(usa Ubuntu)
Enviado em 14/10/2008 - 17:07h
Baixei o SQL Developer para Oracle (http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/sql/index.html) descompactei e quando vou executar me sa o seguinte erro:
leandro@leandro-desktop:~/Programas/sqldeveloper$ sh sqldeveloper.sh
Oracle SQL Developer
Copyright (c) 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Type the full pathname of a J2SE installation (or Ctrl-C to quit), the path will be stored in ~/.sqldeveloper/jdk
Error: /bin/java not found
Type the full pathname of a J2SE installation (or Ctrl-C to quit), the path will be stored in ~/.sqldeveloper/jdk
tem que fazer alguma configuração??