Free VPN - download de VPNs do
Publicado por cyber_spider (última atualização em 03/03/2017)
[ Hits: 6.197 ]
Este script automatiza o download das VPNs do site, exibe também suas senhas.
#!/bin/bash clear; echo "_welcome the VPNenter v1.0" printf "\n\n" printf "please enter the option: \n" printf " 1 > download vpnbook\n" printf " 2 > view acess\n"; read a0997b; if [ "$a0997b" = "1" ]; then clear; curl > FOvpn.txt; clear; echo "please select the country: " echo echo "US1 > 1" echo "US2 > 2" echo "CA canada > 3" echo "DE germany > 4" read c0997d; elif [ "$a0997b" = "2" ]; then clear; curl > FOvpn.txt; clear; echo "------------------\n------Access------\n------------------" cat FOvpn.txt | grep "Username" |cut -d">" -f3 | cut -d"<" -f1 | head -n1 echo cat FOvpn.txt | grep "Password" |cut -d">" -f3 | cut -d"<" -f1 | head -n1 echo rm -rf FOvpn.txt else exit; fi if [ "$c0997d" = "1" ]; then clear; e0997f="$(cat FOvpn.txt | grep "/free" | grep "Server #3" | cut -d'"' -f4)" g0997h="$(echo """$e0997f")" wget $g0997h; clear; echo "Success !" echo "------------------\n------Access------\n------------------" cat FOvpn.txt | grep "Username" |cut -d">" -f3 | cut -d"<" -f1 | head -n1 echo cat FOvpn.txt | grep "Password" |cut -d">" -f3 | cut -d"<" -f1 | head -n1 echo rm -rf FOvpn.txt elif [ "$c0997d" = "2" ]; then clear; e0997f="$(cat FOvpn.txt | grep "/free" | grep "Server #4" | cut -d'"' -f4)" g0997h="$(echo """$e0997f")" wget $g0997h; clear; echo "Success !" echo "------------------\n------Access------\n------------------" cat FOvpn.txt | grep "Username" |cut -d">" -f3 | cut -d"<" -f1 | head -n1 echo cat FOvpn.txt | grep "Password" |cut -d">" -f3 | cut -d"<" -f1 | head -n1 echo rm -rf FOvpn.txt elif [ "$c0997d" = "3" ]; then clear; e0997f="$(cat FOvpn.txt | grep "/free" | grep "Server #5" | cut -d'"' -f4)" g0997h="$(echo """$e0997f")" wget $g0997h; clear; echo "Success !" echo "------------------\n------Access------\n------------------" cat FOvpn.txt | grep "Username" |cut -d">" -f3 | cut -d"<" -f1 | head -n1 echo cat FOvpn.txt | grep "Password" |cut -d">" -f3 | cut -d"<" -f1 | head -n1 echo rm -rf FOvpn.txt elif [ "$c0997d" = "4" ]; then clear; e0997f="$(cat FOvpn.txt | grep "/free" | grep "Server #6" | cut -d'"' -f4)" g0997h="$(echo """$e0997f")" wget $g0997h; clear; echo "Success !" echo "------------------\n------Access------\n------------------" cat FOvpn.txt | grep "Username" |cut -d">" -f3 | cut -d"<" -f1 | head -n1 echo cat FOvpn.txt | grep "Password" |cut -d">" -f3 | cut -d"<" -f1 | head -n1 echo rm -rf FOvpn.txt; else exit; fi
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