![caio abreu de souza caio abreu de souza](//static.vivaolinux.com.br/imagens/fotos/15d7856cb5859.jpg)
(usa Linux Mint)
Enviado em 12/07/2017 - 16:59h
Boa Tarde pessoal
eu estava tentando configurar os graficos do mupen64plus quando me deparei com um erro
__ __ __ _ _ ____ _
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|_| |_|\__,_| .__/ \___|_| |_|\___/ |_| |_| |_|\__,_|___/
Mupen64Plus Console User-Interface Version 2.5.0
UI-Console: attached to core library 'Mupen64Plus Core' version 2.5.0
UI-Console: Includes support for Dynamic Recompiler.
UI-Console: Includes support for MIPS r4300 Debugger.
UI-Console Warning: unrecognized command-line parameter '--saveoptions'
Core: Goodname: Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (E) (M4) (V1.0) [T-Ita0.9f_Vampire]
Core: MD5: 6F6BD6852B7F9D0F890CC58384D493B6
Core: CRC: E97955C6 BC338D38
Core: Imagetype: .z64 (native)
Core: Rom size: 33554432 bytes (or 32 Mb or 256 Megabits)
Core: Version: 144B
Core: Manufacturer: Nintendo
Core: Country: Europe (0x50)
UI-Console Status: Cheat codes disabled.
UI-Console: using Video plugin: 'Mupen64Plus OpenGL Video Plugin by Rice' v2.5.0
UI-Console: using Audio plugin: 'Mupen64Plus SDL Audio Plugin' v1.99.1
UI-Console: using Input plugin: 'Mupen64Plus SDL Input Plugin' v1.99.1
UI-Console: using RSP plugin: 'Hacktarux/Azimer High-Level Emulation RSP Plugin' v1.99.1
Core Error: incompatible Audio plugin
UI-Console Error: core error while attaching Audio plugin.
Core Status: Rom closed.
se alguém souber como resolver me ajude