Noticia: MySQL To Be Ikea Of The Database Market [RESOLVIDO]

1. Noticia: MySQL To Be Ikea Of The Database Market [RESOLVIDO]

Diego Rodrigo Machado

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 07/10/2005 - 10:15h

Rob wrote to mention an article discussing MySQL's intent to become 'the Ikea of databases'. From the piece: "While new entrants into the open source database market, such as EnterpriseDB and Pervasive Software, have made no secret of their intentions to chase Oracle's market share, Mr Mickos said MySQL is happy to leave them to it. 'We are thankful that they are there to define the market, there is no product if you're the only vendor,' he said. "Pervasive and EnterpriseDB are going up against Oracle. We don't want to be in that space, we don't want to take the heat from Oracle. If you're working in a zoo you don't want to be the one who has to brush the teeth of the lion.'"



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