Administração de usuários em shell script

Publicado por Perfil removido 01/08/2009

[ Hits: 7.625 ]

Download lokao.txt

Um script interativo para administração de usuários. Caso alguém queria utilizar, por favor verifique o código, pois este está adaptado exclusivamente para mim, fazendo uma busca por um usuário chamado danilocc, isso deve ser trocado dependendo do caso.

Acredito que o código possa ajudar algumas pessoas iniciantes em shell.

Qualquer sugestão, duvida ou reclamação por favor me comunicar.


Esconder código-fonte




Principal() {
   echo "BY Danilo Capelo De Castro "
   echo     "                    UNIX SCRIPT"
   echo "------------------------------------------"
   echo "Options:"
   echo "1.  Add a new user (UNIX)"
   echo "2.  Change the password"
   echo "3.  Ownership change"
   echo "4.  Lock the user"
   echo "5.  Change directory "
   echo "6.  Find user"
   echo "7.  Support groups"
   echo "8.  Delete user "
   echo "9.  Exit"
   echo  "Please, choose an option! "   
   read opcao
   case $opcao in
        1) add ;;
        2) chang ;;
        3) owner ;;
        4) lock ;;
        5) home ;;
        6) find ;;
          7) Group ;;
         8) Delete ;;
         9) exit ;;    
        10) xau ;;  
         *) "This option don't exist" ; echo ; Principal ;;

        echo " The groups to be added is Elevate access? (y/n)"
        read show   
       if [ $show = "n" ]; then
   echo "                #################"
   echo "                # NORMAL ACCESS #"
   echo "                #################"
echo "     GROUP                    ROLE"
echo "    --------        ---------------------------------"
   echo "1.  appadm         Applications"
   echo "2.  appsupp        Applications Availability Support"   
   echo "3.  accadm         Access Admin"    
   echo "4.  backups        Backups"   
   echo "5.  database       Database"   
   echo "6.  migrate        Code Migration"   
   echo "7.  infra          Infrastructure"    
   echo "8.  infraapp       Infrastructure Application Support Administrator"   
   echo "9.  monitor        Monitoring"
   echo "10. storage        Storage"
   echo "11. sysacct        System Account"
   echo "12. Back main menu"
   echo "13. Other group"
   echo " -----------------------------------------------------------------------"
   echo "Which group do you need to assign to? "
   read op

   case $op in
      1) appadm ;;
      2) appsupp ;;
      3) accadm ;;
      4) backups ;;
      5) database ;;
      6) migrate ;;
      7) infra ;;
      8) infraapp ;;
      9) monitor ;;
      10) storage ;;
      11) sysacct ;;
      12) back ;;
      13) other ;;
      *) "This option don't exist" ; echo ; Principal ;;



   echo "                ###################"
   echo "                # ELEVATED ACCESS #"
   echo "                ###################"
   echo "   GROUP                     ROLE"
   echo "  --------        ---------------------------------"
   echo "1. eappsupp       Applications Availability Support Elevated"   
   echo "2. ebackups       Backups Elevated"
   echo "3. emigrate       Code Migration Elevated"     
   echo "4. edatabas       Database Elevated"   
   echo "5. einfraapp      Infrastructure Application Support Elevated"
   echo "6. estorage       Storage Elevated"
   echo "7. Back main menu"
   echo "8. Other group"
   echo "Which group do you need to assign to? "
   read op

 case $op in
      1) eappsupp  ;;
      2) ebackups ;;
      3) emigrate ;;
      4) edatabas ;;
      5) einfraapp ;;
      6) estorage ;;
      7)  back ;;
      8)  other ;;
      *) "This option don't exist" ; echo ; Principal ;;

infra (){

 echo " What's the handle that you want to be add?"
         read  figo
         echo " What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID)"
         read  com        
      echo " adding user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g infra -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
          lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo
      echo "Done - - 100%"

 sleep 3

         echo " What's the ID that you want to be add?"
         read  figo
         echo " What's the comment that you want? e.g FirstName LastName(HRID)"
         read  com        
         echo " adding user ..... 0%"          
         sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g appadm -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe    
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe
    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         sleep 2
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sleep 2 
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      sleep 2
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo
      echo "Done - - 100%"

 sleep 3

        echo " What's the handle that you want to be add?"
        read  figo
        echo " What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID)"
        read  com        
      echo " adding user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g appsupp -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
          lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         sleep 2
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
                        sleep 2
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sleep 2
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      sleep 2
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo
      echo "Done - - 100%"

 sleep 3


         echo " What's the handle that you want to be add?"
         read  figo
         echo " What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID)"
         read  com        
      echo " adding user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g accadm -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
         lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         sleep 2
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         sleep 2
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sleep 2 
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo 
      echo "Done - - 100%"

 sleep 3



         echo " What's the handle that you want to be add?"
         read  figo
         echo " What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID)"
         read  com        
      echo " adding user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g backups -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
         lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         sleep 2 
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         sleep 2
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sleep 2
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      sleep 2
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo       
      echo "Done - - 100%"

 sleep 3



         echo " What's the handle that you want to be add?"
         read  figo
         echo "What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID)"
         read  com        
      echo " adding user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g database -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
         lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo       
      echo "Done - - 100%"

 sleep 3


         echo " What's the handle that you want to be add?"
         read  figo
         echo " What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID)"
         read  com         
      echo " addinguser ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g migrate -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
          lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo       
      echo "Done - - 100%"

 sleep 3


         echo " What's the handle that you want to be add?"
         read  figo
         echo " What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID)"
         read  com        
      echo " adding user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g infraapp -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
          lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo
      echo "Done - - 100%"

 sleep 3


         echo " What's the handle that you want to be add?"
         read  figo
         echo "  What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID)"
         read  com        
      echo " adding user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g monitor -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
          lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo
      echo "Done - - 100%"

 sleep 3


         echo " What's the handle that you want to be add?"
         read  figo
         echo " What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID)"
         read  com        
      echo " adding user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g storage -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
          lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo
      echo "Done - - 100%"

 sleep 3

         echo " What's the handle that you want to be add?"
         read  figo
         echo " What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID)"
         read  com        
      echo " adding user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g sysacct -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
         lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo
      echo "Done - - 100%"

 sleep 3


         echo "What's the handle that you want to be add?"
         read  figo
         echo " What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID)"
         read  com        
      echo " adding user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g eappsupp -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
                        echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"
                        echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"                    
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo
      echo "Done - - 100%"
                echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"
     echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"      



         echo " What's the handle that you want to be add?"
         read  figo
         echo " What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID)"
         read  com
      echo " adding user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g ebackups -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
        lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
                        echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"
                        echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"                    
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo
      echo "Done - - 100%"
                echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"
     echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"      



         echo " What's the handle that you want to be add?"
         read  figo
         echo " What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID)"
         read  com        
      echo " adicionando user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g emigrate -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
          lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
                        echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"
                        echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"                    
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo
      echo "Done - - 100%"
                echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"
     echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"      



         echo " What's the handle that you want to be add?"
         read  figo
         echo " What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID)"
         read  com        
      echo " adding user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g edatabas -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
         lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
                        echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"
                        echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"                    
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo
      echo "Done - - 100%"
                echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"
     echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"      



      echo " What's the handle that you want to be add?"
      read  figo
      echo " What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID) "
      read  com         
      echo " adding user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g einfraapp -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
          lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
                        echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"
                        echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"                    
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo 
      echo "Done - - 100%"
                echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"
     echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"      


      echo " What's the handle that you want to be add?"
      read  figo
      echo " What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID)"
      read  com   
      echo " adding user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g estorage -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
          lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
                        echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"
                        echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"                    
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo
      echo "Done - - 100%"
                echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"
     echo " #Remeber to send a e-mail to GHD to add this user into the sudores file"      




echo " What's the handle that you want to be add?"
         read  figo
         echo " What's the comment that you want? e.g Name(HRID)"
         read  com        
         echo  " What's the group to be add? "
         read  xoxola
         grep $xoxola /etc/group > love
         rsrs=`cat love` ;    
    echo $rsrs | cut -d ":" -f 1  > love
    rsrs=`cat love` ;
    rm -r love
       if [ $rsrs = "$xoxola" ];then
      echo " adding user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g $xoxola -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
         lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo
      echo "Done - - 100%"

 sleep 3


       sudo groupadd $xoxola
       sleep 2

 echo " adding user ..... 0%"
      sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g $xoxola -s `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 7` -c "$com" -d `grep danilocc /etc/passwd|cut -d ":" -f 6|sed "s/danilocc/$figo/"` -m $figo > maibe 2>&1
     lokao=`cat maibe` ;    
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
    rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
           echo "This user already exist into this server, Do you want reset the passwd? (y/n)"
           read lelo       
       if [ $lelo = "y" ]; then 
                sudo passwd $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 25%"
         echo " adding user ..... 50%"
         sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 75%"
         sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
         echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
      echo " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
         read enter 
         sudo passwd -f $figo
         sleep 2
         echo "Done - - 100%"
      echo " adding user ..... 25%"
                sudo passwd $figo
        echo " adding user ..... 50%"
                sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $figo
       echo " adding user ..... 75%"
       sudo passwd  -w 7 -n 7 -x 90 $figo
      echo " adding user ..... 99,9%"
       echo " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
           read enter 
       sudo passwd -f $figo
      echo "Done - - 100%"

 sleep 3

chang() {
   echo  "What's the ID of the user that you want to be reset? "
   read handle
   sudo passwd -s $handle > maibe 2>&1
lokao=`cat maibe` ;   
    echo $lokao | cut -d ":" -f 3  > maibe 
    lokao=`cat maibe` ;
     rm -r maibe

    if [ $lokao = "ERROR" ]; then
  echo " This user there is NOT into this server, hit enter to back to main menu"
  read enter


   echo "                           Some information            "
   grep $handle /etc/passwd
   sudo passwd -s $handle
   read enter
   echo "                   Type the new passwd "
sudo passwd $handle
   sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 0 $handle
   echo  " Please, try to connect using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
   read enter
   sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $handle
   sudo passwd -f $handle
   echo " Done "
   sleep 4



owner() {
  echo  "What's the ID of the user that you want to change the owner? "
  read nome
   echo "                           Some information            "
   grep $nome /etc/passwd
   sudo passwd -s $nome
  echo "Who is the new onwer?  --> Name Lastname(HRID)"
  read new
  sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -c "$new" $nome
  grep $nome /etc/passwd 
  echo " Would like to reset the passwd from this account? (y/n) "
  read ss
    if [ $ss = "y" ]; then
       sudo passwd $nome
       sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 0 $nome
       echo  " Please, try to conncet using this account and the passwd that has been set, and after hit enter"
       read enter
       sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -f 120 $nome
       sudo passwd -f $nome



  echo  "What's the ID to be locked  ? "
  read nome
     echo "------------------------------| Basic |-------------------------------------"
     grep $nome /etc/passwd
     echo "----------------------------| Passwd status |-------------------------------"
     sudo passwd -s $nome
     echo "--------------------------| More information |------------------------------"
     finger $nome
     echo "-----------------------------| Groups |-------------------------------------"
     groups $nome 
     echo "Do you really want to lock this user? (y/n)"
   read conf
 if [ $conf = "y" ]; then
   grep $nome /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f 5 |read oi
   sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -c "##LKD## $oi " $nome
   echo "------------------------------| Basic |-------------------------------------"
     grep $nome /etc/passwd
     echo "----------------------------| Passwd status |-------------------------------"
     sudo passwd -s $nome
     echo "--------------------------| More information |------------------------------"
     finger $nome
     echo "-----------------------------| Groups |-------------------------------------"
     groups $nome 
   echo " After check, hit enter"
   read enter



    echo  "What's the ID you want to change the directory ? "
    read nome     
    echo "------Home atual--------"
    grep $nome /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f 6
    echo " Do you really want to change the directory ? (y/n)"
    read conf
     if [ $conf = "y" ]; then
        echo " What's the home ?"
         read $xuxu
    sudo /usr/sbin/usermod   -d $xuxu      $nome



     echo  "What is the user's ID ? "
     read nome   
     echo "--------------------------| Basic |-----------------------------------------"
     grep $nome /etc/passwd
     echo "----------------------------| Passwd status |-------------------------------"
     sudo passwd -s $nome
     echo "--------------------------| More information |------------------------------"
     finger $nome
     echo "-----------------------------| Groups |-------------------------------------"
     groups $nome 
     echo " After check, hit enter"
     read enter 



    echo " What is the user's ID that you want remove?"
    read  loka
    echo " Are you SURE that want to remove this user? (y/n)"
    read   caka
   if [ $caka = "y" ]; then
         echo " Removing"
        sudo /usr/sbin/userdel $loka 
        sudo  /usr/sbin/userdel -r $loka
        echo "          "
        echo "          "
        echo " The user has been removed sucessfull "


      echo "          "
      echo "          "
      echo " The action has been cancelled by the user"

     sleep 5



      echo "BY Danilo Capelo De Castro "
      echo "------------------------------------------"
      echo "Options:"
   echo "1. Change pricipal group (-g)"
   echo "2. Change secondary group (-G)"
   echo "3. Remove  secondary group "  
   echo "4. Back to main menu"
   echo  "Please, choose an option! "   
   read ttt
   case $ttt in
      1) mege ;;
      2) oxum ;;
      3) ogum ;;
      4) lalala ;;
      *) "This option don't exist" ; echo ; Principal ;;

        echo "What's the user's ID that you want to change the primary group ?"
        read  xxx
        echo  "           Now"
        grep $xxx /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f 4 | read tr
        grep $xxx /etc/passwd
        groups $xxx
        grep $tr /etc/group
        echo " which group do want to change $xxx ? (4587 or appadm)"
        read GG   
        echo "           "
        echo "           "
        echo " Changing the principal group "
        echo "           "
        sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -g $GG  $xxx
        echo "                         After "
        grep $xxx /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f 4 | read tr
        grep $xxx /etc/passwd
        groups $xxx
        grep $tr /etc/group
        echo " After check, hit enter"
        read enter 


        echo "What's the user's ID that you want to change the secondary group ?"
        read  xxx
        echo  "           Now"
        grep $xxx /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f 4 | read tr
        grep $xxx /etc/passwd
        groups $xxx
        grep $tr /etc/group
        echo " which group do want to change $xxx ? (4587 or appadm)"
        echo  "      more than one, please use commas "
        read GG   
        echo " Changing the secondary group "
        sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -G $GG  $xxx
        echo "                         After "
        grep $xxx /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f 4 | read tr
        grep $xxx /etc/passwd
        groups $xxx
        grep $tr /etc/group
        sleep 10



        echo "What's the user's ID that you want to remove the secondary group ?"
        read  xxx
        echo  "           Now"
        grep $xxx /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f 4 | read tr
        grep $xxx /etc/passwd
        groups $xxx
        grep $tr /etc/group
        echo "           "
        sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -G $tr  $xxx
        echo "           "
        echo "           "
        echo " Removing the secondary group "
        echo "           "
        echo "                         After "
        grep $xxx /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f 4 | read tr
        grep $xxx /etc/passwd
        groups $xxx
        grep $tr /etc/group
        sleep 10





Scripts recomendados

Divide um arquivo em 1 palavra por linha

imtxt - Escrever texto em imagens

Converter arquivos CSV para Ldif

Alterar o IP da máquina.

Cálculo de IMC


[1] Comentário enviado por schrodinger em 15/10/2014 - 16:59h

O probleminha de ter que trocar de usário "danilocc" para outro, pode ser resolvido acrescentando a seguinte linha :read -p "What your name of user?" user
Mas antes do acréscimo, o usuário deve entrar no editor de texto e trocar "danilocc" por "$user"...

Excelente esse script!!! Show!!! Parabéns!!!!

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