_connection_start':
pyextend.c:485: `PyObject' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:485: `pArgs' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:485: `pValue' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:485: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect
pyextend.c:491: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:497: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:497: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:498: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:498: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:503: warning: implicit declaration of function `PyTuple_New'
pyextend.c:519: warning: implicit declaration of function `PyTuple_SetItem'
pyextend.c:521: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:532: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c: In function `pyextend_connection_end':
pyextend.c:549: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:550: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:551: `PyObject' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:551: `pArgs' undeclared (first use in this function)
pyextend.c:556: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
pyextend.c:558: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
make: ** [pyextend.o] Erro 1

E não consigo avançar...

Muito obrigado

[3] Comentário enviado por tatototino em 23/09/2006 - 02:40h

root@servidor:~# honeyd -p /var/log/honeyd/conf/nmap.prints -f /var/log/honeyd/conf/honeyd.conf -x /var/log/honeyd/conf/xprobe2.conf -a /var/log/honeyd/conf/nmap.assoc

apareceu o seguinte:

Honeyd V1.0 Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Niels Provos
honeyd[5225]: started with -p /var/log/honeyd/conf/nmap.prints -f /var/log/honeyd/conf/honeyd.conf -x /var/log/honeyd/conf/xprobe2.conf -a /var/log/honeyd/conf/nmap.assoc

Warning: Impossible SI range in Class fingerprint "IBM OS/400 V4R2M0"
Warning: Impossible SI range in Class fingerprint "Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 SP3"
honeyd[5225]: listening promiscuously on eth0: (arp or ip proto 47 or (udp and src port 67 and dst port 68) or (ip )) and not ether src 00:0d:87:ef:a2:33
Honeyd starting as background process

vc saberia me dizer o que tem de errado?

[4] Comentário enviado por renanopel em 19/12/2007 - 11:21h

Também estou com esse último problema. Os OSs emulados do honeyd não tem um endereço MAC, logo não podem ter conectividade com outros hosts na rede, veja (o IP é o IP de um template):

# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable

# arp -a
? ( at <incomplete> on eth0

Se alguém puder ajudar obrigado.

[5] Comentário enviado por terranova em 07/04/2009 - 17:29h

Marcelo, provavelmente seu problema esta nesta linha pyextend.c:62:20: Python.h: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado, onde diz que não foi encontrado o arquivo Python.h
Instale o pacote onde se encotra esta bibliote e tente novamente.

[6] Comentário enviado por romulorocha em 20/03/2010 - 09:55h

Bom dia Jefferson, gostaria de parabelizar pelo seu trabalho, otima artigo, gostaria de saber qual e o distribuicao que vc esta usando, tenho varios amigos uns acha melhor fazer em UBUNTU, outros em OpenBSD, outras em Dedian ecth, gostaria de saber qual vc utilizou para a fazer este projeto.

Aguardo sua resposta.

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Romulo Rocha

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