(usa Debian)
Enviado em 23/01/2012 - 02:11h
Estou tentanto usar o rarcrack para tirar a senha mas não consigo alguém pode me ajudar?
root@hotpc:/home/brainiac/videos# rarcrack --rar *rar TheAbyss-OSegredodoAbismo.rar
RarCrack! 0.2 by David Zoltan Kedves (kedazo@gmail.com)
Falha de segmentação
smallville 10X13 Beacon .rmvb TheAbyssOSegredodoAbismo.rar
root@hotpc:/home/brainiac/videos# rarcrack --rar *rar TheAbyssOSegredodoAbismo.rar
RarCrack! 0.2 by David Zoltan Kedves (kedazo@gmail.com)
root@hotpc:/home/brainiac/videos# rarcrack --help
RarCrack! 0.2 by David Zoltan Kedves (kedazo@gmail.com)
Usage: rarcrack encrypted_archive.ext [--threads NUM] [--type rar|zip|7z]
Options: --help: show this screen.
--type: you can specify the archive program, this needed when
the program couldn't detect the proper file type
--threads: you can specify how many threads
will be run, maximum 12 (default: 2)
Info: This program supports only RAR, ZIP and 7Z encrypted archives.
RarCrack! usually detects the archive type.