BitchX IRC - download e instalação
Publicado por cyber_spider (última atualização em 02/03/2017)
[ Hits: 2.038 ]
Script para download do bitchxIRC.
#!/bin/bash clear; echo "Welcome the bitchX install v1.0" printf "\n\nplease set the option:\n" printf "\n1 > Download the bitchX source" printf "\n2 > Install the bitchx source" printf "\n warning! install the bitchx only after downloading bitchxIRC !\n" read a1001b; if [ "$a1001b" == "1" ]; then curl > /usr/share/FObit.txt clear; e1001f="$(cat /usr/share/FObit.txt | grep "Latest" | cut -d '"' -f2)" c1001d="$(cat /usr/share/FObit.txt | grep "Latest" | cut -d '"' -f2 | cut -d"/" -f3)" i1001j="$(cat /usr/share/FObit.txt | grep "Latest" | cut -d '"' -f2 | cut -d"/" -f3 | cut -d"." -f1-4)" wget $e1001f gzip -fd $c1001d tar -xf $i1001j echo "end"; rm -rf /usr/share/FObit.txt elif [ "$a1001b" == "2" ]; then clear curl > /usr/share/FObit.txt g1001h="$(cat /usr/share/FObit.txt | grep "Latest" | cut -d '"' -f2 | tr -d "download" | tr -d "/" | cut -d"." -f1-3)" cd $g1001h ./configure; make; make install; clear echo "end..." rm -rf /usr/share/FObit.txt; else exit; fi
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