Gráfico de Pizza em PHP
Publicado por Marcus Fazzi 12/05/2005
[ Hits: 17.531 ]
Para quem gostaria de usar ou entender como usar este fantástico recurso do PHP, a biblioteca GD.
<img src="http://server/pie3D.php?total=45&usado=23">
<?php $sum = $_GET['total']; $degrees = Array(); $diameter = 200; $radius = $diameter/2; $slice[1] = $_GET['total'] - $_GET['usado']; $slice[2] = $_GET['usado']; $neg = $slice[1]<0 ? -1: 1; if ($neg == -1){ $slice[1] = 0; $slice[2] = $_GET['total']; } //Converte para graus for ($y=1; $y<=2; $y++) { $degrees[$y] = ($slice[$y]/$sum) * 360; } Header("Content-Type: image/png"); require (''); $im = ImageCreate(450, 300); //Pie Colors //Fill $cor_01['R'] = 255; $cor_01['G'] = 255; $cor_01['B'] = 255; //Free color $cor_02['R'] = 177; $cor_02['G'] = 201; $cor_02['B'] = 237; //Used Color $cor_03['R'] = 210; $cor_03['G'] = 210; $cor_03['B'] = 210; //Cores $white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0); $cinza = ImageColorAllocate($im, 102, 102, 102); $cor01 = ImageColorAllocate($im, $cor_01['R'],$cor_01['G'],$cor_01['B']); $cor02 = ImageColorAllocate($im, $cor_02['R'],$cor_02['G'],$cor_02['B']); $cor03 = ImageColorAllocate($im, $cor_03['R'],$cor_03['G'],$cor_03['B']); if ($neg == -1){ $cor03 = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 50, 50); } // preenche o circulo ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $cor01); // desenha a linha base ImageArc($im, 153, 153, $diameter, $diameter,315,135,$black); ImageLine($im, 150,150, 225, 150, $black); for ($z=1; $z<=2; $z++) { // calula o arco ImageArc($im, 150, 150, $diameter, $diameter, $last_angle,($last_angle+$degrees[$z]), $black); $last_angle = $last_angle+$degrees[$z]; // calculate coordinate of end-point of each arc by obtaining // length of segment and adding radius // remember that cos() and sin() return value in radians // and have to be converted back to degrees! $end_x = round(150 + ($radius * cos($last_angle*pi()/180))); $end_y = round(150 + ($radius * sin($last_angle*pi()/180))); // demarcate slice with another line ImageLine($im, 150, 150, $end_x, $end_y, $black); } // this section is meant to calculate the mid-point of each slice // so that it can be filled with colour // initialize some variables $prev_angle = 0; $pointer = 0; $zz = 1; for ($z=1; $z<=2; $z++) { // to calculate mid-point of a slice, the procedure is to use an angle bisector // and then obtain the mid-point of that bisector $pointer = $prev_angle + $degrees[$z]; $this_angle = ($prev_angle + $pointer) / 2; $prev_angle = $pointer; // get end-point of angle bisector $end_x = round(150 + ($radius * cos($this_angle*pi()/180))); $end_y = round(150 + ($radius * sin($this_angle*pi()/180))); // given start point (150,150) and end-point above, mid-point can be // calculated with standard mid-point formula $mid_x = round((150+($end_x))/2); $mid_y = round((150+($end_y))/2); // depending on which slice, fill with appropriate colour if ($z == 1) { ImageFillToBorder($im, $mid_x, $mid_y, $black, $cor02); } else if ($z == 2) { ImageFillToBorder($im, $mid_x, $mid_y, $black, $cor03); } } //Legenda. $ret_x01=300; $ret_y01=40; $slice[1] = round($slice[1]/$_GET['total'] * 100,1); $slice[2] = round($slice[2]/$_GET['total'] * 100,1); imagefilledrectangle($im, $ret_x01,$ret_y01,$ret_x01 + 15 ,$ret_y01 + 15,$cinza); imagerectangle($im,$ret_x01 - 3 ,$ret_y01 - 3,$ret_x01 + 12 ,$ret_y01 +12,$black); imagefilltoborder($im,$ret_x01 - 1,$ret_y01 +11,$black,$cor02); imagestring($im,3,$ret_x01 + 20, $ret_y01, $slice[1] . "% $strFree",$black); imagestring($im,3,$ret_x01-60,$ret_y01 + 200,"$strSpcAll : " . round(($_GET['total'])/1024,0) ." $byteUnits[1]",$black); imagestring($im,3,$ret_x01-60,$ret_y01 + 215,"$strUsed : " . round(($_GET['usado'])/1024,0) ." $byteUnits[1]",$black); imagestring($im,3,$ret_x01-60,$ret_y01 + 230,"$strFree : " . round(($_GET['total'] - $_GET['usado'])/1024,0) ." $byteUnits[1]",$black); $ret_x01=300; $ret_y01=70; imagefilledrectangle($im, $ret_x01,$ret_y01,$ret_x01 + 15 ,$ret_y01 + 15,$cinza); imagerectangle($im,$ret_x01 - 3 ,$ret_y01 - 3,$ret_x01 + 12 ,$ret_y01 +12,$black); imagefilltoborder($im,$ret_x01 - 1,$ret_y01 +11,$black,$cor03); imagestring($im,3,$ret_x01 + 20, $ret_y01, $slice[2] . "% $strUsed",$black); //sombra no circulo ImageFillToBorder($im, 150 + 72, 150 + 72, $black, $cinza); ImageArc($im, 153, 153, $diameter, $diameter,315,135,$cinza); // write string ImageString($im, 5, 80, 10, "$strSpcUsed", $black); // output to browser ImagePNG($im); ?>
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