Script MakePach para correção de platarforma 32 bits para 64

Publicado por José Cleydson Ferreira da Silva (última atualização em 25/05/2010)

[ Hits: 4.139 ]


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Este script faz a correção de um arquivo Makefile do software Mr Bayes da plataforma 32 bits para 64 incluindo suporte ao MPI.


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diff -ur mrbayes-3.1.2/Makefile
---   2006-08-08 16:26:36.000000000 +0200
+++ mrbayes-3.1.2/Makefile   2005-12-22 17:13:06.000000000 +0100
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 # Set MPI=yes for the parallel version
 MPI ?= yes
-_64BIT ?= yes
 # Set DEBUG=yes for a debug version of mrbayes, otherwise set OPTFLAGS 
 # to the desired optimization level (e.g. -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer for
 # less aggressive optimization than the default -O3)
@@ -64,10 +63,6 @@
-ifeq ($(strip $(_64BIT)), yes)
-   CFLAGS += -D_64BIT
 CFLAGS   +=   -Wall 
 LIBS     +=   -lm
diff -ur mrbayes-3.1.2/bayes.c
---   2006-08-08 16:01:52.000000000 +0200
+++ mrbayes-3.1.2/bayes.c   2005-12-23 17:26:28.000000000 +0100
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@
 int         defPairs;                    /* flag for whether pairs are read               */
 Doublet      doublet[16];                 /* holds information on states for doublets      */
 int         fileNameChanged;          /* has file name been changed ?                  */
-safeLong   globalSeed;                  /* seed that is initialized at start up          */
-int         nBitsInALong;                /* number of bits in a safeLong                      */
+long int   globalSeed;                  /* seed that is initialized at start up          */
+int         nBitsInALong;                /* number of bits in a long                      */
 int         readWord;                /* should we read word next ?                    */
-safeLong   runIDSeed;                   /* seed used only for determining run ID [stamp] */
-safeLong   swapSeed;                    /* seed used only for determining which to swap  */
+long int   runIDSeed;                   /* seed used only for determining run ID [stamp] */
+long int   swapSeed;                    /* seed used only for determining which to swap  */
 int         userLevel;                   /* user level                                    */
 #         if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
 #   endif
    /* calculate the size of a long - used by bit manipulation functions */
-   nBitsInALong = sizeof(safeLong) * 8;
+   nBitsInALong = sizeof(long) * 8;
    if (nBitsInALong > 32) /* Do not use more than 32 bits until we    */
       nBitsInALong = 32; /* understand how 64-bit longs are handled. */
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@
    if (proc_id == 0)
       curTime = time(NULL);
-      globalSeed  = (safeLong)curTime;
+      globalSeed  = (long int)curTime;
       if (globalSeed < 0)
          globalSeed = -globalSeed;
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
    if (proc_id == 0)
       curTime = time(NULL);
-      swapSeed  = (safeLong)curTime;
+      swapSeed  = (long int)curTime;
       if (swapSeed < 0)
          swapSeed = -swapSeed;
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
    if (proc_id == 0)
       curTime = time(NULL);
-      runIDSeed  = (safeLong)curTime;
+      runIDSeed  = (long int)curTime;
       if (runIDSeed < 0)
          runIDSeed = -runIDSeed;
@@ -439,17 +439,17 @@
 #   else
    curTime = time(NULL);
-   globalSeed  = (safeLong)curTime;
+   globalSeed  = (long int)curTime;
    if (globalSeed < 0)
       globalSeed = -globalSeed;
    curTime = time(NULL);
-   swapSeed  = (safeLong)curTime;
+   swapSeed  = (long int)curTime;
    if (swapSeed < 0)
       swapSeed = -swapSeed;
    curTime = time(NULL);
-   runIDSeed  = (safeLong)curTime;
+   runIDSeed  = (long int)curTime;
    if (runIDSeed < 0)
       runIDSeed = -globalSeed;
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
    readWord          = NO;                       /* should we read a word next ?                  */
    fileNameChanged       = NO;                       /* has the file name been changed ?              */
    echoMB                 = YES;                      /* flag used by Manual to control printing       */
-   longIntegerSize      = sizeof(safeLong);         /* size of an safeLong                       */
+   longIntegerSize      = sizeof(long int);         /* size of an long integer                       */
 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
    sprintf(manFileName, "commref_mb%sp.txt", VERSION_NUMBER);  /* name of command reference file      */
diff -ur mrbayes-3.1.2/command.c
---   2006-08-08 16:03:50.000000000 +0200
+++ mrbayes-3.1.2/command.c   2005-12-23 17:53:30.000000000 +0100
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 int      StateCode_AA (int n);
 int      StateCode_NUC4 (int n);
 int      StateCode_Std (int n);
-void     WhatVariableExp (unignedSafeLong exp, char *st);
+void     WhatVariableExp (unsigned long int exp, char *st);
 char     WhichAA (int x);
 MrBFlt   WhichCont (int x);
 char     WhichRes (int x);
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
 char         *constraintNames;      /* holds names of constraints                    */
 int            dataType;              /* type of data                                  */
 int            echoMB;               /* flag used by Manual to prevent echoing        */
-unignedSafeLong expecting;           /* variable denoting expected token type         */
+unsigned long int expecting;           /* variable denoting expected token type         */
 int            foundNewLine;          /* whether a new line has been found             */
 int          inComment;             /* flag for whether input stream is commented    */
 int            inferAncStates;         /* should ancestral states be inferred (y/n)     */
@@ -7348,13 +7348,13 @@
-unignedSafeLong Expecting (int y)
+unsigned long int Expecting (int y)
-   unignedSafeLong x;
+   unsigned long int x;
-   x = (unignedSafeLong)pow(2.0, (MrBFlt)y);
+   x = (unsigned long int)pow(2.0, (MrBFlt)y);
    return (x);
@@ -12200,7 +12200,7 @@
-void WhatVariableExp (unignedSafeLong exp, char *st)
+void WhatVariableExp (unsigned long int exp, char *st)
diff -ur mrbayes-3.1.2/command.h
---   2006-08-08 16:03:50.000000000 +0200
+++ mrbayes-3.1.2/command.h   2005-03-09 04:01:30.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 extern int      AddToString (char *s1, char *s2, int *x);
-extern unignedSafeLong Expecting (int y);
+extern unsigned long int Expecting (int y);
 extern int      CheckString (char *s1, char *s2, int *x);
 extern int      CheckStringValidity (char *s);
 extern int      DerootUserTree (TreeNode *p);
diff -ur mrbayes-3.1.2/globals.h
---   2006-08-08 16:03:51.000000000 +0200
+++ mrbayes-3.1.2/globals.h   2005-12-22 22:34:40.000000000 +0100
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
 extern int            defTaxa;                                /* flag for whether number of taxa is known      */
 extern Doublet         doublet[16];                            /* holds information on states for doublets      */
 extern int            echoMB;                               /* flag used by Manual to prevent echoing        */
-extern unignedSafeLong expecting;                        /* variable denoting expected token type         */
+extern long unsigned int expecting;                        /* variable denoting expected token type         */
 extern int            fileNameChanged;                   /* has file name been changed?                   */
 extern int            foundNewLine;                           /* whether a new line has been found             */
 extern char            gapId;                                  /* gap character Id                              */
-extern safeLong         globalSeed;                             /* seed that is initialized at start up          */
+extern long int         globalSeed;                             /* seed that is initialized at start up          */
 extern char            *headerNames;                           /* string to hold headers in sump and plot       */
 extern int             inComment;                              /* flag for whether input stream is commented    */
 extern int            inferAncStates;                         /* should ancestral states be inferred (y/n)     */
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@
 extern ReassembleInfo   reassembleParams;                      /* holds parameters for reassemble command       */
 extern MrBFlt         relConstraintProbs[30];                 /* relative probs. of trees with constraint      */
 extern int            replaceLogFile;                         /* should logfile be replace/appended to         */
-extern safeLong         runIDSeed;                              /* seed used only for generating run ID [stamp]  */
+extern long int         runIDSeed;                              /* seed used only for generating run ID [stamp]  */
 extern char            spacer[10];                             /* holds blanks for printing indentations        */
-extern safeLong         swapSeed;                               /* seed used only for determining which to swap  */
+extern long int         swapSeed;                               /* seed used only for determining which to swap  */
 extern Sump            sumpParams;                             /* holds parameters for sump command             */
 extern Sumt            sumtParams;                             /* holds parameters for sumt command             */
 extern char            stamp[11];                            /* holds a unique identifier for each analysis   */
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 extern int           theAmbigChar;                           /* int containing ambiguous character            */
 extern char            *transFrom;                             /* translation block information                 */
 extern char            *transTo;                               /* translation block information                 */
-extern int            longIntegerSize;                        /* size of an safeLong                       */
+extern int            longIntegerSize;                        /* size of an long integer                       */
 extern int            userBrlensDef;                          /* are the branch lengths on user tree defined   */
 extern int              userLevel;                              /* the level of the user                         */    
 extern Tree            *userTree;                              /* user tree                                     */
diff -ur mrbayes-3.1.2/mb.h
---   2006-08-08 16:03:51.000000000 +0200
+++ mrbayes-3.1.2/mb.h   2005-12-23 17:26:28.000000000 +0100
@@ -6,22 +6,6 @@
-/* found out that mrbayes crashes on 64 bit platform
-   especially in sumt function. If every long is substituted with
-   an int, it works. I'm going to define a safeLong and a unsigned
-   safeLong for 64 bit platforms...
-   Davide Cittaro - daweonline(at)
-#ifdef _64BIT
-typedef int safeLong;
-typedef unsigned int unignedSafeLong;
-typedef long safeLong;
-typedef long unsigned int unignedSafeLong;
 /* definition of UNIX_VERSION, WIN_VERSION or MAC_VERSION is now set in the
    Makefile file; for compilers not using a project file or Makefile, use the #defines above to select version */
@@ -370,8 +354,8 @@
    struct node      *left, *right, *anc;
    int            memoryIndex, index, upDateCl, upDateTi, marked, x, y,
                scalerNode, isLocked, lockID, uL, dL, mL, isDated;
-   safeLong      scalersSet[MAX_NUM_DIV_LONGS], clSpace[MAX_NUM_DIV_LONGS], tiSpace[MAX_NUM_DIV_LONGS];
-   safeLong       *partition;
+   long int      scalersSet[MAX_NUM_DIV_LONGS], clSpace[MAX_NUM_DIV_LONGS], tiSpace[MAX_NUM_DIV_LONGS];
+   long int       *partition;
    char         label[100];
    MrBFlt         length, nodeDepth, d, age;
    Calibration      *calibration;
@@ -405,7 +389,7 @@
    int            x, y, mark, index, memoryIndex, isLocked, lockID, isDated;
    MrBFlt         length, support, f, age;
    char         label[100];
-   safeLong      *partition;
+   long int      *partition;
    Calibration      *calibration;
@@ -561,7 +545,7 @@
 #define   OMEGA_10FFF                  108
 /* typedef for a MoveFxn */
-typedef int (MoveFxn)(Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+typedef int (MoveFxn)(Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
 /* struct holding info on each move type that the program handles */
 typedef struct
@@ -788,7 +772,7 @@
    int         numStartPerts;         /* number of perturbations to starting tree      */
    char      chainStartTree[100];   /* starting tree for chain (random/user)         */
    int         saveBrlens;            /* should branch lengths be saved                */
-   safeLong   chainSeed;             /* random seed for chain                         */
+   long int   chainSeed;             /* random seed for chain                         */
    MrBFlt      weightScheme[3];       /* percent chars to increase/decrease in weight  */
    int         calcPbf;               /* should we calculate the pseudo Bayes factor   */
    int         pbfInitBurnin;         /* initial burnin when calculating pseudo BF     */
@@ -963,12 +947,12 @@
 typedef struct doublet
-   safeLong   first, second;
+   long int   first, second;
    } Doublet;
 typedef struct matrix
-   safeLong *origin;
+   long *origin;
    int rowSize;
    int nRows;
    int column;
diff -ur mrbayes-3.1.2/mbmath.c
---   2006-08-08 16:01:53.000000000 +0200
+++ mrbayes-3.1.2/mbmath.c   2005-12-23 17:26:28.000000000 +0100
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 void    Exchange (int j, int k, int l, int m, int n, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt *scale);
 MrBFlt  Factorial (int x);
 void    ForwardSubstitutionRow (int dim, MrBFlt **L, MrBFlt *b);
-MrBFlt  GammaRandomVariable (MrBFlt a, MrBFlt b, safeLong *seed);
+MrBFlt  GammaRandomVariable (MrBFlt a, MrBFlt b, long int *seed);
 void    GaussianElimination (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt **bMat, MrBFlt **xMat);
 int     Hqr2 (int dim, int low, int high, MrBFlt **h, MrBFlt *wr, MrBFlt *wi, MrBFlt **z);
 MrBFlt  IncompleteBetaFunction (MrBFlt alpha, MrBFlt beta, MrBFlt x);
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@
 void    PrintSquareDoubleMatrix (int dim, MrBFlt **matrix);
 void    PrintSquareIntegerMatrix (int dim, int **matrix);
 complex ProductOfRealAndComplex (MrBFlt a, complex b);
-MrBFlt  RndGamma (MrBFlt s, safeLong *seed);
-MrBFlt  RndGamma1 (MrBFlt s, safeLong *seed);
-MrBFlt  RndGamma2 (MrBFlt s, safeLong *seed);
+MrBFlt  RndGamma (MrBFlt s, long int *seed);
+MrBFlt  RndGamma1 (MrBFlt s, long int *seed);
+MrBFlt  RndGamma2 (MrBFlt s, long int *seed);
 int     SetQvalue (MrBFlt tol);
 void    SetToIdentity (int dim, MrBFlt **matrix);
 MrBFlt  Tha (MrBFlt h1, MrBFlt h2, MrBFlt a1, MrBFlt a2);
@@ -1910,7 +1910,7 @@
 |   in the vector z.
-void DirichletRandomVariable (MrBFlt *alp, MrBFlt *z, int n, safeLong *seed)
+void DirichletRandomVariable (MrBFlt *alp, MrBFlt *z, int n, long int *seed)
@@ -2578,7 +2578,7 @@
 |   a and b. The mean is E(X) = a / b and the variance is Var(X) = a / b^2.
-MrBFlt GammaRandomVariable (MrBFlt a, MrBFlt b, safeLong *seed)
+MrBFlt GammaRandomVariable (MrBFlt a, MrBFlt b, long int *seed)
@@ -4746,11 +4746,11 @@
 |      ones are hard to find.  Communications of the ACM, 31(10):1192-1201.
-MrBFlt RandomNumber (safeLong *seed)
+MrBFlt RandomNumber (long int *seed)
-   safeLong   lo, hi, test;
+   long int   lo, hi, test;
    hi = (*seed) / 127773;
    lo = (*seed) % 127773;
@@ -4772,7 +4772,7 @@
 |   RndGamma
-MrBFlt RndGamma (MrBFlt s, safeLong *seed)
+MrBFlt RndGamma (MrBFlt s, long int *seed)
@@ -4800,7 +4800,7 @@
 |   RndGamma1
-MrBFlt RndGamma1 (MrBFlt s, safeLong *seed)
+MrBFlt RndGamma1 (MrBFlt s, long int *seed)
@@ -4844,7 +4844,7 @@
 |   RndGamma2
-MrBFlt RndGamma2 (MrBFlt s, safeLong *seed)
+MrBFlt RndGamma2 (MrBFlt s, long int *seed)
diff -ur mrbayes-3.1.2/mbmath.h
---   2006-08-08 16:01:53.000000000 +0200
+++ mrbayes-3.1.2/mbmath.h   2005-03-09 04:01:30.000000000 +0100
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 void    CalcCijk (int dim, MrBFlt *c_ijk, MrBFlt **u, MrBFlt **v);
 void    CopyComplexMatrices (int dim, complex **from, complex **to);
 void    CopyDoubleMatrices (int dim, MrBFlt **from, MrBFlt **to);
-void    DirichletRandomVariable (MrBFlt *alp, MrBFlt *z, int n, safeLong *seed);
+void    DirichletRandomVariable (MrBFlt *alp, MrBFlt *z, int n, long int *seed);
 int     DiscreteGamma (MrBFlt *rK, MrBFlt alfa, MrBFlt beta, int K, int median);
 void    FreeSquareComplexMatrix (complex **m);
 void    FreeSquareDoubleMatrix (MrBFlt **m);
@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@
 void    MultiplyMatrices (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt **b, MrBFlt **result);
 int     MultiplyMatrixNTimes (int dim, MrBFlt **Mat, int power, MrBFlt **Result);
 MrBFlt  QuantileGamma (MrBFlt x, MrBFlt alfa, MrBFlt beta);
-MrBFlt  RandomNumber (safeLong *seed);
+MrBFlt  RandomNumber (long int *seed);
diff -ur mrbayes-3.1.2/mcmc.c
---   2006-08-08 16:01:53.000000000 +0200
+++ mrbayes-3.1.2/mcmc.c   2005-12-23 17:26:28.000000000 +0100
@@ -139,21 +139,21 @@
    struct pfnode   *left;
    struct pfnode   *right;
    int            *count;
-   safeLong         *partition;
+   long         *partition;
    } PFNODE;
 /* local prototypes */
 int     AddDummyChars (void);
 int     AddTreeSamples (int from, int to);
-PFNODE *AddPartition (PFNODE *r, safeLong *p, int runId);
+PFNODE *AddPartition (PFNODE *r, long *p, int runId);
 int     AddToPrintString (char *tempStr);
 int     AddTreeToPartitionCounters (Tree *tree, int treeId, int runId);
 Tree   *AllocateTree (int numTaxa, int isTreeRooted);
-int     AttemptSwap (int swapA, int swapB, safeLong *seed);
-int       Bit (int n, safeLong *p);
+int     AttemptSwap (int swapA, int swapB, long int *seed);
+int       Bit (int n, long *p);
 int     BuildConstraintTree (Tree *t, PolyTree *pt);
 void    BuildExhaustiveSearchTree (Tree *t, int chain, int nTaxInTree, TreeInfo *tInfo);
-int     BuildStartTree (Tree *t, safeLong *seed);
+int     BuildStartTree (Tree *t, long int *seed);
 int     CalcLike_Adgamma (int d, Param *param, int chain, MrBFlt *lnL);
 void    CalcPartFreqStats (PFNODE *p, STATS *stat);
 void    CalculateTopConvDiagn (int numSamples);
@@ -214,12 +214,12 @@
 #       endif
 int     ExhaustiveParsimonySearch (Tree *t, int chain, TreeInfo *tInfo);
 int     ExtendChainQuery ();
-int      FillNormalParams (safeLong *seed);
+int      FillNormalParams (long int *seed);
 int     FillNumSitesOfPat (void);
 int     FillRelPartsString (Param *p, char relPartString[100]);
-int      FillTreeParams (safeLong *seed);
+int      FillTreeParams (long int *seed);
 int     Flip01 (int x);
-void    FlipOneBit (int n, safeLong *p);
+void    FlipOneBit (int n, long *p);
 void    FreeChainMemory (void);
 void   FreeTree (Tree *t);
 void    GetChainIds (void);
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
 void    GetPossibleAAs (int aaCode, int aa[]);
 void    GetPossibleNucs (int nucCode, int nuc[]);
 void    GetPossibleRestrictionSites (int resSiteCode, int *sites);
-int     GetRandomEmbeddedSubtree (Tree *t, int nTerminals, safeLong *seed, int *nEmbeddedTrees);
+int     GetRandomEmbeddedSubtree (Tree *t, int nTerminals, long *seed, int *nEmbeddedTrees);
 MrBFlt  GetRate (int division, int chain);
 void    GetSprParsimonyLengths (int chain, int nNodes1, int nNodes2, TreeNode **subTree1DP, TreeNode **subTree2DP, TreeNode *root2, MrBFlt *pLengths);
 void    GetStamp (void);
@@ -253,13 +253,13 @@
 int     InitSprParsSets (void);
 int     InitTermCondLikes (void);
 void   InitTreeNode (TreeNode *p);
-int     IsBitSet (int i, safeLong *bits);
+int     IsBitSet (int i, long *bits);
 int     IsClockSatisfied (Tree *t, MrBFlt tol);
 int      IsCalibratedClockSatisfied (Tree *t, MrBFlt tol);
 int      IsPFNodeEmpty (PFNODE *p);
 void    JukesCantor (MrBFlt *tiP, MrBFlt length);
 PFNODE *LargestNonemptyPFNode (PFNODE *p, int *i, int j);
-safeLong    LastBlock (FILE *fp, char *lineBuf, int longestLine);
+long    LastBlock (FILE *fp, char *lineBuf, int longestLine);
 int     Likelihood_Adgamma (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain, MrBFlt *lnL, int whichSitePats);
 int       Likelihood_Gen (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain, MrBFlt *lnL, int whichSitePats);
 int       Likelihood_NUC4 (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain, MrBFlt *lnL, int whichSitePats);
@@ -279,62 +279,62 @@
 void    MarkClsBelow (TreeNode *p);
 MrBFlt  MaximumValue (MrBFlt x, MrBFlt y);
 MrBFlt  MinimumValue (MrBFlt x, MrBFlt y);
-int     Move_Aamodel (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_Adgamma (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_Beta (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_Beta_M (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_BiasedSpr (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_BrLen (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_Extinction (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_Extinction_M (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_ExtSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_ExtSPR2 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_ExtSPRClock (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_ExtSS (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_ExtTBR (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_ExtTBR1 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_ExtTBR2 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_ExtTBR3 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_ExtTBR4 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_GammaShape_M (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_Growth (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_Local (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_LocalClock (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_NNI (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int      Move_NNI_Hetero (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int      Move_NodeSlider (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int      Move_NodeSliderClock (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_Omega (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_Omega_M (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_OmegaBeta_M (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_OmegaCat (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_OmegaGamma_M (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_OmegaNeu (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_OmegaPos (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_OmegaPur (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_ParsEraser1 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_Pinvar (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_RanSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_RanSPR2 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_RanSPR3 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_RanSPR4 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_RateMult_Dir (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_Revmat_Dir (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_Speciation (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_Speciation_M (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_SPRClock (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_Statefreqs (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int      Move_StatefreqsSymDirMultistate (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_SwitchRate (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_SwitchRate_M (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_Theta (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_Tratio_Dir (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_TreeHeight (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int     Move_UnrootedSlider (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Aamodel (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Adgamma (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Beta (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Beta_M (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_BiasedSpr (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_BrLen (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Extinction (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Extinction_M (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_ExtSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_ExtSPR2 (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_ExtSPRClock (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_ExtSS (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_ExtTBR (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_ExtTBR1 (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_ExtTBR2 (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_ExtTBR3 (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_ExtTBR4 (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_GammaShape_M (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Growth (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Local (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_LocalClock (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_NNI (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int      Move_NNI_Hetero (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int      Move_NodeSlider (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int      Move_NodeSliderClock (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Omega (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Omega_M (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_OmegaBeta_M (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_OmegaCat (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_OmegaGamma_M (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_OmegaNeu (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_OmegaPos (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_OmegaPur (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_ParsEraser1 (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Pinvar (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_RanSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_RanSPR2 (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_RanSPR3 (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_RanSPR4 (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_RateMult_Dir (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Revmat_Dir (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Speciation (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Speciation_M (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_SPRClock (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Statefreqs (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int      Move_StatefreqsSymDirMultistate (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_SwitchRate (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_SwitchRate_M (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Theta (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_Tratio_Dir (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_TreeHeight (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int     Move_UnrootedSlider (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
 void    NodeToNodeDistances (Tree *t, TreeNode *fromNode);
 int     NumNonExcludedChar (void);
 int     NumNonExcludedTaxa (void);
-int     PickProposal (safeLong *seed);
+int     PickProposal (long int *seed);
 int     PosSelProbs (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain);
 int      PreparePrintFiles (void);
 int     PrintAncStates_Bin (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain);
@@ -361,19 +361,19 @@
 int     PrintTree (int curGen, Tree *tree);
 int     ProcessStdChars (void);
 int      PruneTree (Tree *t);
-int      RandResolve (Tree *destination, PolyTree *t, safeLong *seed);
+int      RandResolve (Tree *destination, PolyTree *t, long *seed);
 #       if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
 int     ReassembleMoveInfo (void);
 int     ReassembleSwapInfo (void);
 #       endif
 int      RecreateTree (Tree *t, char *s);
-int     RemovePartition (PFNODE *r, safeLong *p, int runId);
+int     RemovePartition (PFNODE *r, long *p, int runId);
 int     RemoveTreeFromPartitionCounters (Tree *tree, int treeId, int runId);
 int     RemoveTreeSamples (int from, int to);
 int     ReopenMBPrintFiles (void);
 int     RequestAbortRun(void);
 int     ResetScalers (void);
-int     RunChain (safeLong *seed);
+int     RunChain (long int *seed);
 int     SaveSprintf(char **target, int *targetLen, char *fmt, ...);
 int     SetAARates (void);
 int     SetChainParams (void);
@@ -454,9 +454,9 @@
 int            *compColPos;               /* column position in compressed matrix       */
 int            *termState = NULL;                  /* index to terminal state ti:s                 */
 int            *isPartAmbig = NULL;               /* does terminal taxon have partial ambiguity    */
-safeLong      *compMatrix;               /* compressed character matrix                */
-safeLong      *parsMatrix = NULL;               /* parsimony (bitset) matrix for terminals      */
-safeLong      *parsSets = NULL;                /* parsimony (bitset) matrix for int nodes     */
+long int      *compMatrix;               /* compressed character matrix                */
+long int      *parsMatrix = NULL;               /* parsimony (bitset) matrix for terminals      */
+long int      *parsSets = NULL;                /* parsimony (bitset) matrix for int nodes     */
 CLFlt         *numSitesOfPat;               /* no. sites of each pattern                */
 CLFlt         *termCondLikes = NULL;               /* cond likes for terminals                     */
 CLFlt         *chainCondLikes;            /* cond likes for chains                   */
@@ -473,16 +473,16 @@
 int            *nAccepted;                  /* counter of accepted moves                */
 CLFlt         **chainCLPtrSpace;           /* space holding pointers to cond likes         */
 CLFlt         ***condLikePtr;               /* pointers to cond likes for chain and node    */
-safeLong         **parsPtrSpace = NULL;             /* space holding pointers to parsimony sets     */
-safeLong         ***parsPtr = NULL;                /* pointers to pars state sets for chain & node */
+long         **parsPtrSpace = NULL;             /* space holding pointers to parsimony sets     */
+long         ***parsPtr = NULL;                /* pointers to pars state sets for chain & node */
 CLFlt         *parsNodeLengthSpace = NULL;       /* space for parsimony node lengths          */
 CLFlt         **parsNodeLen = NULL;             /* pointers to pars node lengths for chains     */
 char         *printString;                /* string for printing to a file                */
 size_t         printStringSize;             /* length of printString                        */
-safeLong      *sprParsMatrix;               /* SPR parsimony (bitset) matrix for terminals  */
-safeLong      *sprParsSets;                /* SPR parsimony (bitset) matrix for all nodes  */
-safeLong         **sprParsPtrSpace;           /* space holding pointers to SPR parsimony sets */
-safeLong         ***sprParsPtr;             /* ptrs to SPR pars state sets for chain & node */
+long int      *sprParsMatrix;               /* SPR parsimony (bitset) matrix for terminals  */
+long int      *sprParsSets;                /* SPR parsimony (bitset) matrix for all nodes  */
+long         **sprParsPtrSpace;           /* space holding pointers to SPR parsimony sets */
+long         ***sprParsPtr;             /* ptrs to SPR pars state sets for chain & node */
 int            sprParsMatrixRowSize;        /* row size of SPR parsimony matrix             */
 CLFlt         *treeScalerSpace;            /* space holding tree scalers                */
 CLFlt         **treeScaler;               /* pointers to tree scalers for each chain       */
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@
 /*MrBFlt*/int         abortMove;                /* flag determining whether to abort move       */
 PFNODE         **partFreqTreeRoot;          /* root of tree(s) holding partition freqs      */
 int            nLongsNeeded;             /* number of longs needed for partitions        */
-safeLong         **partition;                 /* matrix holding partitions                    */
+long         **partition;                 /* matrix holding partitions                    */
 MrBFlt          *maxLnL0 = NULL;                    /* maximum likelihood                           */
 FILE         *fpMcmc = NULL;              /* pointer to .mcmc file                        */
 FILE         **fpParm = NULL;             /* pointer to .p file(s)                        */
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@
    int         i, j, k, d, numIncompatible, numDeleted, numStdChars, oldRowSize,
             newRowSize, numDummyChars, newColumn, newChar, oldColumn, oldChar, 
             isCompat, *tempChar, numIncompatibleChars;
-   safeLong      *tempMatrix;
+   long      *tempMatrix;
    CLFlt      *tempSitesOfPat;
    ModelInfo   *m;
    ModelParams   *mp;
@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@
    numCompressedChars += numDummyChars;
    /* allocate space for new data */
-   tempMatrix = (safeLong *) calloc (numLocalTaxa * newRowSize, sizeof(safeLong));
+   tempMatrix = (long *) calloc (numLocalTaxa * newRowSize, sizeof(long));
    tempSitesOfPat = (CLFlt *) calloc (numCompressedChars, sizeof(CLFlt));
    tempChar = (int *) calloc (compMatrixRowSize, sizeof(int));
    if (!tempMatrix || !tempSitesOfPat || !tempChar)
@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@
 /* AddPartition: Add a partition to the tree keeping track of partition frequencies */
-PFNODE *AddPartition (PFNODE *r, safeLong *p, int runId)
+PFNODE *AddPartition (PFNODE *r, long *p, int runId)
    int      i, comp;
@@ -935,7 +935,7 @@
 int AddTreeSamples (int from, int to)
    int   i, j, k, longestLine;
-   safeLong   lastBlock;
+   long   lastBlock;
    char   *word, *s, *lineBuf;
    FILE   *fp;
    Tree   *t;
@@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@
-int AttemptSwap (int swapA, int swapB, safeLong *seed)
+int AttemptSwap (int swapA, int swapB, long int *seed)
@@ -1583,15 +1583,15 @@
-|   Bit: return 1 if bit n is set in safeLong *p
+|   Bit: return 1 if bit n is set in long *p
 |      else return 0
-int Bit (int n, safeLong *p)
+int Bit (int n, long *p)
-   safeLong      x;
+   long      x;
    p += n / nBitsInALong;
    x = 1 << (n % nBitsInALong);
@@ -1617,11 +1617,11 @@
    int            i, j, k, k1, nLongsNeeded, nextNode, nextActiveConstraint;
-   safeLong      *constraintPartition, *mask;
+   long int      *constraintPartition, *mask;
    PolyNode      *pp, *qq, *rr, *ss, *tt;
    nLongsNeeded = (numLocalTaxa / nBitsInALong) + 1;
-   constraintPartition = (safeLong *) calloc (2*nLongsNeeded, sizeof(safeLong));
+   constraintPartition = (long int *) calloc (2*nLongsNeeded, sizeof(long int));
    if (!constraintPartition)
       MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problems allocating constraintPartition in BuildConstraintTree", spacer);
@@ -1898,7 +1898,7 @@
 |   BuildStartTree: Build one starting tree
-int    BuildStartTree (Tree *t, safeLong *seed)
+int    BuildStartTree (Tree *t, long int *seed)
@@ -1909,7 +1909,7 @@
    PolyTree      constraintTree;
    Tree         *tempTree;
    char         tempName[100];
-   safeLong      *bitsets;
+   long int      *bitsets;
    /* set pointers allocated locally to NULL for correct exit on error */
    tempNums = NULL;
@@ -1955,7 +1955,7 @@
       /* make random tree consistent with constraints */
       /* first allocate space for partition specifiers and polytomous tree */
       nLongsNeeded = (numLocalTaxa / nBitsInALong) + 1;
-      bitsets = (safeLong *) calloc (2*numLocalTaxa*nLongsNeeded, sizeof(safeLong));
+      bitsets = (long int *) calloc (2*numLocalTaxa*nLongsNeeded, sizeof(long int));
       if (bitsets == NULL)
          MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating space for bitsets in BuildStartTree", spacer);
@@ -2595,7 +2595,7 @@
    int            c, i, j, nRates, posit;
-   safeLong      inHMM;
+   long int      inHMM;
    MrBFlt         logScaler, max, prob, *F,
                *oldF, *tempF, fSpace[2][MAX_GAMMA_CATS];
    MrBFlt         *rP;
@@ -3054,15 +3054,15 @@
    int            a, b, i, j, k, nLongsNeeded;
-   safeLong      *constraintPartition, *mask, *bitsets;
+   long int      *constraintPartition, *mask, *bitsets;
    TreeNode      *p=NULL;
    /* allocate space */
    nLongsNeeded = (numLocalTaxa / nBitsInALong) + 1;
-   bitsets = (safeLong *) calloc ((t->nNodes + 1)*nLongsNeeded + /*1*/
+   bitsets = (long int *) calloc ((t->nNodes + 1)*nLongsNeeded + /*1*/
-                                       sizeof(safeLong));
+                                       sizeof(long int));
    if (!bitsets)
@@ -3494,12 +3494,12 @@
    int            a, b, i, j, k, nLongsNeeded, foundIt, nextActiveConstraint;
-   safeLong      *constraintPartition, *mask, *bitsets;
+   long int      *constraintPartition, *mask, *bitsets;
    TreeNode      *p;
    /* allocate space */
    nLongsNeeded = (numLocalTaxa / nBitsInALong) + 1;
-   bitsets = (safeLong *) calloc (2*nLongsNeeded*numLocalTaxa + 2, sizeof(safeLong));
+   bitsets = (long int *) calloc (2*nLongsNeeded*numLocalTaxa + 2, sizeof(long int));
    if (!bitsets)
       MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problems allocating bitsets in CheckSetConstraints", spacer);
@@ -3730,7 +3730,7 @@
    int            a, c, d, i, j, k, t, col[3], isSame, newRow, newColumn,
                *isTaken, *tempSitesOfPat, *tempChar;
-   safeLong         *tempMatrix;
+   long         *tempMatrix;
    ModelInfo      *m;
    ModelParams      *mp;
@@ -3780,7 +3780,7 @@
    /* allocate space for temporary matrix, tempSitesOfPat,             */
    /* vector keeping track of whether a character has been compressed, */
    /* and vector indexing first original char for each compressed char */
-   tempMatrix = (safeLong *) calloc (numLocalTaxa * numLocalChar, sizeof(safeLong));
+   tempMatrix = (long *) calloc (numLocalTaxa * numLocalChar, sizeof(long));
    tempSitesOfPat = (int *) calloc (numLocalChar, sizeof(int));
    isTaken = (int *) calloc (numChar, sizeof(int));
    tempChar = (int *) calloc (numLocalChar, sizeof(int));
@@ -3967,10 +3967,10 @@
       MrBayesPrint ("%s   compMatrix not free in CompressData\n", spacer);
       goto errorExit;
-   compMatrix = (safeLong *) calloc (compMatrixRowSize * numLocalTaxa, sizeof(safeLong));
+   compMatrix = (long *) calloc (compMatrixRowSize * numLocalTaxa, sizeof(long));
    if (!compMatrix)
-      MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating compMatrix (%d)\n", spacer, compMatrixRowSize * numLocalTaxa * sizeof(safeLong));
+      MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating compMatrix (%d)\n", spacer, compMatrixRowSize * numLocalTaxa * sizeof(long));
       goto errorExit;
    memAllocs[ALLOC_COMPMATRIX] = YES;
@@ -6913,7 +6913,7 @@
    int            i, j, k, d, nParsStatesForCont, nuc1, nuc2, nuc3, newColumn,
                codingNucCode, allNucCode, allAmbig;
-   safeLong         x, x1, x2, x3, *longPtr;
+   long         x, x1, x2, x3, *longPtr;
    ModelInfo      *m;
    ModelParams      *mp;
@@ -6932,7 +6932,7 @@
       mp = &modelParams[d];
       m->parsMatrixStart = parsMatrixRowSize;
-      /* find how many parsimony ints (safeLong) are needed for each model site */
+      /* find how many parsimony ints (long) are needed for each model site */
       if (mp->dataType == CONTINUOUS)
          /* scale continuous characters down to an ordered parsimony character */
@@ -6953,7 +6953,7 @@
       MrBayesPrint ("%s   parsMatrix not free in CreateParsMatrix\n", spacer);
       return (ERROR);
-   parsMatrix = (safeLong *) calloc (parsMatrixRowSize * numLocalTaxa, sizeof(safeLong));
+   parsMatrix = (long *) calloc (parsMatrixRowSize * numLocalTaxa, sizeof(long));
    if (!parsMatrix)
       MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating parsMatrix\n", spacer);
@@ -7227,7 +7227,7 @@
-   safeLong      seed, numGlobalChains;
+   long int      seed, numGlobalChains;
    int         rc;
 #               if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
@@ -8662,7 +8662,7 @@
 |   FillNormalParams: Allocate and fill in non-tree parameters
-int FillNormalParams (safeLong *seed)
+int FillNormalParams (long int *seed)
@@ -9559,7 +9559,7 @@
 |   FillTreeParams: Fill in trees and branch lengths
-int FillTreeParams (safeLong *seed)
+int FillTreeParams (long int *seed)
@@ -9894,14 +9894,14 @@
-|   FlipOneBit: flip bit n in safeLong *p
+|   FlipOneBit: flip bit n in long *p
-void FlipOneBit (int n, safeLong *p)
+void FlipOneBit (int n, long *p)
-   safeLong      x;
+   long      x;
    p += n/nBitsInALong;
    x = 1 << (n % nBitsInALong);
@@ -10562,7 +10562,7 @@
    int            c, i, n, division;
-   safeLong         *pL, *pR, *pP, *pA, x;
+   long         *pL, *pR, *pP, *pA, x;
    CLFlt         *nSitesOfPat;
    TreeNode        *p;
    ModelInfo      *m;
@@ -10635,7 +10635,7 @@
    int            c, i, n, division;
-   safeLong         *pL, *pR, *pP, x;
+   long         *pL, *pR, *pP, x;
    CLFlt         *nSitesOfPat; 
    TreeNode      *p;
    ModelInfo      *m;
@@ -10684,7 +10684,7 @@
    int            c, i, n, division;
-   safeLong         *pL, *pR, *pP, *pA, x;
+   long         *pL, *pR, *pP, *pA, x;
    CLFlt         *nSitesOfPat;
    MrBFlt         length;
    TreeNode      *p;
@@ -10759,7 +10759,7 @@
    int            c, i, n, division;
-   safeLong         *pD, *pP, *pA, x;
+   long         *pD, *pP, *pA, x;
    TreeNode      *p;
    ModelInfo      *m;
@@ -10994,7 +10994,7 @@
-int GetRandomEmbeddedSubtree (Tree *t, int nTerminals, safeLong *seed, int *nEmbeddedTrees)
+int GetRandomEmbeddedSubtree (Tree *t, int nTerminals, long *seed, int *nEmbeddedTrees)
@@ -11142,7 +11142,7 @@
    int            i, j, c, d;
-   safeLong         *cl, *clL, *clR, *clA, *clU, *clM, x, y, z;
+   long         *cl, *clL, *clR, *clA, *clU, *clM, x, y, z;
    CLFlt         temp1, temp2=0.0;
    CLFlt         *nSitesOfPat;
    TreeNode      *p, *q;
@@ -11506,7 +11506,7 @@
    int            i, j, k, n, c, d, s, chain, nObs, chosen, oneMatSize, nNodes,
                nScalerNodes, numReps;
-   safeLong         *charBits;
+   long         *charBits;
    ModelInfo      *m;
    ModelParams      *mp;
    CLFlt         *clPtr;
@@ -12232,7 +12232,7 @@
    int         c, d, i, s, invCondLikeSize, isConstant;
-   safeLong   *charBits;
+   long int   *charBits;
    MrBFlt      *cI;
    ModelInfo   *m;
    ModelParams   *mp;
@@ -12384,7 +12384,7 @@
    int            i, j, k, d, chain, nIntNodes, nNodes, nParsSets;
-   safeLong         *ptr;
+   long         *ptr;
    ModelInfo      *m;
    /* Calculate number of nodes and number of internal nodes for rooted tree (worst case) */
@@ -12417,9 +12417,9 @@
       MrBayesPrint ("%s   Space for parsimony state sets not free in InitParsSets\n", spacer);
       return ERROR;
-   parsSets = (safeLong *) calloc (numLocalChains * nIntNodes * nParsSets * 2, sizeof(safeLong));
-   parsPtrSpace = (safeLong **) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * nNodes * sizeof(safeLong *));
-   parsPtr = (safeLong ***) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * sizeof(safeLong **));
+   parsSets = (long *) calloc (numLocalChains * nIntNodes * nParsSets * 2, sizeof(long));
+   parsPtrSpace = (long **) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * nNodes * sizeof(long *));
+   parsPtr = (long ***) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * sizeof(long **));
    parsNodeLengthSpace = (CLFlt *) calloc (numLocalChains * parsNodeLenRowSize * 2, sizeof (CLFlt));
    parsNodeLen = (CLFlt **) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * sizeof(CLFlt *));
    if (!parsSets || !parsPtrSpace || !parsPtr || !parsNodeLengthSpace || !parsNodeLen)
@@ -12520,7 +12520,7 @@
    int            c, i, j, d, chain, nIntNodes, nNodes;
-   safeLong         *ptr, x;
+   long         *ptr, x;
    ModelInfo      *m;
    /* Calculate number of nodes and number of internal nodes for rooted tree (worst case) */
@@ -12537,10 +12537,10 @@
       MrBayesPrint ("%s   Space for SPR parsimony state sets not free in InitSprParsSets\n", spacer);
       return ERROR;
-   sprParsMatrix = (safeLong *) calloc (sprParsMatrixRowSize * numLocalTaxa, sizeof(safeLong));
-   sprParsSets = (safeLong *) calloc (numLocalChains * nNodes * sprParsMatrixRowSize * 3, sizeof(safeLong));
-   sprParsPtrSpace = (safeLong **) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * nNodes * sizeof(safeLong *));
-   sprParsPtr = (safeLong ***) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * sizeof(safeLong **));
+   sprParsMatrix = (long *) calloc (sprParsMatrixRowSize * numLocalTaxa, sizeof(long));
+   sprParsSets = (long *) calloc (numLocalChains * nNodes * sprParsMatrixRowSize * 3, sizeof(long));
+   sprParsPtrSpace = (long **) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * nNodes * sizeof(long *));
+   sprParsPtr = (long ***) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * sizeof(long **));
    if (!sprParsMatrix || !sprParsSets || !sprParsPtrSpace || !sprParsPtr)
       if (sprParsMatrix)
@@ -12653,7 +12653,7 @@
    int         c, d, i, j, k, s, maxRates, numReps, oneMatSize,
-   safeLong   *charBits;
+   long int   *charBits;
    CLFlt      *cL;
    ModelInfo   *m;
    ModelParams *mp=NULL;
@@ -12970,11 +12970,11 @@
-int IsBitSet (int i, safeLong *bits)
+int IsBitSet (int i, long *bits)
-   safeLong      x;
+   long      x;
    bits += i / nBitsInALong;
@@ -13341,9 +13341,9 @@
 /* LastBlock: Return file position of last block in file */
-safeLong LastBlock (FILE *fp, char *lineBuf, int longestLine)
+long LastBlock (FILE *fp, char *lineBuf, int longestLine)
-   safeLong   lastBlock;
+   long   lastBlock;
    char   *word;
    lastBlock = 0L;
@@ -14085,7 +14085,7 @@
    int            c, i, nStates;
-   safeLong         done, *pL, *pR, *pP, *pA, *oldpP, x;
+   long         done, *pL, *pR, *pP, *pA, *oldpP, x;
    CLFlt         nParsChars, treeLength;
    CLFlt         length, *nSitesOfPat, *newNodeLength, oldNodeLength;
    Tree         *t;
@@ -14266,7 +14266,7 @@
    int            c, i, *nStates;
-   safeLong         *pL, *pR, *pP, *pA, *oldpP, x;
+   long         *pL, *pR, *pP, *pA, *oldpP, x;
    CLFlt         *treeLength;
    CLFlt         *nSitesOfPat;
    Tree         *t;
@@ -15095,7 +15095,7 @@
-int Move_Aamodel (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_Aamodel (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -15212,7 +15212,7 @@
-int Move_Adgamma (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_Adgamma (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -15280,7 +15280,7 @@
-int Move_Beta (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_Beta (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -15411,7 +15411,7 @@
 |      TODO: Smart update of tiprobs, rnd insert both ends of
 |      the moved branch on attachment branch
-int Move_BiasedSpr (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_BiasedSpr (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -16013,7 +16013,7 @@
-int Move_BrLen (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_BrLen (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -16095,7 +16095,7 @@
-int Move_TreeHeight (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_TreeHeight (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -16294,7 +16294,7 @@
-int Move_Extinction (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_Extinction (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -16389,7 +16389,7 @@
-int Move_Extinction_M (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_Extinction_M (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -16484,7 +16484,7 @@
-int Move_ExtSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_ExtSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -17020,7 +17020,7 @@
-int Move_ExtSPR2 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_ExtSPR2 (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -17562,7 +17562,7 @@
-int Move_ExtSPRClock (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_ExtSPRClock (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -17927,7 +17927,7 @@
-int Move_ExtSS (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_ExtSS (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -18471,7 +18471,7 @@
-int Move_ExtTBR (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_ExtTBR (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -18934,7 +18934,7 @@
-int Move_ExtTBR1 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_ExtTBR1 (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -19456,7 +19456,7 @@
-int Move_ExtTBR2 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_ExtTBR2 (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -20032,7 +20032,7 @@
-int Move_ExtTBR3 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_ExtTBR3 (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -20648,7 +20648,7 @@
-int Move_ExtTBR4 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_ExtTBR4 (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -21171,7 +21171,7 @@
-int Move_GammaShape_M (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_GammaShape_M (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -21261,7 +21261,7 @@
-int Move_Growth (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_Growth (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -21382,7 +21382,7 @@
 |         the boundary conditions into account
-int Move_Local (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_Local (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -21699,7 +21699,7 @@
 |           does not change tree height.
-int Move_LocalClock (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_LocalClock (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -22186,7 +22186,7 @@
 /* change topology using NNI */
-int Move_NNI (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_NNI (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -22259,7 +22259,7 @@
 /* change topology with unlinked brlens using NNI */
-int Move_NNI_Hetero (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_NNI_Hetero (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -22465,7 +22465,7 @@
-int Move_NodeSlider (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_NodeSlider (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
    MrBFlt      tuning, maxV, minV, oldM, newM, brlensPrExp=0.0, newMin, newMax, oldMin, oldMax;
@@ -22558,7 +22558,7 @@
-int Move_NodeSliderClock (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_NodeSliderClock (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
    MrBFlt         window, minV, minDepth, maxDepth, oldDepth, newDepth, oldLnPrior, newLnPrior, theta=0.0, growth=0.0, sR=0.0, eR=0.0, sF=0.0;
@@ -22772,7 +22772,7 @@
 |      Note that this is appropriate when omegavar=equal
-int Move_Omega (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_Omega (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -22854,7 +22854,7 @@
 |      omegavar=equal
-int Move_Omega_M (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_Omega_M (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -22937,7 +22937,7 @@
 |      appropriate whenomegavar=M10
-int Move_OmegaBeta_M (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_OmegaBeta_M (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -23025,7 +23025,7 @@
 |      appropriate whenomegavar=M10
-int Move_OmegaGamma_M (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_OmegaGamma_M (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -23120,7 +23120,7 @@
 #undef   DO_DIR_CAT_PROP
-int Move_OmegaCat (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_OmegaCat (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -23288,7 +23288,7 @@
 |      for neutral sites
-int Move_OmegaNeu (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_OmegaNeu (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -23371,7 +23371,7 @@
 |      for positively selected sites
-int Move_OmegaPos (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_OmegaPos (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -23477,7 +23477,7 @@
 |      for purifying selection sites
-int Move_OmegaPur (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_OmegaPur (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -23569,7 +23569,7 @@
 |      Programmed by FR 2004-10-23--
-int Move_ParsEraser1 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_ParsEraser1 (Param *param, int chain, long *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -23854,7 +23854,7 @@
-int Move_Pinvar (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_Pinvar (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -23918,7 +23918,7 @@
-int Move_RanSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_RanSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -24486,7 +24486,7 @@
-int Move_RanSPR2 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_RanSPR2 (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -25066,7 +25066,7 @@
-int Move_RanSPR3 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_RanSPR3 (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -25714,7 +25714,7 @@
-int Move_RanSPR4 (Param *param, int chain, safeLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_RanSPR4 (Param *param, int chain, long int *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
@@ -26416,7 +26416,7 @@

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