(usa Ubuntu)
Enviado em 05/05/2013 - 23:48h
Pessoal, preciso de uma ajudinha... li vários tutoriais e dicas aqui no VOL, referentes à instalação do Squid, pois eu gostaria de configurar um servidor para ajudar minha internet, que oscila muito, pois tenho 50 computadores utilizando simultaneamente uma conexão de 50 MB e quem esta fazendo todo o serviço é o modem... distribuindo a internet e os ips, e nem sempre o modem é justo na distribuição da conexão.
Não tenho necessidade de criar restrições de sites ou serviços, basta que eu consiga garantir que todos naveguem e não caiam, quando alguem resolve fazer um download.
Tenho um computador sobrando e pensei nele para isso, é um P4 HT 3.06 com 512Mb e HD de 80GB, entao instalei o Ubuntu 12.04, o squid e o webmin, pra ver se facilitava a minha vida.
Lendo as dicas, montei uma configuração do squid.conf que acabou gerando o erro abaixo, alguem consegue me dizer o que tenho que fazer para resolver, ou me dar uma dica do que resolveria o meu problema?
Inicializar Cache
Parando squid ...
.. Concluído
Iniciando o cache do Squid com o comando squid3 -f /etc/squid3/squid.conf -z ..
2013/05/05 23:27:15| ERROR: '' needs to be replaced by the term 'all'.
2013/05/05 23:27:15| SECURITY NOTICE: Overriding config setting. Using 'all' instead.
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: (B) '::/0' is a subnetwork of (A) '::/0'
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: because of this '::/0' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: You should probably remove '::/0' from the ACL named 'all'
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: the "Hs" formating code is deprecated use the ">Hs" instead
2013/05/05 23:27:15| ERROR: '' needs to be replaced by the term 'all'.
2013/05/05 23:27:15| SECURITY NOTICE: Overriding config setting. Using 'all' instead.
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: (B) '::/0' is a subnetwork of (A) '::/0'
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: because of this '::/0' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: You should probably remove '::/0' from the ACL named 'all'
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: Netmasks are deprecated. Please use CIDR masks instead.
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: IPv4 netmasks are particularly nasty when used to compare IPv6 to IPv4 ranges.
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: For now we will assume you meant to write /32
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: Netmasks are deprecated. Please use CIDR masks instead.
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: IPv4 netmasks are particularly nasty when used to compare IPv6 to IPv4 ranges.
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: For now we will assume you meant to write /0
2013/05/05 23:27:15| Warning: empty ACL: acl liberado src "/etc/squid3/liberado"
2013/05/05 23:27:15| Warning: empty ACL: acl bloqueado src "/etc/squid3/bloqueado"
2013/05/05 23:27:15| cache_cf.cc(381) parseOneConfigFile: squid.conf:50 unrecognized: 'delay'
2013/05/05 23:27:15| ERROR: Error Directory /usr/share/squid/errors/Portuguese: (2) No such file or directory
FATAL: Error Directory /usr/share/squid/errors/Portuguese: (2) No such file or directory
Squid Cache (Version 3.1.19): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.008 seconds = 0.008 user + 0.000 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 58864 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0
Falhou ao reiniciar o Squid ..
2013/05/05 23:27:15| ERROR: '' needs to be replaced by the term 'all'.
2013/05/05 23:27:15| SECURITY NOTICE: Overriding config setting. Using 'all' instead.
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: (B) '::/0' is a subnetwork of (A) '::/0'
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: because of this '::/0' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: You should probably remove '::/0' from the ACL named 'all'
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: the "Hs" formating code is deprecated use the ">Hs" instead
2013/05/05 23:27:15| ERROR: '' needs to be replaced by the term 'all'.
2013/05/05 23:27:15| SECURITY NOTICE: Overriding config setting. Using 'all' instead.
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: (B) '::/0' is a subnetwork of (A) '::/0'
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: because of this '::/0' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: You should probably remove '::/0' from the ACL named 'all'
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: Netmasks are deprecated. Please use CIDR masks instead.
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: IPv4 netmasks are particularly nasty when used to compare IPv6 to IPv4 ranges.
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: For now we will assume you meant to write /32
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: Netmasks are deprecated. Please use CIDR masks instead.
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: IPv4 netmasks are particularly nasty when used to compare IPv6 to IPv4 ranges.
2013/05/05 23:27:15| WARNING: For now we will assume you meant to write /0
2013/05/05 23:27:15| Warning: empty ACL: acl liberado src "/etc/squid3/liberado"
2013/05/05 23:27:15| Warning: empty ACL: acl bloqueado src "/etc/squid3/bloqueado"
2013/05/05 23:27:15| cache_cf.cc(381) parseOneConfigFile: squid.conf:50 unrecognized: 'delay'
2013/05/05 23:27:15| ERROR: Error Directory /usr/share/squid/errors/Portuguese: (2) No such file or directory
FATAL: Error Directory /usr/share/squid/errors/Portuguese: (2) No such file or directory
Squid Cache (Version 3.1.19): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.008 seconds = 0.004 user + 0.004 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 15120 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0
Valeu galera, abraços!!