(usa CentOS)
Enviado em 11/01/2013 - 10:25h
Prezado ,
Tive o seguinte problema, vou postar aqui,
Quando eu rodo o comando..:
postqueue -p
Eu acho que esse aqui pode ser um exemplo
Este e-mail não tem nada a ver com o desse nosso cliente.
35A2A18076A1 6120 Fri Jan 11 09:57:59 MAILER-DAEMON
(delivery temporarily suspended: host mta6.am0.yahoodns.net[] refused to talk to me: 421 4.7.1 [TS03] All messages from will be permanently deferred; Retrying will NOT succeed. See
Então quando rodei o postcat -q e o id 35A2A18076A1.
Retornou o seguinte.
postcat -q 35A2A18076A1
postcat: fatal: open queue file 35A2A18076A1: Permission denied
Então pense em rodar ele como root direto no diretório do postcat.
*** ENVELOPE RECORDS deferred/3/35A2A18076A1 ***
message_size: 6120 584 1 0 6120
message_arrival_time: Fri Jan 11 09:57:59 2013
create_time: Fri Jan 11 09:57:59 2013
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named_attribute: log_protocol_name=ESMTP
named_attribute: client_name=localhost
named_attribute: reverse_client_name=localhost
named_attribute: client_address=
named_attribute: client_port=46678
named_attribute: helo_name=localhost
named_attribute: protocol_name=ESMTP
named_attribute: client_address_type=2
named_attribute: dsn_orig_rcpt=rfc822;engefort@engefort.com.br
original_recipient: dlaate@yahoo.com
recipient: dlaate@yahoo.com
*** MESSAGE CONTENTS deferred/3/35A2A18076A1 ***
Received: from localhost (localhost [])
by mail.engefort.com.br (Postfix) with ESMTP id 35A2A18076A1
for <dlaate@yahoo.com>; Fri, 11 Jan 2013 09:57:59 -0200 (BRST)
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Fri, 11 Jan 2013 06:57:53 -0500
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 06:57:53 -0500
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <MAILER-DAEMON@engine.ieee.org>
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----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
(expanded from: <ccece05@ieee.org>)
----- Transcript of session follows -----
ccece05@engr.usask.ca... Deferred: spencer.usask.ca.: No route to host
Message could not be delivered for 2 days
Message will be deleted from queue
Content-Type: message/delivery-status
Reporting-MTA: dns; engine.ieee.org
Arrival-Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2013 12:15:15 -0500
Original-Recipient: rfc822;ccece05@ieee.org
Final-Recipient: RFC822; ccece05@ieee.org
X-Actual-Recipient: RFC822; ccece05@spencer.usask.ca
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Tue, 8 Jan 2013 14:24:48 -0200 (BRST)
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2013 14:24:48 -0200 (BRST)
From: Erick Lartey <engefort@engefort.com.br>
Reply-To: Erick Lartey <erick.lartey1@yahoo.com.hk>
Message-ID: <441248292.41050.1357662288784.JavaMail.root@mail.engefort.com.br>
Subject: RE: Capital Investment.
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Date: 08/01/2013
RE: Capital Investment and Management Placement.
I write as the subject matter applies :
We are currently seeking means of expanding and relocating business interest in the following sectors: Real Estate, Mining, Transportation, Trading, Constructing and Agriculture etc.
I am a financial adviser to a prominent investor who will like to invest in your country by proxy. If you have a good project plan that requires funding or looking forward to expansion of existing business, then get back to me with your ideas for consideration.
I will be looking forward to possible business collaboration.
Mr. Erick Lartey.
E-mail: erick.lartey@yahoo.com.hk
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named_attribute: encoding=7bit
*** MESSAGE FILE END deferred/3/35A2A18076A1 ***
Desculpe o longo texto é que não queria deixar passar nenhuma informação para
que assim vocês consigam me ajudar.
Será que é esse .?
Obrigado pela compreensão prezados amigos.
Edir Bonametti