Efeito de Raio no Site
Publicado por rafael farias novaes 28/01/2009
[ Hits: 12.617 ]
Homepage: http://www.vivaolinux.com.br/perfil/verPerfil.php?login=bfmano
Esta é a principal parte do efeito, este é o javascript responsável por criar os raios.
Copie e cole entre a tag <head></head> em seu arquivo html.
<script language="javascript"> ie4=document.all?1:0; ns4=document.layers?1:0; ns5=(document.getElementById && !document.all)?1:0; function init(){ // Bolt has an aura? (true | false) // takes twice as long to strike aura=false; bcolor="white"; acolor="blue"; // Make background color flash? (true | false) flash=true; skyNorm="black"; skyFlash="#000050"; if (flash) document.bgColor=skyNorm; // nbs = Number of main bolt segments nbs = 50; ct=0; // Font sizes for lightning bolt and aura segments fsb=shi*.3; fsf=shi*.2; fsbi=shi*.2; fsfi=shi*.12; fsbii=shi*.12; fsfii=shi*.07; xpos=cswi; ypos=0; if (ns5) ark = document.getElementById("ark"); if (ns4) { ol=document.layers["ark"]; ol = new Layer(swi); ol.left = 0; ol.top = 0; ol.height = shi; ol.zIndex=1; ol.visibility = "hide"; ret = "<style type='text/css'>"; for (i=1;i<10;i++){ ret += "div.bolt" + i + "{ "; ret += "position:absolute;"; ret += "font-style:'Times New Roman';"; ret += "font-size:" + ( fsf * i/9 ) + "px;"; ret += "color:" + bcolor + ";"; ret += "visibility:inherit;"; ret += "z-index:1}"; if (aura){ ret += "div.bolta" + i + "{ "; ret += "position:absolute;"; ret += "font-style:'Times New Roman';"; ret += "font-size:"+ ( fsf * 1.3 * i/9 ) + "px;"; ret += "color:blue;"; ret += "visibility:inherit;"; ret += "z-index:0}"; } } ret += "</style>"; for (fs=1;fs<10;fs++){ for (i=1;i<nbs;i++) { if (aura){ ret += '<div id="a'+ i +'f'+ fs +'" class="bolta'+fs+'">.</div>'; } ret += '<div id="s'+ i +'f'+fs+'" class="bolt'+ fs +'">.</div>'; } } ol.document.write(ret); ol.document.close(); } Time1 = setTimeout('mainplot()',100); } function mainplot() { lang = 0; xpos = Math.random() * cswi + cswi/2; ypos = 0; fs = 9; fsi = 8; deg = Math.random() * 30 - 15 +((xpos<cswi) ? +15 : -15); jag = Math.round(Math.random()*100)/100; zag = Math.round(Math.random()*100)/100; cur = Math.round((.5 * (Math.random()*10-5))*100)/100; ion= (Math.random()>.5) ? 1 : -1; if (ns4) { for (i=1;i<nbs;i++) { ang = Math.random() * jag * 90 - jag * 45; if ( Math.random() + .05 > zag){ lang = Math.random() * zag * 90 - zag * 45; } ang += lang; ct++; if (Math.random() * 10 > 9.5 && fsi > 1){ fsi--; leg1(); } xpos += Math.sin((deg+(ang+i*cur)) / 57.3) * (fsf*fs/9) * .07; ypos += Math.abs(Math.cos((deg+(ang+i*cur))/57.3)*(fsf*fs/9)*.07); if( aura ){ ol.document.layers["a"+ i +"f"+ fs].moveTo(xpos - ( fsf * 1.3 * fs/9 ) * .125, ypos - ( fsf*1.3*fs/9 )*.85); ct++; } ol.document.layers["s"+ i + "f"+ fs].moveTo(xpos-(fsf*fs/9)*.125, ypos-(fsf*fs/9)*.85); if (ypos>shi || xpos<0 || xpos>swi){ i=nbs; } } ol.resizeTo(swi,shi); Time1 = setTimeout("light()",100); } if (ie4 || ns5) { // Rewriting layers can be faster than repositioning in internet explorer ret = ""; fsf=shi*.2; for (i=1;i<nbs;i++) { ang = Math.random()*jag*90-jag*45; if (Math.random()+.05>zag){ lang=Math.random()*zag*90-zag*45; } ang += lang; ct++; if (Math.random()*10>9.5){ fsfi=fsf*.6; fsf*=.95; leg1(); } xpos += Math.sin((deg+(ang+i*cur))/57.3)*fsf*.07; ypos += Math.abs(Math.cos((deg+(ang+i*cur))/57.3)*fsf*.07); fsb = fsf*1.3; if (ypos>shi || xpos<0 || xpos>swi){ i=nbs; } if (aura){ ret += '<div id="darg'+ i +'" style="position:absolute;left:'+ (xpos-fsb*.125) +'; top:'+( ypos-fsb*.85) +'; font-size:'+ fsb +'px; color:rgb(0,0,255); z-Index:0">.</div>'; ct++; } ret += '<div style="position:absolute; left:'+ (xpos-fsf*.125) +'; top:'+ (ypos-fsf*.85) +'; font-size:'+ fsf +'px; color:'+ bcolor +'; z-Index:1">.</div>'; } ark.innerHTML = ret; Time1 = setTimeout("lightie()",100); } } function leg1() { xpo=xpos; ypo=ypos; lang=zag*ion*(30+Math.random()*20-10); ion*=-1; lang1=0; deg1=deg+ion*50+Math.random()*20-10; jlen=Math.random()*nbs*.25+nbs*.25; if(ns4) { fsii=fsi-1 for (j=1;j<jlen;j++) { ang1=Math.random()*jag*90-jag*45; if (Math.random()+.05>zag){ lang1=Math.random()*zag*90-zag*45; } ang1-=lang1; ct++; if (Math.random()*10>9.9 && fsii>1) { fsii--; leg2(); } xpo += Math.sin((deg1+(ang1+j*cur))/57.3)*(fsf*fsi/9)*.07; ypo += Math.abs(Math.cos((deg1+(ang1+j*cur))/57.3)*(fsf*fsi/9)*.07); if (aura) { ol.document.layers["a"+ j +"f"+fsi].moveTo(xpo-(fsf*1.3*fsi/9)*.125, ypo-(fsf*1.3*fsi/9)*.85); ct++; } ol.document.layers["s"+j+"f"+fsi].moveTo(xpo-(fsf*fsi/9)*.125, ypo-(fsf*fsi/9)*.85); if (ypo>shi || xpo<0 || xpo>swi){ j=jlen; } } } if (ie4 || ns5) { ret += '<div id="fork">'; for (j=1;j<jlen;j++){ ang1 = Math.random()*jag*90-jag*45; if (Math.random()+.05>zag){ lang1=Math.random()*zag*90-zag*45; } ang1 -= lang1; ct++; if (Math.random()*10>9.9) { fsfii=fsfi*.6; fsfi*=.95; leg2(); } xpo += Math.sin((deg1+(ang1+j*cur))/57.3)*fsfi*.07; ypo += Math.cos((deg1+(ang1+j*cur))/57.3)*fsfi*.07; fsbi = fsfi*1.3; if (ypo>shi || xpo<0 || xpo>swi){ j=jlen; } if (aura) { ret += '<div id="arg'+ j +' style="position:absolute;left:'+ (xpo-fsbi*.125) +'; top:'+ (ypo-fsbi*.85) +'; font-size:'+ fsbi +'px; color:rgb(0,0,255); z-Index:0">.</div>'; ct++; } ret += '<div style="position:absolute; left:'+ (xpo-fsfi*.125) +'; top:'+ (ypo-fsfi*.85) +'; font-size:'+ fsfi +'px; color:'+ bcolor +'; z-Index:1">.</div>'; } ret += '</div>'; } } function leg2() { xp=xpo; yp=ypo; lang1 = zag*ion*(30+Math.random()*20-10); lang2=0; deg2=deg1+ion*50+Math.random()*20-10; klen=Math.random()*nbs/2+nbs/2; if (ns4) { for (k=nbs/2;k<klen;k++) { ang2=Math.random()*jag*90-jag*45; if (Math.random()+.05>zag){ lang2=Math.random()*zag*90-zag*45; } ang2-=lang2; ct++; xp += Math.sin((deg2+(ang2+k*cur))/57.3)*(fsf*fsii/9)*.07; yp += Math.cos((deg2+ang2)/57.3)*(fsf*fsii/9)*.07; 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ol.visibility = "show"; if (flash){ document.bgColor=skyFlash; } Time2 = setTimeout("ning()",(Math.random()*1000+1000)); } function lightie(){ ark.style.left = document.body.scrollLeft; ark.style.top = document.body.scrollTop; ark.style.visibility = "visible"; if (flash){ document.bgColor=skyFlash; } Time2=setTimeout("ningie()",(Math.random()*500+100)); } function ning(){ if (flash){ document.bgColor=skyNorm; } ol.visibility = "hide"; if (Math.random()*3 > 2){ Time2=setTimeout("light()", (Math.random()*500+100)); }else { for (fs=1;fs<10;fs++){ for (i=1;i<nbs;i++) { if (aura){ ol.document.layers['a'+i+'f'+fs].moveTo(-100, -100); } ol.document.layers['s'+i+'f'+fs].moveTo(-100, -100); } } Time1=setTimeout('mainplot()', (Math.random()*500+100)); } } function ningie(){ ark.style.visibility = "hidden"; if (flash){ document.bgColor = skyNorm; } if (Math.random()*3 > 2){ Time2 = setTimeout('lightie()', (Math.random()*500+100)); }else{ Time1 = setTimeout('mainplot()', (Math.random()*500+100)); 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