Calculo de valor futuro - regrassão linear
Publicado por Alex Falcao 11/02/2006
[ Hits: 6.272 ]
Este é um módulo orientado a objeto para calcular um valor futuro usando valores existentes.
O novo valor é calculado usando a regressão linear.
package Statistics::Forecast; $VERSION = '0.1'; use strict; =head1 NAME Statistics::Forecast =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a Oriented Object module that calculates a future value by using existing values. The new value is calculated by using linear regression. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Statistics::Forecast; Create forecast object my $FCAST = new Statistics::Forecast("My Forecast Name"); Add data $FCAST->{DataX} = \@Array_X; $FCAST->{DataY} = \@Array_Y; $FCAST->{NextX} = $NextX; Calculate the result $FCAST->calc; Get the result my $Result_Forecast = $FCAST->{ForecastY); =head1 INTERNALS The equation for Forecast is: a+bx, where 'x' is the predicted value and _ _ a = y + bx b = sum((x+x)(y-y))/sum(x-x)**2 =head1 METHODS =over =item F<new> Receives a forecast name, only to remember and returns the blessed data structure as a Statistics::Forecast object. my $FCAST = new Statistics::Forecast("My Forecast"); =cut ################################################################ sub new { my $classname= shift(@_); my $ForecastName = shift(@_) || "with no name"; my $DataX = shift(@_) || undef; my $DataY = shift(@_) || undef; my $NextX = shift(@_) || undef; my $self = { ForecastName => $ForecastName, DataX => $DataX, DataY => $DataY, NextX => $NextX, # Initialializing Acumulative variables SumX => 0, SumY => 0, SumXY => 0, SumXX => 0 }; bless $self; return $self; } =item F<calc> Calculate and return the forecast value. $FCAST->calc; =cut ################################################################ sub calc { my $self = shift; # Verify if the inputed values are correct. if (!$self->{DataY}) { die "Cannot run without Y values" }; # if no X values were input, populate with 1, 2 ... if ($#{$self->{DataX}} eq -1) { for (my $X=1; $X <= $#{$self->{DataY}}+1; $X++) { $self->{DataX}[$X-1] = $X; } } if (join("", @{$self->{DataX}}) =~ /[^0-9\-]/) { die "You tried to input an illegal value to 'X'." }; if (join("", @{$self->{DataY}}) =~ /[^0-9\-]/) { die "You tried to input an illegal value to 'Y'." }; if ($self->{NextX} =~ /[^0-9\-]/) { die "You tried to input an illegal value to predict." }; if ($#{$self->{DataY}} != $#{$self->{DataX}}) { die "Cannot run with different number of 'X' values." }; if (!$self->{NextX}) { die "Cannot run with no data point which you want to predict a value." }; # Calculate the Sum of Y, X, X*Y and X**2 values. for (my $X=0; $X <= $#{$self->{DataX}}; $X++) { $self->{SumY} += $self->{DataY}[$X]; $self->{SumX} += $self->{DataX}[$X]; $self->{SumXY} += ($self->{DataX}[$X] * $self->{DataY}[$X]); $self->{SumXX} += ($self->{DataX}[$X]**2); } $self->{N} = $#{$self->{DataX}}+1; # Number of Elements $self->{AvgX} = $self->{SumX} / $self->{N}; # X Average $self->{AvgY} = $self->{SumY} / $self->{N}; # Y Average my $B1 = ($self->{N} * $self->{SumXY} - $self->{SumX} * $self->{SumY}); my $B2 = ($self->{N} * $self->{SumXX} - $self->{SumX}**2 ); my $B = $B1 / $B2; my $A = $self->{AvgY} - $B*$self->{AvgX}; $self->{ForecastY} = $A + $B*$self->{NextX}; # The forecast } ################################################################ =item F<dump> Prints data for debuging propose. $FCAST->{dump}; =item F<SumX> Returns the sum of X values. my $SumOfX = $FCAST->{SumX}; =item F<SumY> Returns the sum of Y values. my $SumOfY = $FCAST->{SumY}; =item F<SumXX> Returns the sum of X**2 values. my $SumOfXX = $FCAST->{SumXX}; =item F<SumXY> Returns the sum of X * Y values. my $SumOfXY = $FCAST->{SumXY}; =item F<AvgX> Returns the average of X values. my $AvgX = $FCAST->{AvgX}; =item F<AvgY> Returns the average of Y values. my $AvgY = $FCAST->{AvgY}; =item F<N> Return the number of X values. my $N = $FCAST->{N}; =back =cut ################################################################ sub dump { my $self = shift; print "\n\n"; print "###########################################\n"; print " This is a Forecast dump \n"; print "###########################################\n"; print "\n"; if ($self->{N}) { print ". Forecast Name : ", $self->{ForecastName}, "\n"; print ". Number of elements: ", $self->{N}, "\n"; print ". --------------------------------------- \n"; print ". X Values\n\t", join("; ", @{$self->{DataX}}), "\n"; print ". Sum of X values : ", $self->{SumX}, "\n"; print ". --------------------------------------- \n"; print ". Y Values\n\t", join("; ", @{$self->{DataY}}), "\n"; print ". Sum of Y values : ", $self->{SumY}, "\n"; print ". --------------------------------------- \n"; print ". Sum of X*Y values : ", $self->{SumXY}, "\n"; print ". Sum of X**2 values: ", $self->{SumXX}, "\n"; print ". --------------------------------------- \n"; print ". Predict inputed : ", $self->{NextX}, "\n"; print ". Forecast value : ", $self->{ForecastY}, "\n"; print ". --------------------------------------- \n"; print ". Thanks for using Statistics::Forecast\n\n"; } else { print "Error: You have to use method <calc> \n"; print " before dump the values.\n"; print "\n"; } } =head1 EXAMPLE use Statistics::Forecast; my @Y = (1,3,7,12); my @X = (1,2,3,4); my $FCAST = new Statistics::Forecast("My Forecast"); $FCAST->{DataX} = \@X; $FCAST->{DataY} = \@Y; $FCAST->{NextX} = 8; $FCAST->calc; print "The Forecast ", $FCAST->{ForecastName}; print " has the forecast value: ", $FCAST->{ForecastY}, "\n"; =head1 AUTHOR This module was developed by Alex Falcao ( =head1 STATUS OF THE MODULE This is the first version and calculates forecast value. =head1 VERSION 0.1 =head1 COPYRIGHT This module is released for free public use under a GPL license. =cut 1;
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