Repositório Local usando Yum

Publicado por Alexandre de Abreu 05/01/2005

[ Hits: 6.857 ]


Este script cria/mantém um repositório local de arquivos RPM em um servidor FTP/HTTP, disponibilizando pacotes para clientes Linux manterem distribuições através do progtama "yum".

É compatível com os programas "yum-arch" e "createrepo", responsáveis pela construção da estrutura de diretório do repositório. Contém exemplos de configuração para repositórios RedHat/Fedora e suporte à utilização de servidor proxy.

Em breve será disponibilizado um tutorial de utilização neste site.


Esconder código-fonte

-- snipped --
while [ ${MIRROR_URL[count]} ]; do
        # Some checking
        [ -d ${MIRROR_DIR[count]} ] || {
                /bin/echo "[*] Try creating localdir ${MIRROR_DIR[count]}"
                /bin/echo "[*] Exiting.."
                exit 1
        [ -w ${MIRROR_DIR[count]} ] || {
                /bin/echo "[*] Check write permissions on localdir ${MIRROR_DIR[count]}"
                /bin/echo "[*] Exiting.."
                exit 1
        cd ${MIRROR_DIR[count]}
        CUT_DIRS=$(/bin/echo "${MIRROR_URL[count]}" | /bin/egrep -o "\/" | /usr/bin/wc -l)
        /bin/echo -e "[*] Writing logs to $LOG_FILE"
        /bin/echo -e "[*] Getting files from ${MIRROR_URL[count]}"
        /bin/echo -n "[*] Download started: " >> $LOG_FILE
        /bin/date >> $LOG_FILE
        # Capture some intersting signals
        trap "{
                /bin/echo \"[*] Removing PID file..\"
                /bin/rm -f $PID_FILE
                [ 1$PROXY_FLAG -ne 1 ] && {
                        /bin/echo \"[*] Unseting http_proxy var..\"
                        unset http_proxy
                /bin/echo -e \"[*] Exiting..\"
                exit 1
        }" 2 3 15 19
        [ -n "$IGNORE_DIRS" ] && {
                for i in $IGNORE_DIRS; do
                        WGET_ARGS="$WGET_ARGS -X /"`echo "${MIRROR_URL[count]}" | cut -d/ -f4-`"$i"
        eval $WGET $WGET_ARGS --cut-dirs $CUT_DIRS ${MIRROR_URL[count]}
        /bin/echo -e "[*] Download complete for ${MIRROR_URL[count]}\n" >> $LOG_FILE
        /bin/echo -e "[*] Download complete for ${MIRROR_URL[count]}\n"
        # md5 and gpg signature check
        # any package that fails this check will be renamed with extension .BAD
        [ 1$GPGCHECK -eq 11 ] && {
                for rpm in `find ${MIRROR_DIR[count]} -name "*.rpm"`; do
                        $RPM -K $rpm >> $LOG_FILE || {
                                /bin/echo "[*] Bad RPM found: $rpm"
                                /bin/echo "[*] Moving to $rpm.BAD"
                                /bin/echo -e "\n[*] BAD package found: $rpm\n" >> $LOG_FILE
                                /bin/mv -f $rpm $rpm.BAD
        for PROG in $YUMARCH $CREATEREPO;do
                # create repository dirs
                /bin/echo -e "[*] Executing $PROG on ${MIRROR_DIR[count]}"
                /bin/echo -n "[*] Time started: " >> $LOG_FILE
                /bin/date >> $LOG_FILE
                eval $PROG ${MIRROR_DIR[count]} >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1
        /bin/echo -e "[*] Repository creation complete for ${MIRROR_DIR[count]}\n" >> $LOG_FILE
        /bin/echo -e "[*] Repository creation complete for ${MIRROR_DIR[count]}\n"
        /bin/echo -e "[*] Done.\n\n"
-- snipped --

Scripts recomendados

Checar tamanho do Cache do Squid e limpar

Compilação PHP 5.x.x

Script para converter arquivos *.rar em *.zip

Script FIREWALL IPTABLES com 3 (três) interfaces (Int, Ext e DMZ)

Libera conectividade social em rede com squid



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