Informix, administração básica
Publicado por Felipe Casagrande (pepi) em 07/03/2008
[ Hits: 24.982 ]
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.FC5 -- On-Line -- Up 12:08:44 -- 382868 Kbytes Dbspaces address number flags fchunk nchunks pgsize flags owner name 4be13e78 1 0x40001 1 1 2048 N B informix rootdbs 4cd776a8 2 0x40001 2 1 2048 N B informix tst 4cd77840 3 0x40001 3 1 2048 N B informix tst_log 4cd779d8 4 0x42001 4 1 2048 N TB informix tst_tmp01 4cd77b70 5 0x42001 5 1 2048 N TB informix tst_tmp02 4cd77d08 6 0x42001 6 1 2048 N TB informix tst_tmp03 6 active, 2047 maximum Chunks address chunk/dbs offset size free bpages flags pathname 4be14028 1 1 0 150000 88654 PO-B /dblgx/tst/rootdbs 4cd75e60 2 2 0 5000000 4624748 PO-B /dblgx/tst/tst.000 4cd77028 3 3 0 1250000 2447 PO-B /dblog/tst/tst_log 4cd771c8 4 4 0 500000 499947 PO-B /dbtmp/tst/tst_tmp01 4cd77368 5 5 0 500000 499939 PO-B /dbtmp/tst/tst_tmp02 4cd77508 6 6 0 500000 499939 PO-B /dbtmp/tst/tst_tmp03 6 active, 32766 maximum NOTE: The values in the "size" and "free" columns for DBspace chunks are displayed in terms of "pgsize" of the DBspace to which they belong. Expanded chunk capacity mode: always
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.FC5 -- On-Line -- Up 12:11:29 -- 382868 Kbytes Userthreads address flags sessid user tty wait tout locks nreads nwrites 4c074028 ---P--D 1 root - 0 0 0 128 1704 4c074780 ---P--F 0 root - 0 0 0 0 13585 4c074ed8 ---P--F 0 root - 0 0 0 0 8546 4c075630 ---P--F 0 root - 0 0 0 0 8885 4c075d88 ---P--F 0 root - 0 0 0 0 20738 4c0764e0 ---P--- 9 root - 0 0 0 0 33716 4c076c38 ---P--B 10 root - 0 0 0 135 0 4c077ae8 Y--P--- 860 informix - 4def5128 0 1 0 0 4c078240 ---P--D 13 root - 0 0 0 0 0 4c078998 Y--P--- 867 informix - 4e1a65f8 0 1 0 0 4c0790f0 Y--P--D 19 root - 440f39c8 0 0 0 0 4c079848 Y--P--- 859 informix - 4d6f3c38 0 1 0 0 4c079fa0 Y--P--- 646 informix - 4dfe7468 0 1 2 0 4c07a6f8 Y--P--- 647 informix - 4dfe75f0 0 1 0 0 4c07ae50 Y--P--- 645 informix - 4cfd11c0 0 1 1 0 4c07b5a8 Y--P--- 663 informix - 4dfe7670 0 1 2 0 4c07c458 Y--P--- 887 informix - 4d3686e8 0 1 0 0 4c07cbb0 Y--P--- 886 informix tty1 4d6cd4f0 0 1 1 0 4c07d308 Y--P--- 884 informix tty1 4d6cdb38 0 1 56 56 4c07e1b8 Y--P--- 885 informix tty1 4e4006f8 0 1 0 0 20 active, 128 total, 24 maximum concurrent
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