Remover/Exibir Arquivo/Diretório de uma estrutura de diretórios

Publicado por Italo Pessoa (última atualização em 05/10/2012)

[ Hits: 4.800 ]



Script simples para procurar e remover ou exibir o path de um arquivo ou diretório.
O script é simples

rmr_init [-f | -d] directory [directory | file]
rmr_init [-f | -d] [-e | -r] directory [directory | file]
-e show the path of file or directory
-r remove the file or directory
-f set the type to regular file
-d set the type to directory

Já existe o find para fazer a mesma coisa, pesquisar e remover um diretório ou arquivo, mas para efeito de aprendizagem resolvi fazê-lo


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# Script to found and remove or display 
# a regular file or directory in a directory
# and their sub-directories

# Italo Pessoa <>
# 01/10/2012 20:15

# # # # # # # # # # # # # HOW TO # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# source                                             #
# rmr_init [-f | -d] directory [directory | file]            #
# rmr_init [-f | -d] [-e | -r] directory [directory | file]  #
#                                                            #
# -e show the path of file or directory                      #
# -r remove the file or directory                            #
# -f set the type to regular file                            #
# -d set the type to directory                               #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # HOW TO # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

# list of files and directories of the directory informed

   # verify if is a regular file or a directory
   if [ "$ISFILE" ]; then
      _findMatchingFile "$1" "$2" "$ACTION"
      _findMatchingDir "$1" "$2" "$ACTION"
   for dir in $(ls -A "$1" | sed 's/\ /(~)/g'); do
      # dirctory name
      dirName=$(echo "$dir" | sed 's/(~)/\ /g')

      # verify if the directory exists
      if [ -d "$1/$dirName" ]; then
         # list of files and directories of the directory informed
         _lsDir "$1/$dirName" "$2"

# scan files on the current directory

   # regex to remove spaces
   for file in $(ls -A "$1" | sed 's/\ /(~)/g'); do

      # regex to replace previous to a correspondent value of spaces
      fileName=$(echo "$file" | sed 's/(~)/\ /g')

      # verify if is a regular file and exists
      if [ -f "$1/$fileName" ]; then

         # verify if is the same name of the searched file
         if [ "$fileName" = "$2" ]; then

            # verify if has action
            if [ "$ACTION" ]; then

               # validate action
               case "$ACTION" in
                  "-r" )
                     # remove file
                     echo "Removing file:"
                     echo "$1/$fileName"
                     rm "$1/$fileName"
                     echo "Removed."
                  "-e" )
                     # displays the path of file, starting of the current user 
                     # directory, the directory from which the current user is
                     echo "$1/$fileName"
               # STANDARD
               # displays the path of file, starting of the current user 
               # directory, the directory from which the current user is
               echo "$1/$fileName"

# scan directories on the current directory

   # regex to remove spaces
   for dir in $(ls -A "$1" | sed 's/\ /(~)/g'); do
      # regex to replace previous to a correspondent value of spaces
      dirName=$(echo "$dir" | sed 's/(~)/\ /g')
      # verify if is a directory and exists
      if [ -d "$1/$dirName" ]; then

         # verify if is the same name of the searched directory
         if [ "$dirName" = "$2" ]; then

            # verify if has action
            if [ "$3" ]; then
               case "$3" in
                  "-r" )
                     # remove directory
                     echo "Removing directory:"
                     echo "$1/$dirName"
                     rm -r "$1/$dirName"
                     echo "Removed."
                  "-e" )
                     # displays the  path of direcory, starting of the current user 
                     # directory, the directory from which the current user is
                     echo "$1/$dirName"
               # STANDARD
               # displays the  path of direcory, starting of the current user 
               # directory, the directory from which the current user is
               echo "$1/$dirName"

# verify is the directory exists
   if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
      echo "ERROR: The directory \"$1\" doesn't exists."
      exit 1

# configure the action
   case "$1" in
      "-r" )
         # remove directory or file
      "-e" )
         # displays the path of file or directory
         echo "ERROR: The option \"$1\" doesn't exists."
         exit 1


# key to control the type of file (regular or directory)
export ISFILE=""

# key to control the action
export ACTION="-e"

   # verify how many parameters were informed
   if [ "$#" -ge 3 ]; then
       if [ "$#" -eq 4 ]; then
          case "$1" in
             "-f" )
               # verify if directory exists
               _dirExists "$3"
               # configure the action
               _configAction "$2"
               # set the type of file to regular file
             "-d" )
               # verify if directory exists
               _dirExists "$3"
               # configure the action
               _configAction "$2"
               # set the type of file to directory
               # display error message
               echo "ERROR: You must set: file(-f), directory(-d), remove(-r) or show(-e)."
               exit 1

          # list of files and directories of the directory informed
          _lsDir "$3" "$4"

       elif [ "$#" -gt 4 ]; then
          echo "ERROR: You inserted many options"
          exit 1
       elif [ "$#" -eq 3 ]; then
          case "$1" in
             "-f" )
               _dirExists "$2"
             "-d" )
               _dirExists "$2"
               # display error message
               echo "ERROR: You must set: file(-f) or directory(-d)."
               exit 1

          # list of files and directories of the directory informed
          _lsDir "$2" "$3" 
      # display error message
      echo "ERROR: you must insert at least three parameters."

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[1] Comentário enviado por zirou em 05/10/2012 - 11:37h

Otimo script cara, parabéns ae

[2] Comentário enviado por italo pessoa em 05/10/2012 - 23:16h

Obrigado zirou!!

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