
1. Ardour2

Bruno Hideyuki Sugai

(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 26/07/2008 - 02:34h

Ola amigos, talvez nao seja o local adequado para a pergunta mas nao obtive respostas em outros lugares...
estou obtendo o seguinte erro ao executar o ardour2

bash-3.1# ardour2
WARNING: Your system has a limit for maximum amount of locked memory!
This might cause Ardour to run out of memory before your system runs out of memory. You can view the memory limit with 'ulimit -l', and it is normally controlled by /etc/security/limits.conf
/usr/lib/ardour2/ardour-2.5: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ ELF file OS ABI invalid

esse erro ocorreu apos copiar o para o local /usr/lib

antes de fazer a copia ocorreu o seguinte erro

WARNING: Your system has a limit for maximum amount of locked memory!
This might cause Ardour to run out of memory before your system runs out of memory. You can view the memory limit with 'ulimit -l', and it is normally controlled by /etc/security/limits.conf
/usr/lib/ardour2/ardour-2.5: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

localizei o arquivo libfftw3 com o locate e obtive o seguinte


alguem pode me dar uma luz, a mensagem ELF file OS ABI invalid significa o que exatamente? isso tb ocorre com o dbus no skype-recorder-call, mesmo usando o dbus 0.23.3 que eh o recomendado, ja no ardour eu nao sei o que causou o problema, sera algum conflito de versoes do fttw3?




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