(usa Debian)
Enviado em 23/01/2012 - 17:55h
emanuel.linux escreveu:
O que você já começou a fazer e onde parou? Qual foi sua dificuldade?
OLá, Emanuel
Sou iniciante e estou perdido nas instruções, tarball por exemplo, poderia dar umpasso a passo?
- First link point to a tarball of the official 1.0 release
- Second link point to a tarball of the official 1.1 release
- Third link point to the git repository. For the GTK 2.x version, one can get the latest sources from master branch using
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/oxygen-gtk
and from the GTK 3.x version, using
git clone -b gtk3 git://anongit.kde.org/oxygen-gtk
- See the INSTALL file in the top-level directory.
- You will likely need gtk+2.0 dev packages, as well as Cairo
- Ruslan Kabatsayev
- Cédric Bellegarde
- me
We plan to follow the same release schedule as KDE:
- one minor bug-fixing release every month;
- one major feature release every six month.
See the README file in the top-level directory, for a list of possible issues with the style.
Bugs and feature requests can be sent to KDE bug tracking system (
https://bugs.kde.org/). You would need to select Product=Oxygen, and Component=gtk-engine
oxygen-gtk2 - version 1.2.0
This is the third major release of KDE's oxygen widget theme ported to GTK 2.x applications. Package name is changed to oxygen-gtk2, to avoid confusion with the GTK 3.x version of the theme.
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.0.0
This is the very first release of the KDE's oxygen widget theme ported to GTK 3.x applications. Package name is oxygen-gtk3. This release is still quite experimental, due to the small amount of gtk3 applications on which it was tested. Bugs should be reported at
License: LGPL
Source (tarball - version gtk2-1.2.0 (for GTK 2.x))
Source (tarball - version gtk3-1.0.0 (for GTK 3.x))
Source (git repository)