Expressão matemática em C
Publicado por ??? (última atualização em 07/08/2013)
[ Hits: 5.132 ]
Esse é um simples exemplo de expressão matemática em C.
01 - Soma.
02 - Subtração.
03 - Multiplicação.
04 - Divisão.
Compilado/testado nos compiladores GCC e Visual C.
//------------------------------------------------------------------- // // THANKS TO: // 01 - The only GOD, creator of heaven and earth, in the name of JESUS CHRIST. // // DESCRIPTION: // Simple Arithmetic Expression Parser: // // This program execute in Windows and Linux ... // // FILE: // expression.c // // // EXPRESSION WITH: // + // - // * // / // // COMPILE: // gcc expression.c -o expression -O2 -Wall // // BY: gokernel - // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> // strcmp(), strlen() #include <stdlib.h> // malloc() #include <ctype.h> // isalpha (), isdigit () #define TYPE_NUMBER 1 #define ARRAY_MAX 100 static int operation, // 0, +, -, *, / array_count, erro ; static char *str, token [1024], array [ARRAY_MAX][20] ; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // prototypes: //------------------------------------------------------------------- // int get_token (void); void calculate (int op); void expression (char *s); int get_token (void) { char *temp; label_top: // remove_space // while (*str && (*str >= 1 && *str <= 32)) str++; if (*str == 0) return 0; temp = token; *temp = 0; if (isdigit(*str)) { while (isdigit(*str) || *str == '.') *temp++ = *str++; *temp = 0; return TYPE_NUMBER; } else if (*str == '-' && isdigit(str[1])) // negative { *temp++ = *str++; while (isdigit(*str) || *str == '.') *temp++ = *str++; *temp = 0; return TYPE_NUMBER; } else if (*str == '+' || *str == '-' || *str == '*' || *str == '/') { operation = *str; *temp++ = *str++; *temp = 0; return operation; } if (*str <= 32) goto label_top; erro = 1; printf ("ERRO - Ilegal Char: '%c'\n", *str); return 0; } void calculate (int op) { register int i, a; label_top: for (i = 0; i < array_count; i++) if (array[i][0] == op) { switch (op) { case '/': sprintf (array[i-1], "%f", atof(array[i-1]) / atof(array[i+1])); break; case '*': sprintf (array[i-1], "%f", atof(array[i-1]) * atof(array[i+1])); break; case '+': sprintf (array[i-1], "%f", atof(array[i-1]) + atof(array[i+1])); break; case '-': sprintf (array[i-1], "%f", atof(array[i-1]) - atof(array[i+1])); break; }// switch() array_count -= 2; // move the list to top // for (a = i; a < array_count; a++) { strcpy (array[a], array[a+2]); } }//if (array[i][0] == op) // ! if exist: '+', '-', '*', '/' // for (i = 0; i < array_count; i++) if (array[i][0] == op && array[i][1] == 0) goto label_top; } void expression (char *s) { str = s; operation = 0; erro = 0; array_count = 0; // store in array // while (get_token() && !erro) strcpy(array[array_count++], token); // !get erro // if (!isdigit(array[0][0]) && array[0][1] == 0) { erro = 1; printf ("\nPlease, start with NUMBER ...\n"); return; } calculate ('/'); calculate ('*'); calculate ('+'); calculate ('-'); if (!erro) printf ("__________ = %f\n", atof(array[0]) ); else printf ("\n<<<<<<<<<< ERRO >>>>>>>>>>\n"); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char string [1024]; printf ( "_____________________________________________________________________\n\n" " Glory and honor to the only God, creator of heaven and earth\n" " in the name of JESUS CHRIST !\n\n" " Examples:\n" " 10 + 20 + 30 * 2 * 3\n\n" " 30 * 2 + 10 + 20\n\n" " 10 + 20 + 30\n\n" " 10 + 20 / 3 * 2\n\n" " 10 + 20 / 3 * 2 * 5\n\n" " For 'quit' type: q, quit\n\n" " BY: gokernel -\n" "_____________________________________________________________________\n" ); for (;;) { printf ("expression > "); gets (string); if (strlen(string) >= 1) { if ( (!strcmp(string, "q")) || (!strcmp(string, "quit")) ) break; expression (string); } } printf ("Exiting with sucess: %d", 10 * 10 * 3); return 0; }
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