SBoupgrade - Atualize seu SlackBuild!
Publicado por edps em 23/04/2015
[ Hits: 2.242 ]
#!/bin/bash # Script written by Michales Michaloudes ( for the SlackBuild community. # Feel free to modify it, or to take the project to higher levels :) # # Use it at your own risk. # Variables SOURCES=${SOURCES:-../../sources} # the folder with the sources. I suggest to use relative path. TEMPLATEFOLDER=${TEMPLATEFOLDER:-~/SlackBuilds} # the folder with template.README template.SlackBuild template.slack-desc if [ "$2" = "" ]; then APPNAME=$(ls *.SlackBuild | gawk -F'.SlackBuild' ' { print $1 } ') echo "You didn't provided program name, guessed: $APPNAME." else APPNAME=$2 fi . $ if [ "$1" = "" ]; then NEWVERSION=$(ls -t1 $APPNAME*.tar* | head -1 | sed -e 's/.*-//' -e 's/.tar.*//g') echo "You didn't provided version, guessed: $NEWVERSION." else NEWVERSION=$1 fi echo -e "\nUpdating with $APPNAME-$NEWVERSION." SOURCE=$(ls $APPNAME-$NEWVERSION.tar.* | sort | head -1) # Append the md5sum to the info file if [ -e $SOURCE ]; then MD5SUMPRG=$(md5sum $SOURCE | cut -c 1-32) else echo "ERROR, source absent?" exit 1 fi #----------------------------- #- SED bonanza - #----------------------------- # All files like slack-desc, Slackbuild, info will have the correct application name to be compiled # find $TEMPLATEFOLDER/$NEWVERSION/$APPNAME -name $APPNAME.\* -exec sed -i "s/appname/$APPNAME/g" {} \; # APPURL=$(cat ${SOURCES}/${APPNAME}.link) sed -i "s/VERSION:-.*}/VERSION:-$NEWVERSION}/g" ./$APPNAME.SlackBuild sed -i "s/VERSION=\".*\"/VERSION=\"$NEWVERSION\"/g" ./$ sed -i "s/MD5SUM=\".*\"/MD5SUM=\"${MD5SUMPRG}\"/g" ./$ sed -i "s,$VERSION,$NEWVERSION,g" ./$ echo echo "Check for yourself for errors." grep $APPNAME $ grep VERSION $APPNAME.SlackBuild # vi $
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