Enviado em 01/10/2018 - 09:21h
Bom dia,
Director {
Name = "bacula9-dir"
Messages = "Daemon"
QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/scripts/query.sql"
WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/bacula"
PidDirectory = "/var/run"
MaximumConcurrentJobs = 20
Password = "p77fv0gkSPIBiujE8odnWSnGty3QFYIK6FvATdVLDPmC"
Client {
Name = "bacula9-fd"
Address = ""
FdPort = 9102
Password = "kN5OInI4GVwXjYTXKmup5IaaakVuDCzrcWOzZ+93Ofrf"
Catalog = "MyCatalog"
FileRetention = 5184000
JobRetention = 15552000
AutoPrune = yes
Client {
Name = "cwork-fd"
Description = "Sistema Ponto Cwork"
Address = ""
Password = "EJv20oDjZurlCk8TR57TgpWWARoQNOiemOMyNB9SyEyd"
Catalog = "MyCatalog"
SnapshotRetention = 2592000
Job {
Name = "BackupCatalog"
Level = "Full"
Fileset = "Catalog"
Schedule = "Incremental"
JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
WriteBootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/%n.bsr"
Runscript {
RunsWhen = "Before"
RunsOnClient = no
Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/make_catalog_backup.pl MyCatalog"
Runscript {
RunsWhen = "After"
RunsOnClient = no
Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/delete_catalog_backup"
Priority = 11
Job {
Name = "BackupClient1"
JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
Job {
Name = "CWork Full"
Description = "Backup Completo CWork - Mensal"
Type = "Backup"
Level = "Full"
Messages = "Daemon"
Storage = "Storage"
Pool = "File"
Client = "cwork-fd"
Fileset = "CWork"
Job {
Name = "Cwork"
Description = "Backup Segunda á Sexta Feira - Incremental"
Type = "Backup"
Level = "Incremental"
Messages = "Daemon"
Storage = "File1"
Pool = "File"
Client = "cwork-fd"
Fileset = "CWork"
Schedule = "Incremental"
MaximumConcurrentJobs = 20
Job {
Name = "RestoreFiles"
Type = "Restore"
Messages = "Standard"
Storage = "File1"
Pool = "File"
Client = "bacula9-fd"
Fileset = "Full Set"
Where = "/mnt/backup/bacula-restores"
Storage {
Name = "File1"
SdPort = 9103
Address = ""
Password = "h5UE/lPtZ9DSfiaox22XLhHkk/lzsCg3eDwYAhnUoLow"
Device = "FileChgr1"
MediaType = "File1"
Autochanger = "File1"
MaximumConcurrentJobs = 20
Storage {
Name = "Storage"
SdPort = 9103
Address = ""
Password = "h5UE/lPtZ9DSfiaox22XLhHkk/lzsCg3eDwYAhnUoLow"
Device = "Storage"
MediaType = "File2"
Autochanger = "Storage"
MaximumConcurrentJobs = 20
Storage {
Name = "StorageC"
Description = "Storage Correta"
Address = ""
Password = "h5UE/lPtZ9DSfiaox22XLhHkk/lzsCg3eDwYAhnUoLow"
Device = "Storage"
MediaType = "File2"
Autochanger = "StorageC"
Catalog {
Name = "MyCatalog"
Password = ""
User = "bacula"
DbName = "bacula"
Schedule {
Name = "Incremental"
Run = Level="Incremental" at 23:10
Schedule {
Name = "Inobram"
Run = Level="Full" 1st sun at 23:05
Run = Level="Differential" 2nd-5th sat at 23:05
Run = Level="Incremental" mon-sat at 23:05
Fileset {
Name = "CWork"
Include {
File = "c:/BACKUP2/"
Fileset {
Name = "Catalog"
Include {
File = "/var/lib/bacula/bacula.sql"
Options {
Signature = "Md5"
Fileset {
Name = "Full Set"
Include {
File = "/usr/sbin"
Options {
Signature = "Md5"
Exclude {
File = "/var/lib/bacula"
File = "/mnt/backup"
File = "/proc"
File = "/tmp"
File = "/sys"
File = "/.journal"
File = "/.fsck"
Pool {
Name = "Copia"
PoolType = "Backup"
Storage = "Storage"
AutoPrune = yes
Recycle = yes
Pool {
Name = "File"
PoolType = "Backup"
LabelFormat = "Vol-"
MaximumVolumes = 100
MaximumVolumeBytes = 53687091200
VolumeRetention = 31536000
NextPool = "Copia"
AutoPrune = yes
Recycle = yes
Messages {
Name = "Daemon"
MailCommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"(Bacula) <%r>\" -s \"Bacula daemon message\" %r"
Mail = sjoaopaulo@inobram.com.br = All, !Debug, !Saved, !Skipped
Append = /var/log/bacula.log = All, !Debug, !Saved, !Skipped
Console = All, !Debug, !Saved, !Skipped
Messages {
Name = "Standard"
MailCommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"(Bacula) <%r>\" -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
OperatorCommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"(Bacula) <%r>\" -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
Mail = sjoaopaulo@inobram.com.br = All, !Debug, !Saved, !Skipped
Append = /var/log/bacula.log = All, !Debug, !Saved, !Skipped
Console = All, !Debug, !Saved, !Skipped
Operator = sjoaopaulo@inobram.com.br = Mount
Catalog = All, !Debug, !Saved
Console {
Name = "bacula9-mon"
Password = "6dPAEoM2gqH7zGXyeBH3iO55Qqeq84IWCFa6zCgZq3q5"
CommandAcl = "status"
CommandAcl = ".status"
JobDefs {
Name = "DefaultJob"
Type = "Backup"
Level = "Incremental"
Messages = "Standard"
Storage = "File1"
Pool = "File"
Client = "bacula9-fd"
Fileset = "Full Set"
Schedule = "Inobram"
WriteBootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/%c.bsr"
SpoolAttributes = yes
Priority = 10
Director {
Name = "bacula9-dir"
Password = "h5UE/lPtZ9DSfiaox22XLhHkk/lzsCg3eDwYAhnUoLow"
Director {
Name = "bacula9-mon"
Password = "YPj9xQUU91bv1NBL38HsD1+3EPCMXhOKF2iTF2zDvJOk"
Monitor = yes
Storage {
Name = "bacula9-sd"
WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/bacula"
PidDirectory = "/var/run"
PluginDirectory = "/usr/lib64"
MaximumConcurrentJobs = 20
Device {
Name = "FileChgr1-Dev1"
MediaType = "File1"
ArchiveDevice = "/mnt/backup"
RemovableMedia = no
RandomAccess = yes
AutomaticMount = yes
LabelMedia = yes
AlwaysOpen = no
MaximumConcurrentJobs = 5
Device {
Name = "Storage"
MediaType = "File2"
ArchiveDevice = "/opt/externo"
RandomAccess = yes
AutomaticMount = yes
LabelMedia = yes
Description = "Storage de Backup Administrativo"
Messages {
Name = "Standard"
Director = bacula9-dir = All, !Debug, !Saved
Autochanger {
Name = "FileChgr1"
Device = "FileChgr1-Dev1"
Device = "Storage"
ChangerDevice = "/dev/null"
ChangerCommand = ""
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