(usa Ubuntu)
Enviado em 09/07/2015 - 16:15h
Boa Tarde pessoal!
Estou precisando criar um script para rodar os comandos abaixo. Para isto criei um arquivo
LimpaTabelas.SQL conforme abaixo:
mysql -u root -pSENHA zabbix;
truncate table history;
truncate table history_log;
truncate table history_str;
truncate table history_str_sync;
truncate table history_sync;
truncate table history_text;
truncate table history_uint;
truncate table history_uint_sync;
truncate table trends;
truncate table trends_uint;
optimize table history;
optimize table history_log;
optimize table history_str;
optimize table history_str_sync;
optimize table history_sync;
optimize table history_text;
optimize table history_uint;
optimize table history_uint_sync;
optimize table trends;
optimize table trends_uint;
Porém minha saida do script fica assim.... Devo estar fazendo algo de errado...
[root@s-pawu63 ~]# ./LimpaTabelas.sql
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4186934
Server version: 5.1.61 Source distribution
Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> exit
(eu digito o exit pois não sai nunca desta tela.....)
truncate: you must specify one of `--size' or `--reference'
Try `truncate --help' for more information.
truncate: you must specify one of `--size' or `--reference'
Try `truncate --help' for more information.
truncate: you must specify one of `--size' or `--reference'
Try `truncate --help' for more information.
truncate: you must specify one of `--size' or `--reference'
Try `truncate --help' for more information.
truncate: you must specify one of `--size' or `--reference'
Try `truncate --help' for more information.
truncate: you must specify one of `--size' or `--reference'
Try `truncate --help' for more information.
truncate: you must specify one of `--size' or `--reference'
Try `truncate --help' for more information.
truncate: you must specify one of `--size' or `--reference'
Try `truncate --help' for more information.
truncate: you must specify one of `--size' or `--reference'
Try `truncate --help' for more information.
truncate: you must specify one of `--size' or `--reference'
Try `truncate --help' for more information.
./LimpaTabelas.sql: line 12: optimize: command not found
./LimpaTabelas.sql: line 13: optimize: command not found
./LimpaTabelas.sql: line 14: optimize: command not found
./LimpaTabelas.sql: line 15: optimize: command not found
./LimpaTabelas.sql: line 16: optimize: command not found
./LimpaTabelas.sql: line 17: optimize: command not found
./LimpaTabelas.sql: line 18: optimize: command not found
./LimpaTabelas.sql: line 19: optimize: command not found
./LimpaTabelas.sql: line 20: optimize: command not found
./LimpaTabelas.sql: line 21: optimize: command not found
Alguma dica de como rodar este script com sucesso?