JWM (.jwmrc)
Arquivo de configuração do JWM
Categoria: X11
Software: JWM
[ Hits: 11.152 ]
Por: Leandro Santiago
Este é um arquivo de configuração do JWM (um window manager muito leve). Ele é baseado no arquivo que vem por padrão no próprio programa. Há nele um comando para setar o plano de fundo para o arquivo wallpaper/wallpaper.png. É claro que isso pode ser modificado conforme as suas necessidades.
Este é com certeza um programa que vocês deveriam conhecer. Está realmente à altura para concorrer com um Fluxbox ou iceWM da vida.. rsrrs.
Este arquivo cria um ambiente limpo, com menus totalmente pretos, em alto contraste, de fácil visualização. O arquivo é um XML simples, então acho que não há muita dificuldade em entender a sua estrutura.
Uma screenshot desse "Tema" pode ser visto nesse link:
Muito obrigado e espero que gostem.
Ah, é claro... para funcionar, copie esse arquivo como .jwmrc em sua pasta pessoal.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <JWM> <!-- The root menu, if this is undefined you will not get a menu. --> <!-- Additional RootMenu attributes: onroot, labeled, label --> <RootMenu height="15" labeled="true" label=" Slackware 10.1 "> <Program label="Xterm">xterm -bg black -fg white</Program> <Program label="Firefox">firefox</Program> <Program label="ROX-Filer">rox</Program> <!-- Addititional Menu attributes: height, labeled --> <Menu label="Imagens"> <Program label="Xpdf">xpdf</Program> <Program label="Gimp">gimp</Program> <Program label="Adobe Reader">acroread</Program> <Program label="Xpaint">xpaint</Program> <Program label="Sodipodi">sodipodi</Program> <Program label="Inkscape">inkscape</Program> <Program label="Xara Xtrene">xaralx</Program> <Program label="ImageMagick">display</Program> <program label="XV">xv</Program> </Menu> <Menu label="Multimidia"> <Program label="XMMS">xmms</Program> <Program label="Beep-Media-PLayer">beep-media-player</Program> <Program label="Xine-Player">xine</Program> <Program label="Audacious">audacious</Program> <Program label="Gxine">gxine</Program> <Program label="Audacity">audacity</Program> <Progran label="Mixer">aumix</Program> </Menu> <Menu label="Terminais"> <Program label="Xterm">xterm</Program> <Program label="Eterm">Eterm</Program> <Program label="Aterm">aterm</Program> <Program label="Multi-Aterm">multi-aterm</Program> <Program label="Rxvt">rxvt</Program> </Menu> <Menu label="Utilidades"> <Program label="Calculadora">xcalc</Program> <Program label="GKrellm">gkrellm</Program> <Program label="Xarchiver">xarchiver</Program> <Program label="Xprop">xprop | xmessage -file -</Program> <Program label="Top">xterm -bg black -fg white -e top</Program> <Program label="Alsamixer">xterm -bg black fg grey -e alsamixer</Program> </Menu> <Menu label="Internet"> <Program label="Firefox">firefox</Program> <Program label="Dillo">dillo</Program> <Program label="Visual PPP">vppp</Program> <Program label="Limewire">limewire</Program> <Program label="Amule">amule</Program> <Program label="gFTP">gftp</Program> <Program label="Galeon">galeon</Program> <Program label="Xmule">xmule</Program> <Program label="Lmule">lmule</Program> <Program label="Gaim">gaim</Program> <Program label="Amsn">amsn</Program> <Program label="Mercury Messenger">mercury</Program> </Menu> <Menu label="Acoes das Janelas"> <SendTo label="Enviar Para"/> <Maximize label="Maximizar/Restaurar" /> <Minimize label="Minimizar" /> <Shade label="Enrolar/Desenrolar" /> <Move label="Mover" /> <Resize label="Redimensionar" /> <Kill label="Assassinar" /> <Close label="Finalizar" /> </Menu> <!-- <Desktops label="Desktops" /> --> <Separator/> <Restart label="Reiniciar" /> <Exit label="Sair" confirm="true" /> </RootMenu> <!-- Additional tray attributes: autohide, width, border, layer, layout --> <Tray x="0" y="0" height="25" border="1" layout="horizontal"> <!-- Additional TrayButton attribute: label --> <TrayButton label="Slackware" popup="Menu Principal"/> <!-- Additional Swallow attribute: height --> <Swallow name="xload" width="64"> xload -nolabel -bg black -fg white -hl blue </Swallow> <TrayButton label="ROX-Filer" popup="gerenciador de Arquivos">exec:rox</TrayButton> <TrayButton label="Firefox" popup="Navegador Web">exec:firefox</TrayButton> <TrayButton label="Terminal" popup="Linha de Comando">exec:xterm -bg black -fg white</TrayButton> <TrayButton label="Mostrar Desktop" popup="Mostrar Desktop">showdesktop</TrayButton> <Dock/> <Clock>xclock</Clock> </Tray> <Tray x="0" y="-1" height="25" border="1"> <!-- Additional Pager attributes; width, height --> <Pager/> <!-- Additional TaskList attribute: maxwidth --> <TaskList maxwidth="150" /> <!-- Additional Swallow attribute: height --> <Swallow name="xload" width="64"> xload -nolabel -bg black -fg white -hl blue </Swallow> </Tray> <!-- Visual Styles --> <BorderStyle> <Font>FreeSans-08</Font> <Width>0</Width> <Height>15</Height> <Foreground>white</Foreground> <Background>black</Background> <ActiveForeground>white</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>black</ActiveBackground> </BorderStyle> <TaskListStyle> <Font>FreeSans-08</Font> <ActiveForeground>black</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>white</ActiveBackground> </TaskListStyle> <!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert --> <TrayStyle> <Font>FreeSans-08:bold</Font> <Background>black</Background> <Foreground>white</Foreground> </TrayStyle> <PagerStyle> <Outline>black:bold</Outline> <Foreground>white</Foreground> <Background>black</Background> <ActiveForeground>black</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>white</ActiveBackground> </PagerStyle> <MenuStyle> <Font>FreeSans-08</Font> <Foreground>white</Foreground> <Background>black</Background> <ActiveForeground>black</ActiveForeground> <ActiveBackground>white</ActiveBackground> </MenuStyle> <PopupStyle> <Font>FreeSans-10:bold</Font> <Outline>black</Outline> <Foreground>black</Foreground> <Background>yellow</Background> </PopupStyle> <IconPath>/usr/share/icons/Tango</IconPath> <StartupCommand> Esetroot wallpaper/wallpaper.png </StartupCommand> <!-- Virtual Desktops --> <!-- Name tags can be contained within Desktops for desktop names. --> <Desktops count="2"/> <!-- Double click speed (in milliseconds) --> <DoubleClickSpeed>400</DoubleClickSpeed> <!-- Double click delta (in pixels) --> <DoubleClickDelta>2</DoubleClickDelta> <!-- The focus model (sloppy or click) --> <FocusModel>click</FocusModel> <!-- The snap mode (none, screen, or border) --> <SnapMode distance="10">border</SnapMode> <!-- The move mode (outline or opaque) --> <MoveMode>outline</MoveMode> <!-- The resize mode (outline or opaque) --> <ResizeMode>outline</ResizeMode> <!-- Key bindings --> <Key key="Up">up</Key> <Key key="Down">down</Key> <Key key="Right">right</Key> <Key key="Left">left</Key> <Key key="h">left</Key> <Key key="j">down</Key> <Key key="k">up</Key> <Key key="l">right</Key> <Key key="Return">select</Key> <Key key="Escape">escape</Key> <Key mask="A" key="Tab">next</Key> <Key mask="A" key="F4">close</Key> <Key mask="A" key="#">desktop#</Key> <Key mask="A" key="F1">root</Key> <Key mask="A" key="F2">window</Key> </JWM>
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