Arvore Binária

Publicado por marlon luis petry 29/05/2005

[ Hits: 19.807 ]


Download WalkerBTree.c

Este script transforma uma árvore em árvore binária, e mostra os algoritmos de atravessamento da árvore de forma recursiva e não recursiva.


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**Author = Marlon Petry                                                  *
**e-mail =                                     *
**Date = 29/05/2005                                                  *
**Description: Binary Tree with traversals recursive and not recursive         *
**                                                              *
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the         *
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software      *
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the            *
** packaging of this file.                                           *
**                                                              *   

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
//estrutura da arvore
typedef struct no {
   int info;
   int n;
   struct no *left;
   struct no *right;

tree *tfather=NULL; //ponteiro que indica o pai de uma subarvore
//estrutura para a pilha
typedef struct pr {
   tree *nodo;
   struct erd *next;
   struct erd *prev;

pilha *topo = NULL,*base = NULL;   

void push(tree *nodo) //inseri na pilha
pilha *aux=NULL;
   if(topo == NULL)
      base = (pilha *) malloc(sizeof(pilha));
      base->nodo = nodo;
      base->next = NULL;
      base->prev = NULL;
      topo = base;
      aux = (pilha *) malloc(sizeof(pilha));
      aux->nodo = nodo;
      aux->prev = topo;
      aux->next = NULL;
      topo->next = aux;
      topo = aux;

tree *pop() //retira da pilha
   tree *nodo;
   if(topo == NULL)
      return NULL;
    nodo = topo->nodo;
   topo = topo->prev;
   return nodo;

 * Procura pelo pai na arvore
tree *findFather(tree *root,int father)
   tree *aux = root;
   if(aux->info == father)
      tfather = aux;
      //return NULL;
   if(aux->left != NULL)
   if(aux->right != NULL)

 * Insere na arvore
void insert(tree **root, int info, int position,int father)
   tree *aux,*aux2;
   if(*root == NULL)
      aux = (tree *) malloc(sizeof(tree));
      aux->info = info;
      aux->left = NULL;
      aux->right = NULL;
      *root = aux;
      if(tfather == NULL)
        puts("Pai nao encontrado");
      if(tfather->info == father && position == -1 )
         aux = (tree *)malloc(sizeof(tree));
         aux->info = info;
         aux->left = NULL;
         aux->right = NULL;
         tfather->left = aux;
      else if(tfather->info == father && position == 1)
         aux = (tree *)malloc(sizeof(tree));
         aux->info = info;
         aux->left = NULL;
         aux->right = NULL;
         tfather->right = aux;

//Show binary tree by algorithm InOrder not recursive
void InOrder(tree *root) 
   tree *aux = root;
   int flag = 0;
   while(flag == 0)
      while(aux != NULL)
         aux = aux->left;
      aux = pop();
      if(aux == NULL)
         flag = 1;
         aux = aux->right;
//Show binary tree by algorithm PreOrder 
void PreOrder(tree *root) 
   tree *aux = root;
   int flag = 0;
   while(flag == 0)
      while(aux != NULL)
         aux = aux->left;
      aux = pop();
      if(aux == NULL)
         flag = 1;
        aux = aux->right;

//Show Binary tree by algorithm PostOrder
void PostOrder(tree *root) 
   tree *aux = root;
   int flag = 0;
   while(flag == 0)
      while(aux != NULL)
         aux = aux->left;
      aux = pop();
      if(aux == NULL)
         flag = 1;
         if(aux->n == 1)
            aux->n = 2;
         aux   = aux->right;
         aux = NULL;

 * Show Tree by algorithm InOrder recursivo
void showInOrder(tree *root)
   if(root == NULL)

 * Show tree by algorithm PreOrder recursive
void showPreOrder(tree *root)
   if(root == NULL)

 * Show tree by algorithm PostOrder recursive
void showPostOrder(tree *root)
   if(root == NULL)

int  menu()
   int opt;
   puts("Walker Binnary Tree - Marlon Petry");
   printf("\n(1) Insert");
   printf("\n(2) Show\n");
   return opt;

int main()
   tree *root = NULL;
   int opt,flag=0,info,position,father;
   char c;
      opt = menu();
      case 1:
         if(flag == 0)
            puts("Insert root");
            flag = 1;
          puts("Insert new nodo");
         puts("Insert father"); 
         puts("Insert position -1 left or 1 right");
         puts("Insert value");

      case 2:
         printf("In Order not Recursive \n");
         printf("In Order Recursiva\n");
         printf("\n\nPre Order not Recursive\n");
         printf("\nPre Order Recursive\n");
          printf("\n\nPost Order Not Recursive\n");
         printf("\nPost Order Recursive\n");
      puts("\nType e for finish");
      scanf(" %c",&c);
   }while( c != 'e');

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[1] Comentário enviado por HeltonBarbosa em 13/07/2006 - 12:13h

Bom seu script. Da pra começar a entender melhor sobre árvore binária.

[2] Comentário enviado por marlonp em 13/07/2006 - 13:16h

Ola Helton

Muito obrigado..

Dá uma olhada no meu site tem mais algumas coisas por lá


[3] Comentário enviado por marlonp em 13/07/2006 - 13:17h

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