CrunchBang Backported - Instalação e Configuração
Veremos aqui a instalação e configuração desta que, para mim, é a melhor derivação do Debian, o CrunchBang.
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Por: edps em 18/05/2012 | Blog:
## Openbox ## ==================== ## When you login to your CrunchBang Openbox session, this autostart script ## will be executed to set-up your environment and launch any applications ## you want to run at startup. ## ## More information about this can be found at: ## ## ## If you do something cool with your autostart script and you think others ## could benefit from your hack, please consider sharing it at: ## ## ## Have fun! :) ## Start session manager lxsession & ## Enable power management xfce4-power-manager & ## Start Thunar Daemon thunar --daemon & ## Set desktop wallpaper nitrogen --restore & ## Launch panel (desabilitado!) ## tint2 & ## Lxpanel (substituto do Tint2). lxpanel & ## Enable Eyecandy - off by default, uncomment one of the commands below. ## Note: cairo-compmgr prefers a sleep delay, else it tends to produce ## odd shadows/quirks around tint2 & Conky. (sleep 10s && cb-compmgr --cairo-compmgr) & ## cb-compmgr --xcompmgr & ## Launch network manager applet (sleep 4s && nm-applet) & ## Detect and configure touchpad. See 'man synclient' for more info. if egrep -iq 'touchpad' /proc/bus/input/devices; then synclient VertEdgeScroll=1 & synclient TapButton1=1 & fi ## Start xscreensaver xscreensaver -no-splash & ## Start Conky after a slight delay (sleep 3s && conky -q) & ## Start volumeicon after a slight delay (sleep 3s && volumeicon) & # # daqui para baixo todos desabilitados! # ## Start Clipboard manager ## (sleep 3s && parcellite) & ## Bad Nautilus, minimises the impact of running Nautilus under ## an Openbox session by applying some gconf settings. Safe to delete. ## cb-bad-nautilus & ## The following command runs hacks and fixes for #! LiveCD sessions. ## Safe to delete after installation. ## cb-cowpowers & ## cb-welcome - post-installation script, will not run in a live session and ## only runs once. Safe to remove. ## (sleep 10s && cb-welcome --firstrun) & ## cb-fortune - have Statler say a little adage ## (sleep 120s && cb-fortune) &
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