(usa Ubuntu)
Enviado em 17/04/2011 - 14:04h
Pessoal, boa tarde!!
Estou tentando instalar o SAP na ubuntu porém a instalação não é concluida.
Baixei o instalador PlatinGUI-MacOSX-720.jar, dei permissão de execução ao mesmo. Executo o comando java -jar PlatinGUI-MacOSX-720.jar
Aparece a tela de WELCOME ...... Preciono Nest......
Depois demonstra o diretorio onde será salvo a instalação.... Dái acontece o erro informando o diretorio do log com o erro
17.04. 13:56:58.023 no external package for optional resource : /home/john/Downloads/Linux-gmux.jar
17.04. 13:56:58.024 load optional resource failed
17.04. 13:56:58.024 java.io.FileNotFoundException: JAR entry Linux-gmux.jar not found in /home/john/Downloads/PlatinGUIMaX_4-10006059.JAR
17.04. 13:56:58.024 Load native optional resource : Linux-graphics.jar
17.04. 13:56:58.024 no external package for optional resource : /home/john/Downloads/Linux-graphics.jar
17.04. 13:56:58.024 load optional resource failed
17.04. 13:56:58.024 java.io.FileNotFoundException: JAR entry Linux-graphics.jar not found in /home/john/Downloads/PlatinGUIMaX_4-10006059.JAR
17.04. 13:56:58.025 Load native resource : Linux-lib.jar
17.04. 13:56:58.025 ============================================================
17.04. 13:56:58.025 ERROR:MicroLoader.loadResource(): I/O error while loading resource jar:file:/home/john/Downloads/PlatinGUIMaX_4-10006059.JAR!/Linux-lib.jar: JAR entry Linux-lib.jar not found in /home/john/Downloads/PlatinGUIMaX_4-10006059.JAR
17.04. 13:56:58.025 ============================================================
17.04. 13:56:58.030 ##### ERROR #################################################################
17.04. 13:56:58.031 Installation of SAPGUI 7.20 rev 4 failed with fatal errors.
17.04. 13:56:58.031 #############################################################################
17.04. 13:56:58.031 ============================================================
17.04. 13:56:58.031 ERROR:Installation failed with fatal errors.
17.04. 13:56:58.031 The corresponding log file can be found here:
17.04. 13:56:58.031 "/home/john/guiinstall.log"
17.04. 13:56:58.031 Please consider removing the "/home/john/SAPClients/SAPGUI7.20rev4" folder manually.
17.04. 13:56:58.031 ============================================================
17.04. 13:57:00.204 ============================================================
Peço ajuda para a solução deste....