
Publicado por Fernando (última atualização em 02/05/2014)

[ Hits: 7.539 ]

Homepage: https://github.com/phoemur/

Download ipgetter.py

Este módulo foi feito para pegar seu IP externo pela internet. É usado principalmente quando atrás de um proxy ou NAT.
Ele pega o IP usando um servidor aleatório de uma lista de servidores, para minimizar as requisições em um servidor específico.

Se gostar você pode instalar o módulo em:

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Esconder código-fonte

#!/usr/bin/env python
This module is designed to fetch your external IP address from the internet.
It is used mostly when behind a NAT.
It picks your IP randomly from a serverlist to minimize request
overhead on a single server

If you want to add or remove your server from the list contact me on github

API Usage

    >>> import ipgetter
    >>> myip = ipgetter.myip()
    >>> myip

    >>> ipgetter.IPgetter().test()

    Number of servers: 47
    IP's : = 47 ocurrencies


import re
import random
import signal

from sys import version_info
from functools import wraps

PY3K = version_info >= (3, 0)

if PY3K:
    import urllib.request as urllib
    import urllib2 as urllib

__version__ = "0.4"

def timeout(seconds, error_message='Function call timed out'):
    Decorator that provides timeout to a function
    def decorated(func):
        def _handle_timeout(signum, frame):
            raise TimeoutError(error_message)

        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _handle_timeout)
                result = func(*args, **kwargs)
            return result
        return wrapper
    return decorated

def myip():
    return IPgetter().get_externalip()

class IPgetter(object):

    This class is designed to fetch your external IP address from the internet.
    It is used mostly when behind a NAT.
    It picks your IP randomly from a serverlist to minimize request overhead
    on a single server

    def __init__(self):
        self.server_list = ['http://ip.dnsexit.com',

    def get_externalip(self):
        This function gets your IP from a random server

        myip = ''
        for server in self.server_list:
            myip = self.fetch(server)
            if myip != '':
                return myip
        return ''

    def fetch(self, server):
        This function gets your IP from a specific server
        url = None
        opener = urllib.build_opener()
        opener.addheaders = [('User-agent',
                              "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0")]

            url = opener.open(server)
            content = url.read()

            # Didn't want to import chardet. Prefered to stick to stdlib
            if PY3K:
                    content = content.decode('UTF-8')
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                    content = content.decode('ISO-8859-1')

            m = re.search(
            myip = m.group(0)
            return myip if len(myip) > 0 else ''
        except Exception:
            return ''
            if url:

    def test(self):
        This functions tests the consistency of the servers
        on the list when retrieving your IP.
        All results should be the same.

        resultdict = {}
        for server in self.server_list:
            resultdict.update(**{server: self.fetch(server)})

        ips = sorted(resultdict.values())
        ips_set = set(ips)
        print('\nNumber of servers: {}'.format(len(self.server_list)))
        print("IP's :")
        for ip, ocorrencia in zip(ips_set, map(lambda x: ips.count(x), ips_set)):
            print('{0} = {1} ocurrenc{2}'.format(ip if len(ip) > 0 else 'broken server', ocorrencia, 'y' if ocorrencia == 1 else 'ies'))

if __name__ == '__main__':

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