(usa Outra)
Enviado em 09/09/2018 - 02:06h
Sei que você esta instalando o NetBSD na arquitetura PC 32bits. Passei por algo semelhante quanto fui instalar o NetBSD 8.0 para arquitetura PC 64bits. No meu caso só consegui instalar o NetBSD 8.0 em modo BIOS Legacy (nada de UEFI) e com o disco no padrão MBR (nada de GPT). Quando tentava instalar o NetBSD 8.0 em modo BIOS Legacy com o disco/HD no padrão GPT apresentava o erro: Can't load bootloader
Para criar o pendrive de instalação do NetBSD 8.0 usei as informações do link abaixo:
NetBSD Wiki/tutorials/ how to install netbsd from an usb memory stick
This describes how to install NetBSD (i386/amd64) using a Memory Stick instead of a CD-ROM Drive.
Copying the installation image to the memory stick
To prepare the memory stick under a Unix system you can just use dd(1). Whenever using dd(1), remember to set the blocksize by specifying the bs parameter in order to speed up the write to the installation media a bit (e.g. 1m). For example if the memory stick is recognized as sd0 (Warning: this will overwrite all the contents on your memory stick):
# gunzip NetBSD-7.0-amd64-install.img.gz
# dd if=NetBSD-7.0-amd64-install.img of=/dev/rsd0d bs=1m
In the previous command we have used rsd0d in order to refer to the whole sd0 disk.
On Linux the command is similar although it need some minor adjustments, if the memory stick is recognized as sdb (Warning: this will overwrite all the contents on your memory stick):
# gunzip NetBSD-7.0-amd64-install.img.gz
# dd if=NetBSD-7.0-amd64-install.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1M
On Windows you can use rawrite32 to copy the image to the stick.
1m will not work on Linux. m must be CAPITAL not lower char.
# dd if=NetBSD-7.0-i386-install.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1M conv=sync
Comment by buhara13 — 2 years and 6 months ago