Enviado em 19/10/2011 - 16:55h
Olá pessoal!
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include "execute.h"
#include "path.h"
#define BUFFER_SIZE 4096
using namespace std;
void sighandler(int sig)
// force the child process to exit...
syslog( LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_ERR), "Aborting request execution by timeout!" );
int my_system(const string &command, unsigned int timeout, string &output)
pid_t pid = fork();
/* Falhou o fork */
if( pid < 0 ){
syslog( LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_ERR), "Failed to create fork! Aborting plugin execution..." );
output = "Could not execute plugin: fork failed!";
return 3; // Unknown
/* Processo pai */
if( pid > 0 ){
int status;
if( wait(&status) == -1 ){
syslog( LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_ERR), "Could not retrieve the child process status!" );
output = "Could not execute plugin: failed to retrieve process status";
/* Execucao OK */
if( WIFEXITED(status) )
return WEXITSTATUS(status);
/* Execucao abortada por sinal */
else if( WIFSIGNALED(status) ){
output = "Could not execute plugin: execution aborted by signal (probably timeout)";
return WTERMSIG(status);
Se chegar aqui, ou nao pode dispara o wait
ou nao sabe como pegar o status de saida do child
return 3;
/* Processo filho, que ira executar o popen */
FILE* fp = NULL;
output = "";
int returnValue;
unsigned int tries = 0;
Se em 'timeout' segundos o plugin nao terminar
sua execucar, desvia para o 'sighandler'
e retorna 3 (i.e. UNKNOWN)
signal(SIGALRM, sighandler);
alarm (timeout);
char* final_command = (char*)malloc( BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(char) );
if( !final_command ){
syslog( LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_ERR), "Could not create the command line!" );
returnValue = -1;
goto finish;
Final Command = Command + [Redirect of 'stderr' to /dev/null]
sprintf( final_command, "%s 2> /dev/null", command.c_str() );
// run the command
fp = popen( final_command, "r" );
output = "";
Retorna erro se nao foi possivel rodar o comando,
ou le a saida do comando em caso de sucesso.
if( fp == NULL ){
syslog( LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_ERR), "command could not be executed: %s", command.c_str() );
returnValue = -1;
char buffer[ BUFFER_SIZE ];
while( fgets( buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, fp ) != NULL )
output += buffer;
returnValue = pclose( fp );
while( tries++ < 6 && ( returnValue < 0 || returnValue > 3 ) );
Em alguns sistemas o pclose retorna
o status de saida do comando executado
na parte alta da palavra.
Logo, se a saida do pclose for maior que 3 (valor maximo do plugin),
divide por 256 para colocar na parte baixa.
if( returnValue > 3 )
returnValue /= 256;
return 3;
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