(usa Ubuntu)
Enviado em 14/07/2010 - 08:42h
Pessoal, achei 1 site que pede p fazer 1 script para bloquear o TOR
o site é esse:
e o script é essE:
# A simple bash script to block IP traffic from TOR exit nodes.
# written by Andrew Vetlugin (antrew at gmail com)
# Quick guide:
# 1. add a separate chain for a list of TOR exit nodes
# (this should be done by hand once)
# iptables -N TOR_EXIT
# 2. add a rule to INPUT chain
# Note: if you want to be able to connect to any TOR exit node yourself
# (e.g., if $url is a exit node you should be able to fetch a list of exit
# nodes from it) then you should add this rule AFTER accepting established
# and related connections)
# iptables -A INPUT -j TOR_EXIT
# 3. add this script to crontab (I think 10-20 minutes interval should be OK)
# flush chain
$iptables -F TOR_EXIT
# add TOR exit nodes to TOR_EXIT chain with $iptables_target rule
for node in `$wget -q --no-check-certificate -O - $url | sort | uniq`; do
$iptables -A TOR_EXIT -s $node -j $iptables_target
# return to parent chain if the source is not TOR exit node
$iptables -A TOR_EXIT -j RETURN
Para fazer esse scritp eu faço assim?
#touch tor.sh
#vi tor.sh
dai eu colo o script e saio do vi
é isso?
alguem pode me ajudar?