wine (config)


Categoria: Games

Software: wine

[ Hits: 19.105 ]

Por: Daniel Viana Auler Plebeuz

      Acredito que está seja minha primeira contribuição real para a comunidade linux, eu desenvolvi um conf para wine que emula muitas dlls, eu analisei varios confs por ai(cedega, xwine, e mais alguns), com esta conf eu consegui rodar e jogar counter strike, rodar um programa em PB, eu deixo aqui para que outros possam utilizaqr e melhora-la, e para mim mesmo poder baixar no futuro(em caso de perda), espero que seja útil, para utiliza-la, instale o wine com seu usuário e entre na pasta ~/.wine (a pasta .wine eh criada dentro do seu diretorio de usuário), e crie um arquivo config e coloque o conteudo dessa config dentro.

;; All keys relative to \\Machine\\Software\\Wine\\Wine\\Config

;; If you think it is necessary to show others your complete config for a
;; bug report, filter out empty lines and comments with
;; grep -v "^;" ~/.wine/config | grep '.'

[Drive C]
"Path" = "/root/.wine/drive_c/"
"Type" = "hd"
"Label" = "MS-DOS"
"Filesystem" = "win95"

[Drive D]
"Path" = "${HOME}"
"Type" = "hd"
"Label" = "My Home"
"Filesystem" = "win95"

[Drive E]
"Path" = "/tmp"
"Type" = "hd"
"Label" = "tmp"
"Filesystem" = "win95"
[Drive G]
"Path" = "/"
"Type" = "hd"
"Label" = "root"
"Filesystem" = "win95"

"Windows" = "c:\\windows"
"GraphicsDriver" = "x11drv"
"System" = "c:\\windows\\system\\"
"Temp" = "e:\\"
"Path" = "c:\\windows\\;c:\\windows\\system\\"
"GraphicsDriver" = "x11drv" 

;"ShowDirSymlinks" = "1"
;"ShowDotFiles" = "1"

# [wineconf]

; Windows version to imitate (win95,win98,winme,nt351,nt40,win2k,winxp,win2k3,win20,win30,win31)
"Windows" = "nt40"
; DOS version to imitate
"DOS" = "6.22"

; Be careful here, wrong DllOverrides settings have the potential
; to pretty much kill your setup.
; some dlls you may want to change
"PBVM90"="builtin, native"
"Run32"="builtin, native"
"Rundll32.exe"="native, builtin"
"User32"= "builtin"
"riched20"="builtin, native"
"msi" = "native, builtin"
"msiexec.exe" = "builtin, native"
"ntdll"        = "builtin, native"
"oleaut32"     = "builtin, native"
"ole32"        = "builtin, native"
"shdocvw"      = "builtin, native"
"advapi32"     = "builtin, native"
"msvcrt"       = "native, builtin"
"mciavi.drv"   = "native, builtin"
"mcianim.drv"  = "native, builtin"
"d3drm"        = "native, builtin"
"d3dxof"       = "native, builtin"
"dpnhpast"     = "native, builtin"
"avicap32"     = "builtin";Hardware related
"capi2032"     = "builtin";Completely implemented
"comdlg32"     = "builtin";thunk
"ctl3d32"      = "builtin";thunk
"dbghelp"      = "builtin";Native version won't work
"ddeml"        = "builtin";
"ddraw"        = "builtin";Hardware related
"ddrawex"      = "builtin";Hardware related
"dispdib"      = "builtin, native";Completely implemented
"display.drv"  = "builtin";Hardware related
"dmusic32"     = "builtin";thunk
"dplay"        = "builtin";
"dplayx"       = "builtin";
"dpnet"        = "builtin";
"dswave"       = "builtin";Hardware related
"dxdiagn"      = "builtin";
"gdi.exe"      = "builtin";Hardware related
"gdi32"        = "builtin";Hardware related
"glu32"        = "builtin";Hardware related
"gult32"       = "builtin";Hardware related
"icmp"         = "builtin";Hardware related
"icwconn1.exe" = "builtin";Prevent from loading Connection Wizard
"ifsmgr.vxd"   = "builtin";Completely implemented
"imaadp32.acm" = "builtin";Completely implemented
"imm"          = "builtin";Special hack needed
"imm32"        = "builtin";Special hack needed
"iphlpapi"     = "builtin";Hardware related
"joystick.drv" = "builtin";Hardware related
"kernel32"     = "builtin";Hardware related
"keyboard.drv" = "builtin";Hardware related
"krnl386.exe"  = "builtin";Hardware related
"mmsystem"     = "builtin";Hardware related
"mouse.drv"    = "builtin";Hardware related
"msadp32.acm"  = "builtin";Completely implemented
"msvidc32"     = "builtin";Completely implemented
"mswsock"      = "builtin";Hardware related
"newdev"       = "builtin";Hardware related
"ntdll"        = "builtin";Hardware related
"psapi"        = "builtin";Hardware related
"rasapi16"     = "builtin";Hardware related
"rasapi32"     = "builtin";Hardware related
"serialui"     = "builtin";Hardware related
"setupapi"     = "builtin";thunk
"shell"        = "builtin";Special hack needed
"shell32"      = "builtin";Special hack needed
"snmpapi"      = "builtin";Hardware related
"sound"        = "builtin";Hardware related
"sti"          = "builtin";Hardware related
"system.drv"   = "builtin";Hardware related
"tapi32"       = "builtin";Hardware related
"toolhelp"     = "builtin";Hardware related
"twain"        = "builtin";Hardware related
"twain_32"     = "builtin";Hardware related
"user.exe"     = "builtin";Hardware related
"user32"       = "builtin";Hardware related
"ver"          = "builtin";Special hack needed
"version"      = "builtin";Special hack needed
"vnbt.vxd"     = "builtin";
"vtdapi.vxd"   = "builtin";
"vwin32.vxd"   = "builtin";Hardware related
"w32skrnl"     = "builtin";Hardware related
"w32sys"       = "builtin";Hardware related
"win32s16"     = "builtin";Hardware related
"win87em"      = "builtin";Hardware related
"winaspi"      = "builtin";Hardware related
"wing"         = "builtin";Hardware related
"winmm"        = "builtin";Hardware related
"winnls32"     = "builtin";thunk
"winsock"      = "builtin";Hardware related
"wintab"       = "builtin";Hardware related
"wintab32"     = "builtin";Hardware related
"wnaspi32"     = "builtin";Hardware related
"wow32"        = "builtin";
"wprocs"       = "builtin";Hardware related
"ws2_32"       = "builtin";Hardware related
"wsock32"      = "builtin";Hardware related
"commdlg"      = "builtin, native"
"comdlg32"     = "builtin, native"
"ver"          = "builtin, native"
"version"      = "builtin, native"
"shell"        = "builtin, native"
"shell32"      = "builtin, native"
"shfolder"     = "builtin, native"
"shlwapi"      = "builtin, native"
"lzexpand"     = "builtin, native"
"lz32"         = "builtin, native"
"comctl32"     = "native, builtin"
"commctrl"     = "builtin, native"
"advapi32"     = "builtin, native"
"crtdll"       = "builtin, native"
"mpr"          = "builtin, native"
"winspool.drv" = "builtin, native"
"d3d8"         = "builtin, native"
"d3d9"         = "builtin, native"
"d3drm"        = "builtin, native"
"ddraw"        = "builtin, native"
"dinput"       = "builtin, native"
"dinput8"      = "builtin, native"
"dmusic"       = "builtin, native"
"dsound"       = "builtin, native"
"opengl32"     = "builtin, native"
"msvcrt"       = "native, builtin"
"rpcrt4"       = "native, builtin"
"msvideo"      = "builtin, native"
"msvfw32"      = "builtin, native"
"mcicda.drv"   = "builtin, native"
"mciseq.drv"   = "builtin, native"
"mciwave.drv"  = "builtin, native"
"mciavi.drv"   = "native, builtin"
"mcianim.drv"  = "native, builtin"
"msacm.drv"    = "builtin, native"
"msacm"        = "builtin, native"
"msacm32"      = "builtin, native"
"midimap.drv"  = "builtin, native"  
"wininet"      = "builtin, native"
"riched20"     = "builtin, native"
"riched32"     = "builtin, native"
; you can specify applications too
; this one will apply for all notepad.exe
;"*notepad.exe" = "native, builtin"
; this one will apply only for a particular file
;"C:\\windows\\regedit.exe" = "native, builtin"
; default for all other dlls
"*" = "builtin, native"

; Number of colors to allocate from the system palette
"AllocSystemColors" = "100"
; Use a private color map
"PrivateColorMap" = "N"
; Favor correctness over speed in some graphics operations
"PerfectGraphics" = "N"
; Color depth to use on multi-depth screens
"ScreenDepth" = "16"
; Allow the window manager to manage created windows
;"Managed" = "Y"
; Use a desktop window of 640x480 for Wine
;"Desktop" = "640x480"
; Use XFree86 DGA extension if present
; (make sure /dev/mem is accessible by you !)
"UseDGA" = "N"
"UseXShm" = "Y"
; Use XVidMode extension if present
"UseXVidMode" = "Y"
"DXGrab" = "Y"
; Use XRandR extension if present
"UseXRandR" = "N"
; Use the take focus protocol
"UseTakeFocus" = "N"
; Enable DirectX mouse grab
"DXGrab" = "Y"
; Create the desktop window with a double-buffered visual
; (useful to play OpenGL games)
"DesktopDoubleBuffered" = "Y"
"TextCP" = "0"
"VideoRam" = "32"

; Run in synchronous mode (useful for debugging X11 problems)
;;"Synchronous" = "Y"
; Use the Render extension to render client side fonts (default "Y")
;;"ClientSideWithRender" = "Y"
; Fallback on X core requests to render client side fonts (default "Y")
;;"ClientSideWithCore" = "Y"
; Set both of the previous two to "N" in order to force X11 server side fonts
; Anti-alias fonts if using the Render extension (default "Y")
;;"ClientSideAntiAliasWithRender" = "Y"
; Anti-alias fonts if using core requests fallback (default "Y")
;;"ClientSideAntiAliasWithCore" = "Y"

"AnisotropicTextureFiltering" = "N"
"VertexShaders" = "Y"
; type of vertex shaders to use (Hardware/Software/Auto)
; hardware will use whatever the opengl drivers make available
; software will use winex software emulation (will be slow!)
; (has not been implemented yet!)
;; "VertexShaderMode" = "Auto"
"PixelShaders" = "Y"
; Which version of pixel shaders to attempt to use, if available
;;"PixelShadersLevel" = "1.1"
"ClipSpaceFix" = "Y"
; enable software vertex blend weight support (Yes/No/Auto)
; provide software blending fallback if hardware support not available
; (has not been implemented yet!)
;; "SoftwareVertexBlending" = "Auto" 
; (dev-only) Maximum number of texture stages that WineX should attempt to use (1-8)
;; "MaxTextureStages" = "8"
; (dev-only) Identify polygons under the mouse cursor
;; "InterceptMode" = "N"
; (dev-only) apply fragment translation in vertex program (No/Tex/Auto/Pos)
;;"FragmentOffset" = "Auto"
; use the fixed function over vertex shader pipeline (Yes/No/Auto)
;;"FixedProgram" = "Auto"
; (dev-only) Provide non power of two texture support using rectangle textures (Yes/No/Auto)
;;"RectangleTextures" = "Auto"

; Report a truncated list of OpenGL extensions to the application
;;"FixedGLExtensionBuffer" = "N"
; list of additions (+) or deletions (-) to the list of extensions
; reported when FixedGLExtensionBuffer is enabled. Note that extensions
; cannot be enabled if they are not supported by your video card/drivers
;;"GLExtensionBuffer" = "+GL_ARB_imaging,-GL_ARB_depth_texture"

; dead zone for joystick input from 0 to 10000. 1000 is 10% of range.
"DefaultDeadZone" = "1000"

;; Configuration of the function of joystick axes
;; The joystick name and axis functions can be determined with jstest.
;; The available axis types are:
;;   "none", "X", "Y", "Z", "RX", "RY", "RZ",
;;   "slider", "hat", "POV", and "ball"
;; "hat" and "POV" are synonymous. Hats use two axes.

"Logitech Inc. WingMan RumblePad" = "X,Y,slider,Z,RZ,hat,none"

;Read the Fonts topic in the Wine User Guide before adding aliases
"Default" = "-adobe-times-"

;See a couple of examples for russian users below
;"Default" = "-adobe-times-"
;"DefaultFixed" = "fixed"
;"DefaultSerif" = "-adobe-times-"
;"DefaultSansSerif" = "-adobe-times-"

;; default TrueType fonts with russian koi8-r encoding
;"Default" = "-monotype-arial-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r"
;"DefaultFixed" = "-monotype-courier new-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r"
"Pattern0" = "-adobe-times*"
"Pattern1" = "-adobe-helvetica*"
"Pattern2" = "-adobe-courier*"
"Pattern3" = "-misc-fixed*"

;"DefaultSerif" = "-monotype-times new roman-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r"
;"DefaultSansSerif" = "-monotype-arial-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r"
;; default cyrillic bitmap X fonts
;"Default" = "-cronyx-helvetica-"
;"DefaultFixed" = "fixed"
;"DefaultSerif" = "-cronyx-times-"
;"DefaultSansSerif" = "-cronyx-helvetica-"

; the TrueType font dirs you want to make accessible to wine
;"dir1" = "/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType"
;"dir2" = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype"
;"dir3" ="/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TT"
;"dir4" = "/usr/share/fonts/TT"

"MS Serif"="Times New Roman"
"MS Sans Serif"="Arial"

;; key:  io-base of the emulated port
;; value : parport-device{,timeout}
;; timeout for auto closing an open device ( not yet implemented)
;"378" = "/dev/parport0"
;"278" = "/dev/parport1"
;"3bc" = "/dev/parport2"

"FILE:" = ""
"LPT1:" = "|lpr"
"LPT2:" = "|gs -sDEVICE=bj200 -sOutputFile=/tmp/fred -q -"
"LPT3:" = "/dev/lp3"

;"read"  = "0x779,0x379,0x280-0x2a0"
;"write" = "0x779,0x379,0x280-0x2a0"

;"RelayExclude" = "RtlEnterCriticalSection;RtlLeaveCriticalSection"
"RelayInclude" = "user32.CreateWindowA"
"RelayFromExclude" = "user32;x11drv"
;"RelayFromInclude" = "sol.exe"
;"SnoopExclude" = "RtlEnterCriticalSection;RtlLeaveCriticalSection"
;"SpyExclude" = "WM_SIZE;WM_TIMER;"

;These are all booleans.  Y/y/T/t/1 are true, N/n/F/f/0 are false.
;Defaults are read all, write to Home
; Where to find the global registries
;"GlobalRegistryDir" = "/etc";
; Global registries (stored in /etc)
"LoadGlobalRegistryFiles" = "N"
; Load Windows registries from the Windows directory
"LoadWindowsRegistryFiles" = "N"
"WritetoHomeRegistryFiles" = "N"
; Registry periodic save timeout in seconds
; "PeriodicSave" = "600"
; Save only modified keys
"SaveOnlyUpdatedKeys" = "Y"

;; supported styles are 'Win31'(default), 'Win95', 'Win98'
"WineLook" = "Win98"

"Drivers" = "xterm"
"XtermProg" = "konsole"

"UsePrimary" = "0"
"ClearAllSelections" = "0"
"PersistentSelection" = "1"

; List of all directories directly contain .AFM files
;"1" = "/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts"
;"2" = "/usr/share/a2ps/afm"
;"3" = "/usr/share/enscript"
;"4" = "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"

"SHMWineserver" = "Y"

; Uncomment the "Drivers" line matching your sound setting.
"Drivers" = "wineoss.drv"      ; default for most common configurations
;"Drivers" = "winearts.drv"    ; for KDE
;"Drivers" = "winealsa.drv"    ; for ALSA users
;"Drivers" = "winejack.drv"    ; for Jack sound server
;"Drivers" = "winenas.drv"     ; for NAS sound system
;"Drivers" = "wineaudioio.drv" ; for Solaris machines
;"Drivers" = ""                ; to disable sound
"WaveMapper" = "msacm.drv"
"MidiMapper" = "midimap.drv"

"UseMMap" = "N"
"FullDuplex" = "N"
;; Specify a mapping for what digital audio devices to use
;"dsp0" = "/dev/dsp0"
;"mixer0" = "/dev/mixer0"

"UseMMap" = "Y"

;; HEL only: Number of waveOut fragments ahead to mix in new buffers.
;"HELmargin" = "5"
;; HEL only: Number of waveOut fragments ahead to queue to driver.
;"HELqueue" = "5"
;; Max number of fragments to prebuffer
;"SndQueueMax" = "28"
;; Min number of fragments to prebuffer
;"SndQueueMin" = "12"
;; Forces emulation mode (using wave api)
;"HardwareAcceleration" = "Emulation"
;; Sets default playback device (0 - number of devices - 1)
;"DefaultPlayback" = "0"   ; use first device (/dev/dsp)
;"DefaultPlayback" = "1"    ; use second device (/dev/dsp1)
;"DefaultPlayback" = "2"    ; use third device (/dev/dsp2)
;; Sets default capture device (0 - number of devices - 1)
;"DefaultCapture" = "0"      ; use first device (/dev/dsp)
;"DefaultCapture" = "1"      ; use second device (/dev/dsp1)
;"DefaultCapture" = "2"      ; use third device (/dev/dsp2)

;; Use the DNS (Unix) host name always as NetBIOS "ComputerName" (boolean, default "Y").
;; Set to N if you need a persistent NetBIOS ComputerName that possibly differs 
;; from the Unix host name. You'll need to set ComputerName in 
;; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName, too.
;"UseDnsComputerName" = "N"

;; sample AppDefaults entries

; 3 InstallShield versions who like to put their full screen window in front,
; without any chance to switch to another X11 application.
; So just catch them in a desktop window.

"Desktop" = "640x480"

"Desktop" = "640x480"

"Desktop" = "640x480"

"Desktop" = "640x480"

"Desktop" = "800x600"

;"shlwapi" = "native"
;"rpcrt4" = "native"
;"ole32" = "native"
;"shdocvw" = "native"
;"wininet" = "native"
;"shfolder" = "native"
;"shell32" = "native"
;"shell" = "native"
;"comctl32" = "native"
;"Desktop" = "800x600"
;"Windows" = "nt40"
;; Some games (Quake 2, UT) refuse to accept emulated dsound devices.
;; You can add an AppDefault entry like this for such cases.
;"EmulDriver" = "N"

#Esse é o programa em PB da minha empresa no lugar de quati.exe você pode colocar #o seu em PB
#"Desktop" = "800x600"

"Desktop" = "1024x768"

"comctl32"     = "native"
"oleaut32"     = "builtin, native"
"EasySoap100"="builtin, native"
"ExPat100"="builtin, native"
"libeay32l"="builtin, native"
"libjcc"="native, builtin"
"libjlog"="native, builtin"
"msvcp71"="native, builtin"
"msvcr71"="native, builtin"
"pbcomrt100"="native, builtin"
"pbdir100"="native, builtin"
"PBDOM100"="native, builtin"
"pbdwe100"="native, builtin"
"pbdwr100"="native, builtin"
"pbdwr100"="native, builtin"
"pbin9100"="native, builtin"
"pbjag100"="native, builtin"
"pbjdb100"="native, builtin"
"pbjdbc12100"="native, builtin"
"pbjvm100"="native, builtin"
"pbo84100"="native, builtin"
"pbo90100"="native, builtin"
"pbodb100"="native, builtin"
"pbrtc100"="native, builtin"
"pbshr100"="native, builtin"
"pbsyc100"="native, builtin"
"pbtra100"="native, builtin"
"pbvm100"="native, builtin"
"PBXerces100"="native, builtin"
"ssleay32"="native, builtin"
"xerces-c_2_1_0"="native, builtin"
"acl$_ancestors.pbd"="native, builtin"
"acl$_dataobject.pbd"="native, builtin"
"acl$_function.pbd"="native, builtin"
"acl$.ini"="native, builtin"
"acl$_menu.pbd"="native, builtin"
"acl$.pbd"="native, builtin"
"acls$_ancestors.pbd"="native, builtin"
"acls$_menu.pbd"="native, builtin"
"acl$_structure.pbd"="native, builtin"
"acls$_window.pbd"="native, builtin"
"acl$_window.pbd"="native, builtin"
"cad$_dataobject.pbd"="native, builtin"
"cad$_object.pbd"="native, builtin"
"cad$_window.pbd"="native, builtin"
"cap$_dataobject.pbd"="native, builtin"
"cap$_object.pbd"="native, builtin"
"cap$_window.pbd"="native, builtin"
"com$_dataobject.pbd"="native, builtin"
"com$_object.pbd"="native, builtin"
"com$_window.pbd"="native, builtin"
"emp$_dataobject.pbd"="native, builtin"
"emp$_object.pbd"="native, builtin"
"emp$_window.pbd"="native, builtin"
"fin$_dataobject.pbd"="native, builtin"
"fin$_window.pbd"="native, builtin"
"ger_dataobject.pbd"="native, builtin"
"ger_window.pbd"="native, builtin"
"ptm$_dataobject.pbd"="native, builtin"
"ptm$_window.pbd"="native, builtin"

[1] Comentário enviado por elton.linux em 17/08/2006 - 01:02h

Ao tentar emular o internet explorer com wine no meu debian-br-cdd-1.0 aparece esse erro:

elton@c900ffe7:~$ wine /home/elton/.wine/drive_c/Arquivos\ de\ programas/Internet\ Explorer/IEXPLORE.EXE
err:font:ReadFontDir Can't open directory "/root/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts"
Please use the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Software\Fonts\LogPixels
to set the screen resolution and remove the "Resolution" entry in the config file
fixme:shell:StopWatchMode () stub!
fixme:seh:EXC_RtlRaiseException call (from 0x402372) to unimplemented function shdocvw.dll.IEWinMain
fixme:shell:MLGetUILanguage () stub
wine: Unhandled exception (thread 0009), starting debugger...
Usage: winedbg [--auto] [--gdb] cmdline

Pode ajudar ?


[2] Comentário enviado por MGDS em 14/05/2008 - 19:32h

não emulou nada, eu coloquei e continuou a mesma coisa !!!

[3] Comentário enviado por elton.linux em 14/05/2008 - 22:41h

Isso pode ajudar:


Procura para distribuição linux que usa como instalar isso!


[4] Comentário enviado por Diego-Garcia em 21/11/2012 - 03:03h

Boa Noite Amigo,

Uso 2 programas no Windows e preciso deles rodando no Linux para continuar a destravar os Xbox 360.
São eles: JungleFlasher v0.1.92 Beta (304) e Lizard Toolbox B056
Caso precise de mais informações estou a disposição.

Diego Garcia

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