Tweetin - Poste tweets pelo terminal
Publicado por Danillo Souza (última atualização em 02/09/2010)
[ Hits: 6.347 ]
Script que te possibilita enviar tweets pelo terminal, oferecendo proteção na hora da digitação da senha (igual a senha do comando 'su' por exemplo).
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Author: Danillo Souza # Email: # Version: 0.1 # # Small quick script to post tweets while working in the terminal # or for use on systems that do not use graphical user interface (eg servers). # # I hope you use and like ;D use strict; use Net::Twitter; use Term::ReadKey; # get the password sub get_pass { my($msg, $tmp) = (shift, ''); print $msg; ReadMode 'noecho'; $tmp = ReadLine 0; chomp $tmp; ReadMode 'normal'; print "\n"; return $tmp; } sub tweetin { # catch the username, password and the text f tweet my($user, $passwd, $tweet) = @_; # verifications if ($user !~ /^.{1,15}$/) {die "Invalid username.\n";} if ($passwd !~ /^.{6,}$/){die "Invalid password.\n";} if ($tweet !~ /^.+$/) {die "Invalid tweet.\n"} if ($tweet !~ /^.{1,140}$/){$tweet = substr($tweet, 0, 140);} # create the twitter object my $twitter = Net::Twitter->new( traits => [qw/API::REST/], username => $user, password => $passwd ); # try to tweet it eval {$twitter->update($tweet)}; die "Autentication failed.\n" if $@; # if sucesful.. print "Tweeted at ".scalar(localtime).":\n"; } # checking the number of parameters die "Usage: <user> <tweet>\n" if (scalar(@ARGV) < 2); # catching command line arguments my $user = shift(@ARGV); my $tweet = shift(@ARGV); my $passwd = get_pass "Password autentication:"; tweetin($user, $passwd, $tweet);
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