Enviado em 03/10/2013 - 17:37h
$sql = " SELECT *
FROM `pre_produto`
left join produto on B1_COD= `pre_produto_produto`
where pre_produto_ano='".$AnoSel."'";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $conexao);
$total = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($total = 0)
echo "<script>alert('Nenhum item encontrado!')</script>";
//monta o cabecalho
$table .= "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' class='display' id='Prod_datatable' width='2325px'>
<th widht='0' style='display:none'>Código</th>
<th widht='0' style='display:none'>Preço de Venda</th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' widht='160'><center>Portfólio</center></th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'>Pedidos em Carteira/".$AnoSel."</th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'>Jan/".$AnoSel."</th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'>Fev/".$AnoSel."</th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'>Mar/".$AnoSel."</th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'>Abr/".$AnoSel."</th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'>Mai/".$AnoSel."</th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'>Jun/".$AnoSel."</th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'>Jul/".$AnoSel."</th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'>Ago/".$AnoSel."</th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'>Set/".$AnoSel."</th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'>Out/".$AnoSel."</th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'>Nov/".$AnoSel."</th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'>Dez/".$AnoSel."</th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'>Total/".$AnoSel."</th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'>Total/".$AnoAnt."</th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'><center>Soja</Center></th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'><center>Milho</Center></th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'><center>Cana de Açúcar</Center></th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'><center>Citros</Center></th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'><center>CaféCenter></th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'><center>HFF *</Center></th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'><center>Cereais de Inverno **</Center></th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'><center>Algodão</Center></th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'><center>Pastagem</Center></th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'><center>Safrinha ***</Center></th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'><center>Outras ****</Center></th>
<th style='font-size: 9pt;' width='75'><center>Total</Center></th>
<tbody id='tbody' style='color:black;size:5000px'>";
//variave3is para total
//total qtde / MEs
$TotQtdJan ='';
$TotQtdFev ='';
$TotQtdMar ='';
$TotQtdAbr ='';
$TotQtdMai ='';
$TotQtdJun ='';
$TotQtdJul ='';
$TotQtdAgo ='';
$TotQtdSet ='';
$TotQtdOut ='';
$TotQtdNov ='';
$TotQtdDez ='';
$TotTotalAnt = '';
//Total valores realizados.
$TotValJan ='';
$TotValFev ='';
$TotValMar ='';
$TotValAbr ='';
$TotValMai ='';
$TotValJun ='';
$TotValJul ='';
$TotValAgo ='';
$TotValSet ='';
$TotValOut ='';
$TotValNov ='';
$TotValDez ='';
$TotValCarteira = '';
$TotValTotAnt = '';
//while com todos os itens encontrador.
$index = 0;
$QtdJan ='';
$QtdFev ='';
$QtdMar ='';
$QtdAbr ='';
$QtdMai ='';
$QtdJun ='';
$QtdJul ='';
$QtdAgo ='';
$QtdSet ='';
$QtdOut ='';
$QtdNov ='';
$QtdDez ='';
//valores realizados.
$ValJan ='';
$ValFev ='';
$ValMar ='';
$ValAbr ='';
$ValMai ='';
$ValJun ='';
$ValJul ='';
$ValAgo ='';
$ValSet ='';
$ValOut ='';
$ValNov ='';
$ValDez ='';
$PerSoja = '';
$PerMilho = '';
$PerCana = '';
$PerCitros = '';
$PerCafe = '';
$PerHFF = '';
$PerCereaisInverno = '';
$PerAlgodao = '';
$PerPastagem = '';
$PerSafrinha = '';
$PerOutras = '';
$PerTotalCult = '';
$Descri = $registro['B1_DESC'];
$PrecVend = $registro['pre_produto_preco']; //preço de venda do produto
$sql2 ='';
//seleciona o cliente ou clientes que o RC/Gr pode listar informações, ou cliente especifico se este informado
FROM clientes
LEft JOIN vendedor ON (A1_VEND=A3_COD)
where ";
$sql2 = $sql2 ." (vendedor.A3_COD='".$represent."' or vendedor.A3_SUPER='".$represent."')" ;
if(($cliente!='')&&($loja !='')){
$sql2 = $sql2 ." and (A1_COD='".$cliente."' and A1_LOJA='".$loja."')" ;
$result2 = mysql_query($sql2, $conexao);
$num = mysql_num_rows($result2);
$i = 0;
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2);
$cliente = $row['A1_COD' ];
$loja = $row['A1_LOJA'];
$table .= "<tr>";
$table .= $i . '|' . $num.'-------';
$table .= "</tr>";
//mysql_data_seek($result2, 0) ;//reset result set
$table .= "</tbody>
echo $table;
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