(usa Debian)
Enviado em 29/06/2012 - 21:26h
já está tudo instalado
quando executo a sintaxe:
# wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
me retorna a seguinte mensagem:
Trying to associate with 00:50:50:81:81:01 (SSID='minha-wifi' freq=2412 MHz)
Associated with 00:50:50:81:81:01
WPA: 4-Way Handshake failed - pre-shared key may be incorrect
CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED - Disconnect event - remove keys
Trying to associate with 00:50:50:81:81:01 (SSID='minha-wifi' freq=2412 MHz)