Linux Mint 20 Pós Instalação
Publicado por Mauricio Ferrari (última atualização em 31/07/2020)
[ Hits: 3.751 ]
Esse é um script de pós-instalação feito para o Linux Mint 20. Foi parcialmente testado. Mas, acredito que não dê problemas.
Por padrão, ele vem totalmente desabilitado, ficando a critério do usuário que for usar adaptar para suas necessidades, pois é muita coisa mesmo e não há a necessidade de instalar tudo.
Ainda terá melhorias e talvez um controle melhor do que habilitar ou desabilitar.
#!/bin/bash # By Mauricio Ferrari. 28/07/2020. # Configuração Manual LR=~/Mint20 # Constantes SL="/etc/apt/sources.list.d" LIST="apt list -i" INSTALL="apt-get install -y" REMOVE="apt-get remove -y" officialrepo(){ echo 'deb ulyana main upstream import backport deb focal main restricted universe multiverse deb focal-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb focal-backports main restricted universe multiverse deb focal-security main restricted universe multiverse deb focal partner' | tee $SL/official-package-repositories.list } extrarepo(){ [[ ! -e $SL/spotify.list ]] && echo 'deb stable non-free' | tee $SL/spotify.list [[ ! -e $SL/skype-stable.list ]] && echo 'deb [arch=amd64] stable main' | tee $SL/skype-stable.list [[ ! -e $SL/google-chrome.list ]] && echo 'deb [arch=amd64] stable main' | tee $SL/google-chrome.list [[ ! -e $SL/google-earth-pro.list ]] && echo 'deb [arch=amd64] stable main' | tee $SL/google-earth.list [[ ! -e $SL/lumas-photoqt-focal.list ]] && echo 'deb focal main' | tee $SL/lumas-photoqt.list [[ ! -e $SL/gezakovacs-ppa-focal.list ]] && echo 'deb focal main' | tee $SL/unetbootin.list [[ ! -e $SL/ytvwld-asciiquarium-focal.list ]] && echo 'deb focal main' | tee $SL/asciiquarium.list [[ ! -e $SL/lightzone-team-lightzone-focal.list ]] && echo 'deb focal main' | tee $SL/lightzone.list } stretchrepo(){ echo 'deb stretch main deb stretch main contrib non-free' | tee $SL/debian.list apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 04EE7237B7D453EC dpkg -i deb-multimedia-keyring_2016.8.1_all.deb && apt update } stretchrepodisable(){ mv $SL/debian.list $SL/debian.list.bak && apt update } localrepo(){ [[ $LR != "" ]] && dpkg -i $LR/*.deb && dpkg --configure -a } upgradesystem(){ officialrepo && apt update && apt-get upgrade } installextra(){ extrarepo stretchrepo apt update [[ ! `$LIST google-chrome*` ]] && $INSTALL google-chrome-stable [[ ! `$LIST google-earth*` ]] && $INSTALL google-earth-pro-stable [[ ! `$LIST lightzone` ]] && $INSTALL lightzone [[ ! `$LIST photoqt` ]] && $INSTALL photoqt [[ ! `$LIST skypeforlinux` ]] && $INSTALL skypeforlinux [[ ! `$LIST spotify-client` ]] && $INSTALL spotify-client [[ ! `$LIST dvdrip` ]] && $INSTALL dvdrip [[ ! `$LIST leafpad` ]] && $INSTALL leafpad stretchrepodisable } navegador(){ [[ ! `$LIST firefox` ]] && $INSTALL firefox [[ ! `$LIST firefox-locale-pt` ]] && $INSTALL firefox-locale-pt } download(){ [[ ! `$LIST qbittorrent` ]] && $INSTALL qbittorrent [[ ! `$LIST transmission*` ]] && $INSTALL transmission-gtk [[ ! `$LIST uget` ]] && $INSTALL uget aria2 } social(){ [[ ! `$LIST telegram*` ]] && $INSTALL telegram-desktop [[ ! `$LIST whatsapp*` ]] && $INSTALL whatsapp-desktop } audio(){ [[ ! `$LIST audacious` ]] && $INSTALL audacious [[ ! `$LIST clementine` ]] && $INSTALL clementine } muitimedia(){ [[ ! `$LIST dragonplayer` ]] && $INSTALL dragonplayer [[ ! `$LIST mpv` ]] && $INSTALL mpv [[ ! `$LIST smplayer` ]] && $INSTALL smplayer [[ ! `$LIST vlc` ]] && $INSTALL vlc } rip(){ [[ ! `$LIST asunder` ]] && $INSTALL asunder [[ ! `$LIST acidrip` ]] && $INSTALL acidrip [[ ! `$LIST ripperx` ]] && $INSTALL ripperx [[ ! `$LIST sound-juicer` ]] && $INSTALL sound-juicer } audioedit(){ [[ ! `$LIST ardour` ]] && $INSTALL ardour [[ ! `$LIST audacity` ]] && $INSTALL audacity [[ ! `$LIST converseen` ]] && $INSTALL converseen [[ ! `$LIST easytag` ]] && $INSTALL easytag [[ ! `$LIST kwave` ]] && $INSTALL kwave } transcode(){ [[ ! `$LIST handbrake` ]] && $INSTALL handbrake [[ ! `$LIST winff` ]] && $INSTALL winff } screen(){ [[ ! `$LIST flameshot` ]] && $INSTALL flameshot [[ ! `$LIST kazam` ]] && $INSTALL kazam [[ ! `$LIST obs-studio` ]] && $INSTALL obs-studio [[ ! `$LIST peek` ]] && $INSTALL peek [[ ! `$LIST screenkey` ]] && $INSTALL screenkey [[ ! `$LIST recordmydesktop` ]] && $INSTALL recordmydesktop [[ ! `$LIST simplescreenrecorder` ]] && $INSTALL simplescreenrecorder [[ ! `$LIST vokoscreen-ng` ]] && $INSTALL vokoscreen-ng } burn(){ [[ ! `$LIST brasero` ]] && $INSTALL brasero [[ ! `$LIST k3b` ]] && $INSTALL k3b [[ ! `$LIST xfburn` ]] && $INSTALL xfburn } iso(){ [[ ! `$LIST acetoneiso` ]] && $INSTALL acetoneiso [[ ! `$LIST isomaster` ]] && $INSTALL isomaster } video(){ [[ ! `$LIST kdenlive` ]] && $INSTALL kdenlive [[ ! `$LIST kino` ]] && $INSTALL kino [[ ! `$LIST lmms` ]] && $INSTALL lmms [[ ! `$LIST openshot` ]] && $INSTALL openshot [[ ! `$LIST pitivi` ]] && $INSTALL pitivi [[ ! `$LIST shotcut` ]] && $INSTALL shotcut } imagem(){ [[ ! `$LIST darktable` ]] && $INSTALL darktable [[ ! `$LIST gimp` ]] && $INSTALL gimp [[ ! `$LIST gwenview` ]] && $INSTALL gwenview [[ ! `$LIST inkscape` ]] && $INSTALL inkscape [[ ! `$LIST karbon` ]] && $INSTALL karbon [[ ! `$LIST kolourpaint` ]] && $INSTALL kolourpaint [[ ! `$LIST krita` ]] && $INSTALL krita [[ ! `$LIST rawtherapee` ]] && $INSTALL rawtherapee } webcam(){ [[ ! `$LIST cheese` ]] && $INSTALL cheese [[ ! `$LIST digikam` ]] && $INSTALL digikam } ciencia(){ [[ ! `$LIST gcu-bin` ]] && $INSTALL gcu-bin [[ ! `$LIST geogebra` ]] && $INSTALL geogebra [[ ! `$LIST kalzium` ]] && $INSTALL kalzium [[ ! `$LIST kmplot` ]] && $INSTALL kmplot [[ ! `$LIST kstars` ]] && $INSTALL kstars [[ ! `$LIST logisim` ]] && $INSTALL logisim [[ ! `$LIST marble` ]] && $INSTALL marble [[ ! `$LIST oregano` ]] && $INSTALL oregano [[ ! `$LIST stellarium` ]] && $INSTALL stellarium [[ ! `$LIST umbrello` ]] && $INSTALL umbrello [[ ! `$LIST xoscope` ]] && $INSTALL xoscope } zipfm(){ wget -c ~/ $INSTALL ~/p7zip-desktop_16-02+mint20-1_amd64.deb } zip(){ [[ ! `$LIST p7zip` ]] && $INSTALL p7zip [[ ! `$LIST p7zip-full` ]] && $INSTALL p7zip-full [[ ! `$LIST p7zip-rar` ]] && $INSTALL p7zip-rar [[ ! `$LIST p7zip-desktop` ]] && zipfm } develop(){ [[ ! `$LIST anjuta` ]] && $INSTALL anjuta [[ ! `$LIST cmake` ]] && $INSTALL cmake [[ ! `$LIST codeblocks` ]] && $INSTALL codeblocks [[ ! `$LIST geany` ]] && $INSTALL geany [[ ! `$LIST lazarus` ]] && $INSTALL lazarus [[ ! `$LIST netbeans` ]] && $INSTALL netbeans [[ ! `$LIST spyder` ]] && $INSTALL spyder [[ ! `$LIST build-essential` ]] && $INSTALL build-essential [[ ! `$LIST sublime-text` ]] && $INSTALL sublime-text [[ ! `$LIST sweethome3d` ]] && $INSTALL sweethome3d } office(){ [[ ! `$LIST gnumeric` ]] && $INSTALL gnumeric [[ ! `$LIST scribus` ]] && $INSTALL scribus [[ ! `$LIST xreader` ]] && $INSTALL xreader } text(){ [[ ! `$LIST gedit` ]] && $INSTALL gedit [[ ! `$LIST kate` ]] && $INSTALL kate [[ ! `$LIST pluma` ]] && $INSTALL pluma [[ ! `$LIST xed` ]] && $INSTALL xed } bleach(){ wget -c ~/ $INSTALL ~/bleachbit_4.0.0_all_ubuntu1804.deb } clean(){ [[ ! `$LIST bleachbit` ]] && bleach [[ ! `$LIST stacer` ]] && $INSTALL stacer [[ ! `$LIST sweeper` ]] && $INSTALL sweeper } utilities(){ [[ ! `$LIST aqemu` ]] && $INSTALL aqemu [[ ! `$LIST arandr` ]] && $INSTALL arandr [[ ! `$LIST gparted` ]] && $INSTALL gparted [[ ! `$LIST redshift` ]] && $INSTALL redshift [[ ! `$LIST timeshift` ]] && $INSTALL timeshift } shelltools(){ [[ ! `$LIST dialog` ]] && $INSTALL dialog [[ ! `$LIST yad` ]] && $INSTALL yad [[ ! `$LIST zenity` ]] && $INSTALL zenity } games(){ [[ ! `$LIST 0ad` ]] && $INSTALL 0ad [[ ! `$LIST assaultcube` ]] && $INSTALL assaultcube [[ ! `$LIST gameconqueror` ]] && $INSTALL gameconqueror } terminal(){ [[ ! `$LIST alien` ]] && $INSTALL alien [[ ! `$LIST alsa-utils` ]] && $INSTALL alsa-utils [[ ! `$LIST cabextract` ]] && $INSTALL cabextract [[ ! `$LIST git` ]] && $INSTALL git [[ ! `$LIST mtr` ]] && $INSTALL mtr [[ ! `$LIST neofetch` ]] && $INSTALL neofetch [[ ! `$LIST testdisk` ]] && $INSTALL testdisk } person(){ [[ ! `$LIST aview` ]] && $INSTALL aview [[ ! `$LIST cmatrix` ]] && $INSTALL cmatrix [[ ! `$LIST cowsay` ]] && $INSTALL cowsay [[ ! `$LIST espeak` ]] && $INSTALL espeak [[ ! `$LIST figlet` ]] && $INSTALL figlet [[ ! `$LIST fortune-mod` ]] && $INSTALL fortune-mod [[ ! `$LIST fortunes-br` ]] && $INSTALL fortunes-br [[ ! `$LIST libaa-bin` ]] && $INSTALL libaa-bin [[ ! `$LIST oneko` ]] && $INSTALL oneko [[ ! `$LIST sl` ]] && $INSTALL sl [[ ! `$LIST toilet` ]] && $INSTALL toilet } vim(){ mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start git clone ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start git clone ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start git clone ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start git clone ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start # colocar no vimrc - codedark } disableservices(){ systemctl disable rsyslog.service systemctl disable lvm2-monitor.service systemctl disable pppd-dns.service systemctl disable hddtemp.service systemctl disable lm-sensors.service systemctl disable ModemManager.service systemctl disable logrotate.service systemctl disable grub-common.service } pos(){ ufw enable sudo ln /usr/bin/vim.tiny /usr/bin/vim } remove(){ $REMOVE hexchat $REMOVE thunderbird $REMOVE gnote $REMOVE rhythmbox $REMOVE onboard $REMOVE fortune* apt autoremove } # Os que não foram adicioandos nessa versão # # flareget frostwire qmplay2 exmplayer umplayer easymp3gain transmageddon ksnip spectratle recordmydesktop-gtk furiousisomount # natron xaralx teamviewer vscode fltk pencil eclipse libre-office only-office wps-office fslint xdialog screenfech photorec # # openarena flare opensonic smc # virtualbox wine qphotorec html2pdf package-converter video-to-ascii # # celestia gresistor astah-community flashplayer-sa-projector brmodelo PacketTracer echo && echo -e "\033[1;35m Iniciando o Script Pós Instalação do Linux Mint 20! \033[0m" && echo echo -e "\033[1;32m Removendo Programas Desnecessários... \033[0m" #&& remove echo -e "\033[1;33m Instalando o Repositório Local... \033[0m" #&& localrepo echo -e "\033[1;34m Atualizando o Sistema... \033[0m" #&& upgradesystem echo && echo -e "\033[1;35m Instalação dos Programas no Linux Mint 20! \033[0m" && echo echo -e "\033[1;37m Instalando Navegadores Web... \033[0m" #&& navegador echo -e "\033[1;36m Instalando Ferramentas de Download e Torrent... \033[0m" #&& download echo -e "\033[1;31m Instalando Programas de Comunicação ... \033[0m" #&& social echo -e "\033[1;32m Instalando Reprodutores de Áudio... \033[0m" #&& audio echo -e "\033[1;33m Instalando Reprodutores Multimídia... \033[0m" #&& multimedia echo -e "\033[1;34m Instalando Ripadores de Disco... \033[0m" #&& rip echo -e "\033[1;35m Instalando Editores de Áudio... \033[0m" #&& audioedit echo -e "\033[1;36m Instalando Transcodificadores... \033[0m" #&& transcode echo -e "\033[1;31m Instalando Programas de Captura de Tela... \033[0m" #&& screen echo -e "\033[1;32m Instalando Programas de Gravação de Discos... \033[0m" #&& burn echo -e "\033[1;33m Instalando Ferramentas de ISO... \033[0m" #&& iso echo -e "\033[1;34m Instalando Editores de Video... \033[0m" #&& video echo -e "\033[1;35m Instalando Editores e Visualizadores de imagem... \033[0m" #&& imagem echo -e "\033[1;36m Instalando Programas de WebCAM... \033[0m" #&& webcam echo -e "\033[1;31m Instalando Programas Educativos e Científicos... \033[0m" #&& ciencia echo -e "\033[1;32m Instalando o P7ZIP Completo... \033[0m" #&& zip echo -e "\033[1;33m Instalando Programas de Desenvolvimento... \033[0m" #&& develop echo -e "\033[1;34m Instalando Ferramentas de Escritório... \033[0m" #&& office echo -e "\033[1;35m Instalando Editores de Texto... \033[0m" #&& text echo -e "\033[1;36m Instalando Limpadores de Sistema... \033[0m" #&& clean echo -e "\033[1;31m Instalando Utilitários... \033[0m" #&& utilities echo -e "\033[1;32m Instalando Extras para o Shell... \033[0m" #&& shelltools echo -e "\033[1;33m Instalando Jogos... \033[0m" #&& games echo -e "\033[1;34m Instalando Ferramentas para Terminal... \033[0m" #&& terminal echo -e "\033[1;35m Instalando Frescuradas Extras... \033[0m" #&& person echo -e "\033[1;36m Instalando Programas Adicionais... \033[0m" #&& installextra echo && echo -e "\033[1;35m Ajustes Finais no Linux Mint 20! \033[0m" && echo echo -e "\033[1;31m Personalizando o VIM... \033[0m" #&& vim echo -e "\033[1;32m Desabilitando Serviços Desnecessários... \033[0m" #&& disableservices echo -e "\033[1;33m Finalizando... \033[0m" #&& pos echo && echo -e "\033[1;35m Script Pós Instalação do Linux Mint 20 Concluído! \033[0m" && echo exit
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