(usa CentOS)
Enviado em 09/11/2013 - 11:58h
Pesquisando aqui, acho que tem jeito sim:
Can I use different authentication mechanisms together?
Yes, with limitations.
Commonly deployed user-agents support at least one and up to four different authentication protocols (also called schemes).
Those schemes are explained in detail elsewhere (see Features/NegotiateAuthentication and SquidFaq/TroubleShooting). You can enable more than one at any given moment, just configure the relevant auth_param sections for each different scheme you want to offer to the browsers.
RFC 2617, chapter 4.6, states: A user agent MUST choose to use the strongest auth-scheme it understands. Of course definition of strongest may vary
Due to a bug in common User-Agents (most notably some Microsoft Internet Explorer and Firefox versions) the order the auth-schemes are configured is relevant. Early versions of MSIE instead chooses the first auth-scheme (in the order they are offered) it understands.
In other words, you SHOULD use this order for the auth_params directives:
omitting those you do not plan to offer.
Once the admin decides to offer multiple auth-schemes to the clients, Squid can not force the clients to choose one over the other.
Não tenho como testar agora. Alguém já fez?