(usa Ubuntu)
Enviado em 12/02/2019 - 20:12h
Funcionou, mas com todos estes erros:
[8428:8428:0212/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
[8394:8493:0212/] Failed to decrypt token for service AccountId-103194558919002735690
[8394:8495:0212/] Failed to restore security token.
[8394:8394:0212/] AccessTokenFetched error: Invalid credentials (credentials missing).
[8394:8394:0212/] OnGetTokenFailure: Invalid credentials (credentials missing).
[8394:8413:0212/] Failed to log in to GCM, resetting connection.
[8394:8394:0212/] Passwords cryptographer error was encountered:
Estou pesquisando na net mas ainda não encontrei a solução.