Enviado em 02/10/2015 - 05:25h
Out 01 07:13:07 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Successfully called chroot.
Out 01 07:13:07 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Successfully dropped privileges.
Out 01 07:13:07 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Successfully limited resources.
Out 01 07:13:07 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Running.
Out 01 07:13:07 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Failed to make ourselves RT: Operation not permitted
Out 01 07:13:07 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Watchdog thread running.
Out 01 07:13:07 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Canary thread running.
Out 01 07:13:07 i5-arch dbus[305]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1' unit='polkit.service'
Out 01 07:13:07 i5-arch dbus[305]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1'
Out 01 07:13:07 i5-arch systemd[1]: Started Authorization Manager.
-- Subject: Unidade polkit.service concluiu a inicialização
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
-- A unidade polkit.service concluiu a inicialização.
-- The start-up result is done.
Out 01 07:13:08 i5-arch polkitd[23593]: Acquired the name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 on the system bus
Out 01 07:13:08 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Failed to make ourselves RT: Operation not permitted
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Supervising 1 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Failed to make ourselves RT: Operation not permitted
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Supervising 2 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Failed to make ourselves RT: Operation not permitted
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Supervising 2 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Failed to make ourselves RT: Operation not permitted
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Supervising 2 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Failed to make ourselves RT: Operation not permitted
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Supervising 2 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Failed to make ourselves RT: Operation not permitted
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Supervising 2 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Failed to make ourselves RT: Operation not permitted
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Failed to make ourselves RT: Operation not permitted
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Failed to make ourselves RT: Operation not permitted
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Failed to make ourselves RT: Operation not permitted
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Out 01 07:13:11 i5-arch rtkit-daemon[23582]: Failed to make ourselves RT: Operation not permitted
Out 01 07:13:23 i5-arch systemd[23508]: local-fs.target: Cannot add dependency job, ignoring: Unit local-fs.target failed to load: No such file or directory.
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