Pós-instalação para Ubuntu 20.04 e Linux Mint 19.03
Publicado por tiago gilgia manoel (última atualização em 05/05/2020)
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Script para facilitar o processo de pós-instalação das distribuições Ubuntu 20.04 LTS e Linux Mint 19.03.
#!/bin/bash ########## POST SCRIPT INSTALLATION OF LINUX MINT 19.03 and Ubuntu 20.04 ######### # Written by Tiago G. Manoel # Release - 3.0 # Date - 30/04/2020 #---VARIABLES---# CHOICE=Softwares # make sure this is run as root declare -f VERIFY_ROOT function VERIFY_ROOT() { uid=$(id -ur) if [ "$uid" != "0" ]; then echo "ERROR: This script must be run as root." if [ -x /usr/bin/sudo ]; then echo "try: sudo $0" fi exit 1 fi } #---IDENTIFY DISTRIBUTION---# declare -f VERIFY_DISTRIB function VERIFY_DISTRIB() { ID=`lsb_release -i` RELEASE=`lsb_release -r` if [[ $ID = "Distributor ID: Ubuntu" && $RELEASE = "Release: 20.04" ]]; then clear lsb_release -a MENU_UBUNTU elif [[ $ID = "Distributor ID: LinuxMint" && $RELEASE = "Release: 19.3" ]]; then clear lsb_release -a MENU_MINT else echo "#========== Unsupported Distribution ==========#" sleep 3 fi } #---System Update Function ---# declare -f UPDATE function UPDATE() { clear echo "=== Updating Repositories ===" sleep 2 sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock sudo apt update -y clear echo "=== Applying Updates ===" sleep 2 sudo apt dist-upgrade -y clear echo "=== Finished ===" sleep 3 VERIFY_DISTRIB } #--- Functions ---# declare -f INSTSOFTWARE function INSTSOFTWARE() { clear echo "#========== Installing $CHOICE ==========#" sleep 2 clear for CHOICE in $selection; do echo "#========== Installing $CHOICE ==========#" sleep 2 case $CHOICE in Google-Chrome-Stable ) INSTCHROME ;; Insync ) INSTINSYNC ;; Spotify-FlatHub ) flatpak install flathub com.spotify.Client -y ;; Sublime-Text-FlatHub ) flatpak install flathub com.sublimetext.three -y ;; Handbrake-FlatHub ) flatpak install flathub fr.handbrake.ghb -y ;; WPS-Office-FlatHub ) flatpak install flathub com.wps.Office -y ;; ONLYOFFICE-FlatHub ) flatpak install flathub org.onlyoffice.desktopeditors -y ;; Discord-FlatHub ) flatpak install flathub com.discordapp.Discord -y ;; libreoffice ) INSTLIBREOFFICE ;; Telegram-FlatHub ) flatpak install flathub org.telegram.desktop -y ;; Tor-Browser-Launcher-FlatHub ) flatpak install flathub com.github.micahflee.torbrowser-launcher -y ;; Jdownloader-FlatHub ) flatpak install flathub org.jdownloader.JDownloader -y ;; Whatsapp-desktop-Snap ) sudo snap install whatsdesk ;; Vlc ) sudo snap install vlc ;; Unpackers ) sudo apt install p7zip-full p7zip-rar lzma lzma-dev rar unrar-free p7zip ark ncompress -y ;; * ) apt install $CHOICE -y ;; esac done echo "#========== Successfully finished! ==========#" sleep 3 clear VERIFY_DISTRIB } declare -f INSTCHROME function INSTCHROME() { mkdir /tmp/chrome cd /tmp/chrome wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i *.deb } declare -f INSTINSYNC function INSTINSYNC() { mkdir /tmp/insync cd /tmp/insync wget https://d2t3ff60b2tol4.cloudfront.net/builds/insync_3.0.27.40677-bionic_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i *.deb which nautilus && sudo apt install insync-nautilus -y which nemo && sudo apt install insync-nemo -y } declare -f INSTLIBREOFFICE function INSTLIBREOFFICE() { sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa -y sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y which libreoffice || sudo apt install libreoffice libreoffice-l10n-br -y } #--- Unistall Softwares ---# declare -f RMSOFTWARES function RMSOFTWARES() { for CHOICE in $selection; do echo "#========== Removing $CHOICE ==========#" sleep 2 sudo apt remove $CHOICE -y done VERIFY_DISTRIB } ######========== LinuxMint ==========###### ###### Main Menu Function ###### declare -f MENU_MINT function MENU_MINT() { selection=$(zenity --list --title='Selection' --column="#" --column="Softwares" \ FALSE "Update Repositories and System" \ FALSE "Install Softwares" \ FALSE "Uninstall Embedded" \ --radiolist --height=200 --width=300 ) if [[ -z $selection ]]; then exit 0 fi case "$selection" in "Update Repositories and System" ) UPDATE ;; "Install Softwares" ) INSTMENU_MINT ;; "Uninstall Embedded" ) RMMENU_MINT ;; * ) echo "invalid option, try again!" ;; esac exit 0 } declare -f INSTMENU_MINT function INSTMENU_MINT() { selection=$(zenity --list --title='Select' --column="#" --column="Softwares" --column="description" \ FALSE "Google-Chrome-Stable" "Web browser" \ FALSE "Tor-Browser-Launcher-FlatHub" "Private Web Browser" \ FALSE "Insync" "Client Google Drive" \ FALSE "Spotify-FlatHub" "Music Streaming" \ FALSE "Telegram-FlatHub" "Messenger" \ FALSE "Discord-FlatHub" "Voice Messenger" \ FALSE "Jdownloader-FlatHub" "Downloader Manager" \ FALSE "whatsapp-desktop" "Messenger" \ FALSE "Sublime-Text-FlatHub" "IDE for development" \ FALSE "ubuntu-restricted-extras" "Additional (codec, flash and etc...)" \ FALSE "mpv" "Video Player" \ FALSE "celluloid" "Video Player" \ FALSE "audacious" "Audio Player" \ FALSE "gnome-calendar" "Calendar" \ FALSE "gnome-maps" "Maps" \ FALSE "gnome-contacts" "Contacts" \ FALSE "gnome-weather" "Weather" \ FALSE "shutter" "PrintScreen Tool" \ FALSE "flameshot" "PrintScreen Tool" \ FALSE "snapd" "core for SNAP containers" \ FALSE "kdenlive" "Video editor" \ FALSE "ffmpeg" "Back-End Tool for Media Conversion" \ FALSE "winff" "Front-End for FFMPEG"\ FALSE "mint-meta-codecs" "Codec Pack" \ FALSE "synaptic" "Package Manager" \ FALSE "gparted" "Partition Manager" \ FALSE "geary" "EMAIL CLIENT" \ FALSE "clipit" "Clipboard Manager" \ FALSE "virtualbox-qt" "Virtualization" \ FALSE "wine-stable" "Layer for Windows Software" \ FALSE "libreoffice" "Office Tools" \ FALSE "WPS-Office-FlatHub" "Office Tools" \ FALSE "ONLYOFFICE-FlatHub" "Office Tools" \ FALSE "Handbrake-FlatHub" "Video conversion tools" \ FALSE "transmission" "Torrent client" \ FALSE "keepassxc" "Password Manager" \ FALSE "Unpackers" "zip-rar lzma lzma-dev rar unrar-free p7zip ark ncompress" \ FALSE "steam-installer" "Game Store" \ FALSE "zsnes" "SuperNes emulator" \ FALSE "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" "Microsoft fonts" \ --separator=" " --checklist --height=650 --width=650 ) if [[ -z $selection ]]; then MENU_MINT fi INSTSOFTWARE } declare -f RMMENU_MINT function RMMENU_MINT() { selection=$(zenity --list --title='Select' --column="#" --column="Softwares" --column="description" \ FALSE "hexchat" "Chat" \ FALSE "firefox" "Web browser" \ FALSE "thunderbird" "EMAIL CLIENT" \ FALSE "rhythmbox" "Audio Player" \ --separator=" " --checklist --height=650 --width=550 ) if [[ -z $selection ]]; then MENU_MINT fi RMSOFTWARES } ######========== Ubuntu ==========###### ###### Main Menu Function ###### declare -f MENU_UBUNTU function MENU_UBUNTU() { selection=$(zenity --list --title='Selection' --column="#" --column="Softwares" \ FALSE "Update Repositories and System" \ FALSE "Install Softwares" \ FALSE "Uninstall Embedded" \ --radiolist --height=200 --width=300 ) if [[ -z $selection ]]; then exit 0 fi case "$selection" in "Update Repositories and System" ) UPDATE ;; "Install Softwares" ) INSTMENU_UBUNTU ;; "Uninstall Embedded" ) RMMENU_UBUNTU ;; * ) echo "invalid option, try again!" ;; esac exit 0 } declare -f INSTMENU_UBUNTU function INSTMENU_UBUNTU() { selection=$(zenity --list --title='Select' --column="#" --column="Softwares" --column="description" \ FALSE "Google-Chrome-Stable" "Web browser" \ FALSE "Tor-Browser-Launcher-FlatHub" "Private Web Browser" \ FALSE "Insync" "Client Google Drive" \ FALSE "Spotify-FlatHub" "Music Streaming" \ FALSE "Telegram-FlatHub" "Messenger" \ FALSE "Discord-FlatHub" "Voice Messenger" \ FALSE "Jdownloader-FlatHub" "Downloader Manager" \ FALSE "Whatsapp-desktop-Snap" "Messenger" \ FALSE "Sublime-Text-FlatHub" "IDE for development" \ FALSE "ubuntu-restricted-extras" "Additional (codec, flash and etc...)" \ FALSE "mpv" "Video Player" \ FALSE "celluloid" "Video Player" \ FALSE "audacious" "Audio Player" \ FALSE "Vlc" "Audio Player" \ FALSE "gnome-calendar" "Calendar" \ FALSE "gnome-maps" "Maps" \ FALSE "gnome-contacts" "Contacts" \ FALSE "gnome-weather" "Weather" \ FALSE "shutter" "PrintScreen Tool" \ FALSE "flameshot" "PrintScreen Tool" \ FALSE "kdenlive" "Video editor" \ FALSE "ffmpeg" "Back-End Tool for Media Conversion" \ FALSE "winff" "Front-End for FFMPEG"\ FALSE "synaptic" "Package Manager" \ FALSE "gparted" "Partition Manager" \ FALSE "geary" "EMAIL CLIENT" \ FALSE "virtualbox-qt" "Virtualization" \ FALSE "wine-stable" "Layer for Windows Software" \ FALSE "libreoffice" "Office Tools" \ FALSE "WPS-Office-FlatHub" "Office Tools" \ FALSE "ONLYOFFICE-FlatHub" "Office Tools" \ FALSE "Handbrake-FlatHub" "Video conversion tools" \ FALSE "transmission" "Torrent client" \ FALSE "keepassxc" "Password Manager" \ FALSE "Unpackers" "zip-rar lzma lzma-dev rar unrar-free p7zip ark ncompress" \ FALSE "steam-installer" "Game Store" \ FALSE "zsnes" "SuperNes emulator" \ FALSE "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" "Microsoft fonts" \ FALSE "gnome-tweaks" "Gnome extra settings" \ --separator=" " --checklist --height=650 --width=650 ) if [[ -z $selection ]]; then MENU_UBUNTU fi which flatpak || sudo apt install flatpak gnome-software-plugin-flatpak -y && flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo sudo sed -i.bak "/^# deb .*partner/ s/^# //" /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt update INSTSOFTWARE } declare -f RMMENU_UBUNTU function RMMENU_UBUNTU() { selection=$(zenity --list --title='Select' --column="#" --column="Softwares" --column="description" \ FALSE "firefox" "Web browser" \ FALSE "thunderbird" "EMAIL CLIENT" \ FALSE "rhythmbox" "Audio Player" \ FALSE "remmina" "remote connection" \ --separator=" " --checklist --height=650 --width=550 ) if [[ -z $selection ]]; then MENU_UBUNTU fi RMSOFTWARES } #========== EXECUTION ==========# VERIFY_ROOT VERIFY_DISTRIB
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