![Genesco Sousa Genesco Sousa](//static.vivaolinux.com.br/imagens/fotos/1220727154.CatEyesGood.jpg)
(usa Ubuntu)
Enviado em 12/03/2008 - 18:43h
Dando uma olhada no site do winehq... achei isso:
Anything else. There is a severe bug in version 9.54 of Wine releases meaning if you try to create or edit a file, you just get "Not enough memory" errors. I have oooodles of free RAM, so this is a bug rather than a genuine error.
Mas parece que a partir da versão 9.55 esse erro já não aparece...
Outro comentario que achei no appdb sobre o photoshop cs2, quando apresenta essa mesma menssagem...
To those of you who get the error message saying that your system does not have enough memory, please yadda yadda and try again, where yadda yadda is something I cannot remember. This is what I did (keep in mind I just installed linux a few months ago, and some steps may be redudant).
1. Delete wine directory ("rm -rf ~./wine" in the terminal - no quotes)
2. Uninstall wine (System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager -> Search for wine -> Mark for complete removal -> Apply)
3. Reinstall wine (Same as above except mark for installation)
4. Run setup.exe from the photoshop cd (I copied the contents to my harddrive first)
5. Say it is a trial version - do not put in the serial when installing
6. Put in serial when photoshop is running and click on Activate Now.
7. Activate by phone
Thats what I did, and it is working. Just thought I would try to help
Basicamente o que ele diz é para tentar uma instalação limpa do programa e do wine, pois parce ser um erro na hora de instalação...