Srt2vtt in Shell Script (Beta)
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[ Hits: 1.527 ]
Este script converte para webvtt utilizando ffmpeg, um programa em linha de comando que é composto de uma coleção de software livre e bibliotecas de código aberto.
Para converter a você precisa informar a codificação (encode) da, por exemplo: ASCII text
Uma forma simples de descobrir qual é a codificação do arquivo é utilizando o comando file. Você também pode baixar o encode.txt ou copiar e colar a lista de codificações:
Renomeie o download acima para encode.txt. O arquivo encode.txt deve estar no seu diretorio $HOME.
#/usr/bin/env bash # PATH log_path=/tmp/srt2vtt.log # the output of ffmpeg list_path=$(find $HOME -name enccode.txt) # ffmpeg sub charenc parameters (2006) if [ -z $list_path ];then list_not_found=true ;else list_not_found=false ;fi # COLORS red="\033[1;31m" green="\033[1;32m" end="\033[0m" srt=$2 # check=$(file | cut -d':' -f2 | tr -d [:blank:]) # verifies that ffmpeg is installed if [[ ! -e $(which ffmpeg) ]];then echo -e "${red}ffmpeg isn't installed ${end}" ; exit 1 ;fi _whitespaces(){ if [ -n "$srt" -a -e "$srt" ];then file $srt if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo -e "${red}\nError: whitespaces " echo -e "Please run srt2vtt -r to Rename the subtitle${end}\n" exit 1 fi fi } _fileExist(){ if ! [ -e "$srt" ];then echo -e "${red}\nError: no such file or directory${end}" exit 1 fi } _HELP_(){ echo """ srt2vtt version 1.0 Usage: srt2vtt <option> <> -c ) Convert srt to vtt whitout verbose -h ) show this Help message -v ) enable Verbose mode and convert -r ) Rename the subtitle (use in case of the sub has whitespaces) -l ) shows the last sub log by erickDarko 2018 """ exit 0 } _rename(){ if [[ ! -e $(which python3) ]];then echo -e "${red}python3 isn't installed ${end}" ; exit 1 ;fi echo """ from os import listdir ls = listdir() for c,v in enumerate(ls): if 'srt' in v: print('mv',end=' ') print('\"{}\" \"{}\"'.format(ls[c],v.replace(' ','_'))) print() """ > python3 > rename chmod +x rename ; ./rename 2> /dev/null ; sleep 0.5s ; rm rename* echo ; exit 0 } _convert(){ if [ "$check" == "empty" ];then echo -e "${red}Error: empty file${end}"; exit 2 ;fi _fileExist # verifies if the file exist _whitespaces # verifies whitespaces len=$(expr ${#srt} - 4) # length of the subtile without the extension ".srt" vtt=$(echo $srt | cut -c-$len) if [ -e $vtt.vtt ];then rm -iv $vtt.vtt ;fi # delete the subtitle if it already exists encode=$(file $srt | cut -d":" -f2 | cut -d" " -f2) # get the file encode if [ $list_not_found == false ];then # verifies if the encode is on the $list_path list=$(cat $list_path | grep "$encode") if [ $1 == false ];then for enc in $list;do ffmpeg -fix_sub_duration -sub_charenc $enc -i $srt $vtt.vtt &> $log_path done else for enc in $list;do ffmpeg -fix_sub_duration -sub_charenc $enc -i $srt $vtt.vtt 0> $log_path done fi if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo -ne "${red}Error: ${end}" echo -e "${red}$(cat $log_path | tail -n1)${end}" rm $vtt.vtt &> /dev/null exit 2 fi else while true;do echo "File information: $(file $srt)" read -p "File encode: " encode if [ $1 == false ];then ffmpeg -fix_sub_duration -sub_charenc $encode -i $srt $vtt.vtt &> $log_path else ffmpeg -fix_sub_duration -sub_charenc $encode -i $srt $vtt.vtt 0> $log_path fi if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo -ne "${red}Error: ${end}" echo -e "${red}$(cat $log_path | tail -n1)${end}" rm $vtt.vtt &> /dev/null exit 2 fi break done fi } # srt2vtt parameters case $1 in -h) _HELP_ ;; --help) __HELP__ ;; -c) _convert false ;; -v) _convert true ;; -r) _rename ;; -l) less $log_path ;; *) echo -e "${red}Error: no option was given${end}" ; _HELP_ ;; esac if [ -e $vtt.vtt ];then echo -e "\nENCODE: $encode" l=$(wc -l $vtt.vtt | cut -d" " -f1) # lines in the subtitle if [ $l -eq 0 ];then echo -e "[ ${red}${l}${end} ]" else echo -e "[ ${green}${l}${end} ]" rm -iv $srt # remove the original subtitle fi fi
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