(usa Outra)
Enviado em 12/06/2018 - 22:05h
madrugada escreveu:
heber7000 escreveu:
madrugada escreveu:
A equipe do KDE portou os temas oxygen e breeze para gtk2 e gtk3 para manter um ambiente com harmonia mesmo usando aplicativos que façam uso dessas bibliotecas. Procure no repositório da sua distro. Estes temas já deve constar lá em forma de pacotes.
Sabe os Comandos no Terminal para Instalar?
Para procurar estes pacotes você pode usar:
sudo apt-cache search oxygen
sudo apt-cache search breeze
Creio que isso deve ajudar à encontrar os pacotes.
Posta o retorno desses comandos.
Oxygen apareceu:
corosync-doc - cluster engine HTML documentation
doxygen - Documentation system for C, C++, Java, Python and other languages
doxygen-doc - Documentation for doxygen
libapt-pkg-doc - documentation for APT development
libdvbv5-doc - Doxygen generated documentation for libdvbv5
libjsoncpp-doc - API documentation for libjsoncpp-dev
liblzma-doc - XZ-format compression library - API documentation
pacemaker-doc - cluster resource manager HTML documentation
argagg-dev-doc - Argument Aggregator - Simple C++11 command line argument parser - source doc
breathe-doc - Sphinx autodox support for languages with doxygen support (documentation)
breathe-icon-theme - A fresh and modern icon theme for Ubuntu
caffe-doc - Caffe's doxygen docs and examples
claws-mail-themes - Pixmap icon themes for the Claws Mail mailer
cmake-extras - Extra CMake utility modules
codelite - Powerful and lightweight IDE
codelite-plugins - Powerful and lightweight IDE - plugins
colobot-dev-doc - educational programming strategy game - source doc
doxygen-gui - GUI configuration tool for doxygen
doxygen-latex - Documentation system for C, C++, Java, Python and other languages
doxypy - Python input filter for Doxygen
doxyqml - QML filter for Doxygen
eclipse-eclox - simple doxygen frontend plug-in for Eclipse
efl-doc - Documentation for the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
fdpowermon-icons - icons for fdpowermon
ffmpeg-doc - Documentation of the FFmpeg multimedia framework
fonts-oxygen - Oxygen font family
fusiondirectory-theme-oxygen - Icon theme Oxygen for FusionDirectory
gfal2-doc - Documentation for gfal2
global - Source code search and browse tools
gnuift-doc - Documentation for gnuift
gr-fosphor - gnuradio fosphor block (GPU spectrum display)
gr-radar-doc - GNU Radio Radar Toolbox - Documentation
gtk2-engines-oxygen - Oxygen widget theme for GTK+-based applications
imagemagick-6-doc - document files of ImageMagick
kapidox - API documentation generation tool for KDE frameworks
kcolorchooser - color chooser and palette editor
kde-style-oxygen - transitional dummy package
kde-style-oxygen-qt4 - Qt 4 decoration for the Oxygen desktop theme
kde-style-oxygen-qt5 - Qt decoration for the Oxygen desktop theme
kwin-decoration-oxygen - KWin decoration for the Oxygen desktop theme
libaria-dev-doc - C++ library for MobileRobots/ActivMedia robots (devel docs)
libcassie-doc - documentation for cassiopee library
libclipper-doc - doxygen generated documentation for libclipper
libcoap-1-0-doc - C-Implementation of CoAP - HTML based documentation files
libdime-doc - DXF Import, Manipulation, and Export library - devel
libdoxygen-filter-perl - Methods for pre-filtering Perl code for Doxygen
libghc-highlighting-kate-dev - syntax highlighting library based on Kate syntax descriptions
libghc-highlighting-kate-doc - library documentation for highlighting-kate; documentation
libghc-highlighting-kate-prof - highlighting-kate library with profiling enabled; profiling libraries
libgpiod-doc - C library for interacting with Linux GPIO device - library documentation
libgpiv3-doc - library for Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) - documentation
libgpp4-doc - doxygen generated documentation for libgpp4
liblightify-doc - library to control OSRAM Lightify -- API documentation
liblog4cxx-doc - Documentation for log4cxx
liblog4shib-doc - log4j-style configurable logging library for C++ (API docs)
libloki-doc - C++ library of generic design patterns (documentation)
libmediainfo-doc - library for reading metadata from media files -- documentation
libmia-2.4-doc - library for 2D and 3D gray scale image processing, documentation
libodsstream-doc - doxygen documentation of the ODSstream library
libopenvas-doc - remote network security auditor - libraries documentation
libosl-doc - library for Shogi playing programs
liboxygenstyle5-5 - style library for the Oxygen desktop theme
liboxygenstyleconfig5-5 - style library configuration for the Oxygen desktop theme
libpcl-doc - Point Cloud Library - documentation
libpuma-doc - C/C++/AspectC++ Scanner and Parsers
libreoffice-style-oxygen - office productivity suite -- Oxygen symbol style
libsaml2-doc - Security Assertion Markup Language library (API docs)
libuhd-dev - universal hardware driver for Ettus Research products - headers
libviennacl-doc - ViennaCL API and user documentation
libvisp-doc - visual servoing library - documentation
libvmime1-doc - C++ mail library (API documentation)
libxmltooling-doc - C++ XML parsing library with encryption support (API docs)
libzen-doc - ZenLib C++ utility library -- documentation
lmdb-doc - Lightning Memory-Mapped Database doxygen documentation
mm-common - Common build files of the GNOME C++ bindings
mscgen - Message Sequence Chart (MSC) generator
msxpertsuite-dev-doc - mass spectrometry software suite - developer doc
ns3-doc - documentation for ns3
omnievents-doc - omniORB event service documentation
opendnssec-doc - documentation for OpenDNSSEC suite
opensurgsim-doc - Free platform for surgical simulation - documentation
oxygen-cursor-theme - Oxygen mouse cursor theme
oxygen-cursor-theme-extra - Oxygen mouse cursor theme - extra colors
oxygen-icon-theme - Oxygen icon theme
oxygen-molecule - GTK+ theme to match the Oxygen widget style
oxygen-sounds - Sounds for the Oxygen desktop theme
oxygen5-icon-theme - Transitional package for oxygen-icon-theme
plasma-theme-oxygen - Look-and-feel for the Oxygen desktop theme
python-breathe - Sphinx autodox support for languages with doxygen support (Python 2)
python3-breathe - Sphinx autodox support for languages with doxygen support (Python 3)
qtgstreamer-doc - QtGStreamer API documentation
r-cran-rinside - GNU R package to embed R in C++ application
scim-dev-doc - development documentation for SCIM platform
simbody-doc - SimTK multibody dynamics API - Documentation
stx-btree-doc - b+tree implementation in c++, doxygen documentation
thepeg-reference - Code reference of ThePEG
uhd-host - universal hardware driver for Ettus Research products - host apps
midisport-firmware - Firmware loader for M-Audio's MidiSport devices
Breeze Apareceu:
hbrmetal@hbrmetal-VirtualBox:~$ sudo apt-cache search breeze
libreoffice-style-breeze - office productivity suite -- Breeze symbol style
breeze - Default Plasma theme (meta-package).
breeze-cursor-theme - Default Plasma cursor theme.
breeze-dev - Default Plasma theme (development files).
breeze-gtk-theme - GTK theme built to match KDE's Breeze
breeze-icon-theme - Default Plasma icon theme.
breeze-icon-theme-rcc - Default Plasma icon theme in binary resource.
breeze-icons-rcc - Transitional package for breeze-icon-theme-rcc
compass-normalize-plugin - Sass version of Normalize.css
golang-github-bluebreezecf-opentsdb-goclient-dev - Go client for OpenTSDB REST API
grub-theme-breeze - Breeze theme for Grub 2
gtk3-engines-breeze - Transitional package for KDE's Breeze
kde-style-breeze - Widget style for Qt and KDE Software
kde-style-breeze-qt4 - Widget style for Qt 4 and KDE Software
kwin-style-breeze - KWin Breeze Style
libapache2-mod-passenger - Rails and Rack support for Apache2
libapp-fatpacker-perl - module to pack dependencies onto script files
libsass-dev - C/C++ port of the Sass CSS precompiler - development headers
libsass0 - C/C++ port of the Sass CSS precompiler
libsass0-dbg - C/C++ port of the Sass CSS precompiler - debugging symbols
monitoring-plugins-standard - Plugins for nagios compatible monitoring systems (standard)
node-mqtt-packet - parse and generate MQTT packets
passenger - Rails and Rack support
passenger-doc - Rails and Rack support for Apache2 - Documentation
plasma-look-and-feel-org-kde-breezedark-desktop - Dark Breeze look-and-feel for Plasma
plymouth-theme-breeze - Breeze theme for Plymouth
qml-module-qtquick-controls-styles-breeze - QtQuick style for Qt and KDE Software
qt5ct - Qt5 Configuration Utility
ruby-fog-local - Module for the 'fog' gem to support local filesystem storage
ruby-fog-voxel - module for the 'fog' gem to support Voxel
ruby-fog-xml - XML parsing for fog providers
ruby-will-paginate - Pagination for Rails
sassc - C/C++ port of the Sass CSS precompiler - command-line tool
sddm-theme-breeze - Breeze SDDM theme
xfwm4-theme-breeze - Breeze theme files for xfwm4