Arvore Binária
Publicado por marlon luis petry 29/05/2005
[ Hits: 19.842 ]
Este script transforma uma árvore em árvore binária, e mostra os algoritmos de atravessamento da árvore de forma recursiva e não recursiva.
/****************************************************************************** **Author = Marlon Petry * **e-mail = * **Date = 29/05/2005 * **Description: Binary Tree with traversals recursive and not recursive * ** * ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the * ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software * ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the * ** packaging of this file. * ** * ******************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <unistd.h> //estrutura da arvore typedef struct no { int info; int n; struct no *left; struct no *right; }tree; tree *tfather=NULL; //ponteiro que indica o pai de uma subarvore //estrutura para a pilha typedef struct pr { tree *nodo; struct erd *next; struct erd *prev; }pilha; pilha *topo = NULL,*base = NULL; void push(tree *nodo) //inseri na pilha { pilha *aux=NULL; if(topo == NULL) { base = (pilha *) malloc(sizeof(pilha)); base->nodo = nodo; base->next = NULL; base->prev = NULL; topo = base; } else { aux = (pilha *) malloc(sizeof(pilha)); aux->nodo = nodo; aux->prev = topo; aux->next = NULL; topo->next = aux; topo = aux; } } tree *pop() //retira da pilha { tree *nodo; if(topo == NULL) return NULL; else { nodo = topo->nodo; topo = topo->prev; } return nodo; } /* * Procura pelo pai na arvore */ tree *findFather(tree *root,int father) { tree *aux = root; if(aux->info == father) tfather = aux; //else //return NULL; if(aux->left != NULL) findFather(aux->left,father); if(aux->right != NULL) findFather(aux->right,father); } /* * Insere na arvore */ void insert(tree **root, int info, int position,int father) { tree *aux,*aux2; if(*root == NULL) { aux = (tree *) malloc(sizeof(tree)); aux->info = info; aux->left = NULL; aux->right = NULL; *root = aux; } else { findFather(*root,father); if(tfather == NULL) puts("Pai nao encontrado"); if(tfather->info == father && position == -1 ) { aux = (tree *)malloc(sizeof(tree)); aux->info = info; aux->left = NULL; aux->right = NULL; tfather->left = aux; } else if(tfather->info == father && position == 1) { aux = (tree *)malloc(sizeof(tree)); aux->info = info; aux->left = NULL; aux->right = NULL; tfather->right = aux; } } } //Show binary tree by algorithm InOrder not recursive void InOrder(tree *root) { tree *aux = root; int flag = 0; while(flag == 0) { while(aux != NULL) { push(aux); aux = aux->left; } aux = pop(); if(aux == NULL) flag = 1; else { printf("%d\t",aux->info); aux = aux->right; } } } //Show binary tree by algorithm PreOrder void PreOrder(tree *root) { tree *aux = root; int flag = 0; while(flag == 0) { while(aux != NULL) { printf("%d\t",aux->info); push(aux); aux = aux->left; } aux = pop(); if(aux == NULL) flag = 1; else { aux = aux->right; } } } //Show Binary tree by algorithm PostOrder void PostOrder(tree *root) { tree *aux = root; int flag = 0; while(flag == 0) { while(aux != NULL) { aux->n=1; push(aux); aux = aux->left; } aux = pop(); if(aux == NULL) flag = 1; else { if(aux->n == 1) { aux->n = 2; push(aux); aux = aux->right; } else { printf("%d\t",aux->info); aux = NULL; } } } } /* * Show Tree by algorithm InOrder recursivo */ void showInOrder(tree *root) { if(root == NULL) return; showInOrder(root->left); printf("%d\t",root->info); showInOrder(root->right); } /* * Show tree by algorithm PreOrder recursive */ void showPreOrder(tree *root) { if(root == NULL) return; printf("%d\t",root->info); showPreOrder(root->left); showPreOrder(root->right); } /* * Show tree by algorithm PostOrder recursive */ void showPostOrder(tree *root) { if(root == NULL) return; showPostOrder(root->left); showPostOrder(root->right); printf("%d\t",root->info); } int menu() { int opt; puts("Walker Binnary Tree - Marlon Petry"); printf("\n(1) Insert"); printf("\n(2) Show\n"); scanf("%d",&opt); return opt; } int main() { tree *root = NULL; int opt,flag=0,info,position,father; char c; do { opt = menu(); switch(opt) { case 1: if(flag == 0) { puts("Insert root"); scanf("%d",&info); insert(&root,info,0,0); flag = 1; break; } puts("Insert new nodo"); puts("Insert father"); scanf("%d",&father); puts("Insert position -1 left or 1 right"); scanf("%d",&position); puts("Insert value"); scanf("%d",&info); insert(&root,info,position,father); break; case 2: printf("In Order not Recursive \n"); InOrder(root); printf("\n"); printf("In Order Recursiva\n"); showInOrder(root); printf("\n\nPre Order not Recursive\n"); PreOrder(root); printf("\nPre Order Recursive\n"); showPreOrder(root); printf("\n\nPost Order Not Recursive\n"); PostOrder(root); printf("\nPost Order Recursive\n"); showPostOrder(root); break; } puts("\nType e for finish"); scanf(" %c",&c); }while( c != 'e'); }
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