Probabilidade de Vencer - Poker Texas Hold

Publicado por RCAA 08/01/2009

[ Hits: 9.547 ]


Este script calcula a probabilidade de se vencer em um jogo de poker Texas Hold'em contra somente um adversário.

O script só funciona em velocidade aceitável se houver um número suficiente de informações. No meu poderoso duron 750mhz ele faz mais ou menos 100 "iterações" por segundo.

A princípio eu tentei fazer com orientação a objetos, mas não deu certo... Por favor, caso alguém tenha alguma sugestão de melhoria de desempenho me comunique!


Esconder código-fonte

#-*- coding: iso8859-1 -*-


#   29/12/08 -> Início
#   30/12~2/12 -> Reveillon xD
#   04/01/09 -> Terminado o Grosso
#   05/01/09 - > Ajustes finais
#   06/01/09 -> (Bug fixes e) Versão atual

def showcd(card):#Mostra uma carta de um modo mais intuitivo
   return valores[card[0]] + " de " + naipes[card[1]]

def drwcd(deck,num=" "):#retira uma carta do baralho 'deck' escolhida pelo user, fazendo consistência de dados
   while (not card in deck):
      while (card[0]<2 or card[0]>14):
         if card[0]!= -1: print "      Valor inválido, consulte a legenda!"
            card[0]=abs(int(raw_input("   Valor da"+num+"carta:")))
         except ValueError:
            print "      O valor deve ser um número conforme a legenda!"
      while card[1]<0 or card[1]>3:
         if card[1]!= -1: print "Valor inválido, consulte a legenda!"
            card[1]=abs(int(raw_input("   Naipe da"+num+"carta:")))
         except ValueError:
            print "      O valor deve ser um número conforme a legenda!"
      if not card in deck:
         print "      A carta "+showcd(card)+" já foi escolhida, escolha outra:"
   return card

def perg(texto,t_resp,numerica=1):#faz uma pergunta 'texto', sem aceitar resposta diferente de um item de t_resp
   while not resp in t_resp:
      if resp!=-1: print "Resposta Inválida..."
      print texto
      if numerica==1:
            resp = int(raw_input())
         except ValueError:
            resp = raw_input()
         except ValueError:
   return resp

def is_stflu(cards):#Verifica se um dado conjunto ordenado 'cards' de tamanho 5 é um straight flush
   if (cards[0][1]==cards[1][1]==cards[2][1]==cards[3][1]==cards[4][1]) and (cards[0][0]+4==cards[1][0]+3==cards[2][0]+2==cards[3][0]+1==cards[4][0]):
      return 1
   if (cards[0][1]==cards[1][1]==cards[2][1]==cards[3][1]==cards[4][1]) and (cards[4][0]-9==cards[0][0]+3==cards[1][0]+2==cards[2][0]+1==cards[3][0]):
      return 1
   return 0

def is_qua(cards):#Verifica se 'cards(5)'(ordenado) é uma quadra
   if (cards[0][0]==cards[1][0]==cards[2][0]==cards[3][0]) :
      return 1
   if (cards[1][0]==cards[2][0]==cards[3][0]==cards[4][0]) :
      return 1
   return 0

def is_ful(cards):#Verifica se 'cards(5)'(ordenado) é um full house
   if (cards[0][0]==cards[1][0]==cards[2][0] and cards[3][0]==cards[4][0]) :
      return 1
   if (cards[0][0]==cards[1][0] and cards[2][0]==cards[3][0]==cards[4][0]) :
      return 1
   return 0

def is_seq(cards):#Verifica se 'cards(5)'(ordenado) é uma sequencia (admite-se que não é um jogo maior que uma sequencia)
   if cards[0][0]+4==cards[1][0]+3==cards[2][0]+2==cards[3][0]+1==cards[4][0]:
      return 1
   if (cards[4][0]-9==cards[0][0]+3==cards[1][0]+2==cards[2][0]+1==cards[3][0]):
      return 1
   return 0

def is_flu(cards):#Verifica se 'cards(5)'(ordenado) é um flush (admite-se que não é um jogo maior que um flush)
   if cards[0][1]==cards[1][1]==cards[2][1]==cards[3][1]==cards[4][1]:
      return 1
   return 0

def is_tri(cards):#Verifica se 'cards(5)'(ordenado) é uma trinca (admite-se que não é um jogo maior que uma trinca)
   if cards[0][0]==cards[1][0]==cards[2][0]:
      return 1
   if cards[1][0]==cards[2][0]==cards[3][0]:
      return 1
   if cards[2][0]==cards[3][0]==cards[4][0]:
      return 1
   return 0

def is_twp(cards):#Verifica se 'cards(5)'(ordenado) são dois pares (admite-se que não é um jogo maior que dois pares)
   if cards[0][0]==cards[1][0] and cards[2][0]==cards[3][0]:
      return 1
   if cards[0][0]==cards[1][0] and cards[4][0]==cards[3][0]:
      return 1
   if cards[2][0]==cards[1][0] and cards[4][0]==cards[3][0]:
      return 1
   return 0

def is_par(cards):#Verifica se 'cards(5)'(ordenado) é um par (admite-se que não é um jogo maior que um par)
   for i in cards[:]:
      for j in cards[cards.index(i)+1:]:
         if i[0]==j[0]:
            return 1
   return 0

def is_nul(cards):#Verifica se 'cards(5)'(ordenado) é nada (admite-se que não é um jogo maior que nada, portanto esta função é quase inútil, resquiço de um rascunho anterior)
   return 1

def jogo(mao,mesa):#Determina qual é o melhor jogo possível combinando-se a 'mao' e a 'mesa', encontra também o high e kicker
   jogos=["nada","par","dois pares","trinca","seq","flush","full","quadra","s_flush"]#Isso pode ser retirado e talvez melhore a perfomance
   srted=[-1,-1,-1,-1,-1] #Senhor Ted
   for cards[0] in tudo[:]:
      for cards[1] in tudo[tudo.index(cards[0])+1:]:
         for cards[2] in tudo[tudo.index(cards[1])+1:]:
            for cards[3] in tudo[tudo.index(cards[2])+1:]:
               for cards[4] in tudo[tudo.index(cards[3])+1:]:
                  if maior<=jogos.index("s_flush"):#remover esta linha (vai dar trabalho)
                     if is_stflu(srted)==1:
                        if srted[3][0]==5 and srted[4][0]==14:
                        if maior==jogos.index("s_flush"):
                           if hi[4][0]<srted[4][0]:
                        maior = jogos.index("s_flush")
                     if maior<=jogos.index("quadra"):
                        if is_qua(srted)==1:
                           if maior==jogos.index("quadra"):
                              if srted[0][0]==srted[1][0]:
                                 if hi[4][0]<srted[0][0]:
                                 elif hi[4][0]==srted[0][0]:
                                    if hi[0][0]<srted[4][0]:
                              elif srted[3][0]==srted[4][0]:
                                 if hi[4][0]<srted[4][0]:
                                 elif hi[4][0]==srted[4][0]:
                                    if hi[0][0]<srted[0][0]:
                              if srted[0][0]==srted[1][0]:
                              elif srted[3][0]==srted[4][0]:
                           maior = jogos.index("quadra")
                        if maior<=jogos.index("full"):
                           if is_ful(srted)==1:
                              if maior == jogos.index("full"):
                                 if srted[0][0]==srted[1][0]==srted[2][0]:
                                    if hi[4][0]<srted[0][0]:
                                    elif hi[4][0]==srted[0][0]:
                                       if hi[0][0]<srted[4][0]:
                                 elif srted[4][0]==srted[3][0]==srted[2][0]:
                                    if hi[4][0]<srted[4][0]:
                                    elif hi[4][0]==srted[4][0]:
                                       if hi[0][0]<srted[0][0]:
                                 if srted[0][0]==srted[1][0]==srted[2][0]:
                                 if srted[4][0]==srted[3][0]==srted[2][0]:
                              maior = jogos.index("full")
                           if maior<=jogos.index("flush"):
                              if is_flu(srted)==1:
                                 if maior==jogos.index("flush"):
                                    if hi[4][0]<srted[4][0]:
                                    elif hi[3][0]<srted[3][0]:
                                    elif hi[2][0]<srted[2][0]:
                                    elif hi[1][0]<srted[1][0]:
                                    elif hi[0][0]<srted[0][0]:
                                 maior = jogos.index("flush")
                              if maior<=jogos.index("seq"):
                                 if is_seq(srted)==1:
                                    if srted[3][0]==5 and srted[4][0]==14:
                                    if maior==jogos.index("seq"):
                                       if hi[4][0]<srted[4][0]:
                                    maior = jogos.index("seq")
                                 if maior<=jogos.index("trinca"):
                                    if is_tri(srted)==1:
                                       if maior == jogos.index("trinca"):
                                          if srted[0][0]==srted[1][0]==srted[2][0]:
                                             if hi[4][0]<srted[0][0]:
                                             elif hi[4][0]==srted[0][0]:
                                                if hi[1]<srted[4]:
                                                elif hi[1]==srted[4]:
                                                   if hi[0]<srted[3]:
                                          elif srted[3][0]==srted[1][0]==srted[2][0]:
                                             if hi[4][0]<srted[1][0]:
                                             elif hi[4][0]==srted[1][0]:
                                                if hi[1]<srted[4]:
                                                elif hi[1]==srted[4]:
                                                   if hi[0]<srted[0]:
                                          elif srted[3][0]==srted[4][0]==srted[2][0]:
                                             if hi[4][0]<srted[4][0]:
                                             elif hi[4][0]==srted[4][0]:
                                                if hi[1]<srted[2]:
                                                elif hi[1]==srted[2]:
                                                   if hi[0]<srted[0]:
                                          if srted[0][0]==srted[1][0]==srted[2][0]:
                                          elif srted[3][0]==srted[1][0]==srted[2][0]:
                                          elif srted[3][0]==srted[4][0]==srted[2][0]:
                                       maior = jogos.index("trinca")
                                    if maior<=jogos.index("dois pares"):
                                       if is_twp(srted)==1:
                                          if maior==jogos.index("dois pares"):
                                             if srted[0][0]==srted[1][0] and srted[2][0]==srted[3][0]:
                                                if srted[0][0]>srted[2][0]:
                                                   if srted[0][0]>hi[4][0]:
                                                   elif srted[0][0]==hi[4][0]:
                                                      if srted[2][0]>hi[2][0]:
                                                      elif srted[2][0]==hi[2][0]:
                                                         if srted[4][0]>hi[0][0]:
                                                   if srted[2][0]>hi[4][0]:
                                                   elif srted[2][0]==hi[4][0]:
                                                      if srted[0][0]>hi[2][0]:
                                                      elif srted[0][0]==hi[2][0]:
                                                         if srted[4][0]>hi[0][0]:
                                             elif srted[0][0]==srted[1][0] and srted[4][0]==srted[3][0]:
                                                if srted[0][0]>srted[3][0]:
                                                   if srted[0][0]>hi[4][0]:
                                                   elif srted[0][0]==hi[4][0]:
                                                      if srted[3][0]>hi[2][0]:
                                                      elif srted[3][0]==hi[2][0]:
                                                         if srted[2][0]>hi[0][0]:
                                                   if srted[3][0]>hi[4][0]:
                                                   elif srted[3][0]==hi[4][0]:
                                                      if srted[0][0]>hi[2][0]:
                                                      elif srted[0][0]==hi[2][0]:
                                                         if srted[2][0]>hi[0][0]:
                                             elif srted[2][0]==srted[1][0] and srted[4][0]==srted[3][0]:
                                                if srted[1][0]>srted[3][0]:
                                                   if srted[1][0]>hi[4][0]:
                                                   elif srted[1][0]==hi[4][0]:
                                                      if srted[3][0]>hi[2][0]:
                                                      elif srted[3][0]==hi[2][0]:
                                                         if srted[0][0]>hi[0][0]:
                                                   if srted[3][0]>hi[4][0]:
                                                   elif srted[3][0]==hi[4][0]:
                                                      if srted[1][0]>hi[2][0]:
                                                      elif srted[1][0]==hi[2][0]:
                                                         if srted[0][0]>hi[0][0]:
                                             if srted[0][0]==srted[1][0] and srted[2][0]==srted[3][0]:
                                                if srted[0][0]>srted[2][0]:
                                             elif srted[0][0]==srted[1][0] and srted[4][0]==srted[3][0]:
                                                if srted[0][0]>srted[3][0]:
                                             elif srted[2][0]==srted[1][0] and srted[4][0]==srted[3][0]:
                                                if srted[1][0]>srted[3][0]:
                                          maior = jogos.index("dois pares")
                                       if maior<=jogos.index("par"):
                                          if is_par(cards)==1:
                                             if maior==jogos.index("par"):
                                                if srted[4][0]==srted[3][0]:
                                                   if srted[4][0]>hi[4][0]:
                                                   elif srted[4][0]==hi[4][0]:
                                                      if srted[2][0]>hi[2][0]:
                                                      elif srted[2][0]==hi[2][0]:
                                                         if srted[1][0]>hi[1][0]:
                                                         elif srted[1][0]==hi[1][0]:
                                                            if srted[0][0]>hi[0][0]:
                                                elif srted[3][0]==srted[2][0]:
                                                   if srted[3][0]>hi[4][0]:
                                                   elif srted[3][0]==hi[4][0]:
                                                      if srted[4][0]>hi[2][0]:
                                                      elif srted[4][0]==hi[2][0]:
                                                         if srted[1][0]>hi[1][0]:
                                                         elif srted[1][0]==hi[1][0]:
                                                            if srted[0][0]>hi[0][0]:
                                                elif srted[2][0]==srted[1][0]:
                                                   if srted[2][0]>hi[4][0]:
                                                   elif srted[2][0]==hi[4][0]:
                                                      if srted[4][0]>hi[2][0]:
                                                      elif srted[4][0]==hi[2][0]:
                                                         if srted[3][0]>hi[1][0]:
                                                         elif srted[3][0]==hi[1][0]:
                                                            if srted[0][0]>hi[0][0]:
                                                elif srted[1][0]==srted[0][0]:
                                                   if srted[1][0]>hi[4][0]:
                                                   elif srted[1][0]==hi[4][0]:
                                                      if srted[4][0]>hi[2][0]:
                                                      elif srted[4][0]==hi[2][0]:
                                                         if srted[3][0]>hi[1][0]:
                                                         elif srted[3][0]==hi[1][0]:
                                                            if srted[2][0]>hi[0][0]:
                                                if srted[4][0]==srted[3][0]:
                                                elif srted[3][0]==srted[2][0]:
                                                elif srted[2][0]==srted[1][0]:
                                                elif srted[1][0]==srted[0][0]:
                                             maior = jogos.index("par")
                                          if maior<=jogos.index("nada"):
                                             if is_nul(cards)==1:
                                                if srted[4][0]>hi[4][0]:
                                                elif srted[4][0]==hi[4][0]:
                                                   if srted[3][0]>hi[3][0]:
                                                   elif srted[3][0]==hi[3][0]:
                                                      if srted[2][0]>hi[2][0]:
                                                      elif srted[2][0]==hi[2][0]:
                                                         if srted[1][0]>hi[1][0]:
                                                         elif srted[1][0]==hi[1][0]:
                                                            if srted[0][0]>hi[0][0]:
                                                maior = jogos.index("nada")
   return [maior]+hi

def print_cd(cards,legenda="",esp="",passo=1):#função mal-feita que imprime cartas
   d = {-1:"?    ",0:"Ouros", 1:"Paus ", 2:"Copas", 3:"Espad"}
   cartas = {-1:"?",2:"2", 3:"3", 4:"4", 5:"5", 6:"6", 7:"7", 8:"8", 9:"9", 10:"10", 11:"J", 12:"Q", 13:"K", 14:"A"}
   if legenda!="":
      for i in range(len(cards)):
         print "%8.15s"%str(legenda[i]),
         if (i+1)%passo==0:
            print esp,
   for i in range(len(cards)):
      print " ,_____,",
      if (i+1)%passo==0:
         print esp,
   for i in range(len(cards)):
      print " |"+d[cards[i][1]]+"|",
      if (i+1)%passo==0:
         print esp,
   for i in range(len(cards)):
      print " |     |",
      if (i+1)%passo==0:
         print esp,
   for i in range(len(cards)):
      print " |%3.3s"% cartas[cards[i][0]]," |",
      if (i+1)%passo==0:
         print esp,
   for i in range(len(cards)):
      print " |     |",
      if (i+1)%passo==0:
         print esp,
   for i in range(len(cards)):
      print " |_____|",
      if (i+1)%passo==0:
         print esp,

while denovo==1:
   dec= range(2,15,1)
   dec = dec + dec + dec +dec
   l = len(dec)
   while i < l:
   #até aqui define o baralho: J=11 Q=12 K=13 As=14, naipes arbitrários
   mao=[[-1,-1],[-1,-1]]   #cartas na mão do jogador (deverá ser input)
   pl=[[-1,-1],[-1,-1]]      #cartas na mão do adversário (pode ou não ser input)
   tb=[[-1,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,-1]]   #cartas da mesa (pode ou não ser input)
   ad_g=[]      #jogo do adversário
   pl_g=[]      #jogo do jogador
   respR=-1      #Já foi o river?
   respT=-1      #Já foi o turn?
   respF=-1      #já foi o Flop?
   respA=-1      #Sabe as cartas do adversário?
   poss=0      #total de possiblidades
   boa=0      #possibilidades vencedoras
   ruim=0      #possibilidades perdedoras
   tie=0      #possibilidades empatadoras
   ad_poss=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]   #Possibilidades de jogo do adversário
   pl_poss=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]   #Possibilidades de jogo do jogador
   jogos=["Nada","Um Par","Dois Pares","Trinca","Seqüência","Flush","Full House","Quadra","Straigh Flush"]
   print "LEGENDA:"
   print "números -> eles mesmos"
   print "J -> 11\nQ -> 12\nK -> 13\nA -> 14"
   print "Ouros -> 0\nPaus -> 1\nCopas -> 2\nEspadas -> 3"
   print "Quais são suas cartas?"
   mao[0]=drwcd(dec," 1ª ")
   mao[1]=drwcd(dec," 2ª ")
   print "Sua mão é: \"" + showcd(mao[0]) + "\" e \"" + showcd(mao[1]) + "\""
   respA=perg("Você sabe as cartas do adversário? 1-sim 0-nao",range(2))
   if respA==1:
      print "Seu safado!"
      pl[0]=drwcd(dec," 1ª ")
      pl[1]=drwcd(dec," 2ª ")
      print "A mão dele é: \"" + showcd(pl[0]) + "\" e \"" + showcd(pl[1]) + "\""
   respF=perg("Já saiu o flop? 1-sim 0-nao",range(2))
   if respF==1:
      tb[2]=drwcd(dec," 1ª ")
      tb[3]=drwcd(dec," 2ª ")
      tb[4]=drwcd(dec," 3ª ")
      print "O flop é: \"" + showcd(tb[2]) + "\", \"" + showcd(tb[3]) + "\" e \"" + showcd(tb[4]) + "\""
      respT = perg("Já saiu o turn? 1-sim 0-nao",range(2))
      if respT==1:
         print "O turn é: \"" + showcd(tb[1]) + "\""
         respR = perg("Já saiu o river? 1-sim 0-nao",range(2))
         if respR==1:
            print "O turn é: \"" + showcd(tb[0]) + "\""
   print "Situação:"
   print_cd(tb[:],["","Flop  ","","Turn  ","River "])
   print_cd(mao+pl,["  Sua mão","","  Mao dele",""],"\t      ",2)
   print "Aguarde..."
   dek = dec[:]
   if respT==-1:respT=0
   if respR==-1:respR=0
   #Faz a combinação e arranjo necessários
   for k in dec[:]:
      if respA==0: pl[0]=k
      for l in dek[dek.index(k)+1:]:
         if respA==0:
         for m in dek[:]:
            if respR==0: tb[0]=m
            if respT==0:
            for n in dek[indice:]:
               if respT==0: tb[1]=n
               if respF==0:
               for p in dek[indice:]:
                  if respF==0:
                  for q in dek[indice:]:
                     if respF==0:
                     for r in dek[indice:]:
                        if respF==0: tb[4]=r
                        if pl_g[0]>ad_g[0]:
                        elif pl_g[0]<ad_g[0]:
                           while i >= 1:
                              if pl_g[i][0]>ad_g[i][0]:
                              elif pl_g[i][0]<ad_g[i][0]:
                           if i == 0 : tie+=1
                        if respF!=0: break
                     if respF!=0: break
                  if respF!=0: break
               if respT!=0: break
            if respR!=0: break
         if respA!=0: break
      if respA!=0: break
   print "Possibilidades do Adversário:"
   for i in range(9):
      print "\t%13.13s:  %4.2f%%" % (jogos[i],ad_poss[i]/float(boa+ ruim+ tie)*100),
      if (i+1)%3==0:print
   print "Possibilidades do Jogador:"
   for i in range(9):
      print "\t%13.13s:  %3.2f%%" % (jogos[i],pl_poss[i]/float(boa+ ruim+ tie)*100),
      if (i+1)%3==0:print
   print "Chances de vitória:  %.2f%%" % (boa/float(boa+ ruim+ tie)*100)
   print "Chances de derrota: %.2f%%" % (ruim/float(boa+ ruim+ tie)*100)
   print "Chances de empate: %.2f%%" % (tie/float(boa+ ruim+ tie)*100)
   denovo=perg("De novo? 1-Sim 0-Nao",range(2))

Scripts recomendados

Calculadora de funções do 1º grau

Agendador de comandos

Afinador de Violão/guitarra em python e gtk.

Tabela Price

Mighty Are's Tool of Easily Promote Combats


[1] Comentário enviado por k4mus em 08/01/2009 - 11:56h

legal ^^ .vou testar aqui pra v ..

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