WordPress Plugin check

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[ Hits: 6.694 ]

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Esse script gera a lista completa de plugins que existem no WordPress usando o repositório SVN do CMS, e também verifica quais plugins estão instalados em um site.


Esconder código-fonte

# By MMxM

use WWW::Mechanize;
use Getopt::Std;
use strict;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use warnings;


getopts('lf:p:t:s:o:', \%opts);

if($opts{'l'} && $opts{'f'}){
    print "\n\n[*] Making plugin list\n[+] Using wordpress svn repository\n\n";

if(!$opts{'s'} || !$opts{'o'} || !$opts{'t'} || !$opts{'p'}){

open($arq,'<'.$opts{'p'}) || die($!);
@a = <$arq>;
@aa = grep { !/^$/ } @a;

my $stop :shared = 0;

$ini = 0;
$fin = $opts{'t'} - 1;
open(our $output,'>>'.$opts{'o'}) || die("failed to save plugins in file => ".$opts{'o'}."\n");
print "\n\n[*] Starting plugin check\n[*] Number of plugins to check => ".scalar(@aa)."\n\t[.K33p C4lm Br0.]\n\n";

    @threads = ();


        $_ = threads->create(\&check);


    print("\n\n [+] 100% complete\n[*] Plugins found are here => ".$opts{'o'}."\n") if $stop;
    close($output) if $stop;
    exit(0) if $stop;

    $ini = $fin + 1;
    $fin = $fin + $opts{'t'};

sub help {
    print '
    [*] WP Plugin Checker By MMxM

    [+] Options:

    -l => Generate plugin list
    -f => Output file to save plugin list
    -p => plugin list to test
    -t => threads number
    -s => Site
    -o => Output file to save found plugins

    [+] Examples of use:

    ./wp-check.pl -l -f /tmp/plugins.txt
    ./wp-check.pl -p /tmp/plugins.txt -s localhost/wp/ -o plugins-founds.txt -t 50


sub check {
    my $id = threads->tid();
        my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 0 );
        my $site;

        if($opts{'s'} !~ /^(http|https):\/\//){
            $site = 'http://'.$opts{'s'};
        } else {
            $site = $opts{'s'};

        if($site !~ /\/$/){
            $site = $site.'/';

        my $n = $id+1;
        print "\rNumber of plugins checked => ".$n;
        if($mech->status() =~ /40[0-9]/){
        } else {
            print $output $site.$aa[$id]."\n";

    } else {
        $stop = 1;

sub list {
    my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
    my @plugins;
    @plugins = $mech->links;
    my $del = scalar(@plugins);
    delete $plugins[$del-1];
    open(my $out,'>>'.$opts{'f'}) || die($!);
    print $out $_->text."\n" foreach(@plugins);
    print '[+] '.$del.' Saved plugins in '.$opts{'f'}."\n";

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