Downloader Gráfico - Python 3
Publicado por Fernando (última atualização em 25/11/2013)
[ Hits: 4.340 ]
Pequeno programa para demonstrar uma downloadbar. Utiliza threads para não bloquear a GUI + filas (queue)...
#!/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import queue, threading, os from urllib.request import urlretrieve from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk, messagebox from tkinter.filedialog import asksaveasfilename class App(Tk): def __init__(self): Tk.__init__(self) self.wm_title("Py3k Downloader") self.menubar = Menu(self) self.option_add('*tearOff', FALSE) self.resizable(FALSE,FALSE) = StringVar() self.filename = StringVar() self.perc = StringVar() self.MENUmouse = Menu(self, tearoff=0) self.MENUmouse.add_command(label="Recortar") self.MENUmouse.add_command(label="Copiar") self.MENUmouse.add_command(label="Colar") self.config(menu=self.menubar) self.bind("<Button-3><ButtonRelease-3>", self.show_mouse_menu) ttk.Label(self, text='URL: ').grid(row=1, column=1) ttk.Label(self, text='Save as: ').grid(row=2, column=1) self.url_entry = ttk.Entry(self, width=50, self.url_entry.grid(row=1, column=2) self.file_entry = ttk.Entry(self, width=50, textvariable=self.filename) self.file_entry.grid(row=2, column=2) self.browse = ttk.Button(self, text='Save as',, column=1) self.download_button = ttk.Button(self, text='DOWNLOAD',, column=1) self.queue = queue.Queue() self.progressbar = ttk.Progressbar(self, orient='horizontal', length=400, mode='determinate') self.progressbar["maximum"] = 100.0 self.progressbar["value"] = 0 self.progressbar.grid(row=4, column=2) ttk.Label(self, textvariable=self.perc).grid(row=3, column=2) self.url_entry.focus() def show_mouse_menu(self, e): w = e.widget self.MENUmouse.entryconfigure("Recortar", command=lambda: w.event_generate("<<Cut>>")) self.MENUmouse.entryconfigure("Copiar", command=lambda: w.event_generate("<<Copy>>")) self.MENUmouse.entryconfigure("Colar", command=lambda: w.event_generate("<<Paste>>"))"tk_popup", self.MENUmouse, e.x_root, e.y_root) def save(self): self.filename.set(asksaveasfilename()) def download(self): self.url = self.arq = self.filename.get() if len(self.url) == 0: messagebox.showerror(message='Please insert download link', title='Error') return if len(self.arq) == 0: self.arq = os.path.basename(self.url) self.filename.set(self.arq) self.thread = ThreadedClient(self.queue, self.url, self.arq) self.thread.start() self.periodiccall() def periodiccall(self): self.checkqueue() if self.thread.is_alive(): self.after(100, self.periodiccall) else: self.progressbar["value"] = 0.0 messagebox.showinfo(message='Download finished', title='Info') self.destroy() def checkqueue(self): while self.queue.qsize(): try: self.percent = self.queue.get() self.perc.set('Progress: ' + str(self.percent)[0:5] + '%') self.progressbar["value"] = self.percent except: pass class ThreadedClient(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, queue, url, arq): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.url = url self.arq = arq def reporthook(self, blocknum, blocksize, totalsize): self.percent = blocknum * blocksize * 100 / totalsize self.queue.put(self.percent) def run(self): try: urlretrieve(self.url, self.arq, self.reporthook) except ValueError: messagebox.showerror(message='Please insert valid download link', title='Error') app = App() app.mainloop()
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