(usa Ubuntu)
Enviado em 21/12/2008 - 22:46h
Cara verifica se estah digitando coretamente, olha só, refiz a instalação aqui veja só a sequencia de comandos na saída do eterminal:
<--------------Início da saída do Terminal------------->
relsi@ramone:~$ sudo ./RealPlayer11GOLD.bin
[sudo] password for relsi:
Extracting files for Helix installation.......................
Welcome to the RealPlayer ( Setup for UNIX
Setup will help you get RealPlayer running on your computer.
Press [Enter] to continue...
Enter the complete path to the directory where you want
RealPlayer to be installed. You must specify the full
pathname of the directory and have write privileges to
the chosen directory.
Directory: [/opt/real/RealPlayer]:
You have selected the following RealPlayer configuration:
Destination: /opt/real/RealPlayer
Enter [F]inish to begin copying files, or [P]revious to go
back to the previous prompts: [F]:
Copying RealPlayer files...Path setup done.
installing application icons resource...
.installing document icons resource...
.Configuring Mozilla...
Installing .mo locale files...
Setting selinux context...
RealPlayer installation is complete.
Cleaning up installation files...
<--------------Fim da saída do Terminal------------->
De qualquer forma, se for criar o lançador manualmente, no caminho deixa dessa forma:
Qualquer coisa prende o grito aí.