MRTG (mrtg.conf)

MRTG com gráficos de eth0, eth1, HD, mem e CPU

Categoria: Miscelânea

Software: MRTG

[ Hits: 9.778 ]

Por: William Maggi Pardalz

Esta cfg configura o MRTG para exibir gráficos sobre o uso das interfaces de rede, HD, memória, CPU. Antes de colocar para rodar crie dentro da pasta /etc/mrtg o arquivo com os seguintes comandos:

#este script concorda com os termos da gpl
#(!c) Cesar Augusto Fresqui -
#copie para /etc/mrtg/
#chmod +x /etc/mrtg/
unset LANG
mem=$(/usr/bin/free|grep ^-)
load=$(cat /proc/loadavg)
awk -v load="$load" -v mem="$mem" '
print int(100*loadstats[2])
print int(100*memstats[3]/(memstats[3]+\

# Multi Router Traffic Grapher -- Sample Configuration File
# This file is for use with mrtg-2.5.4c
# Global configuration
WorkDir: /var/www/mrtg
Htmldir: /var/www/mrtg
icondir: images/
Refresh: 300
Interval: 5
Language: portuguese
RunAsDaemon: yes
WriteExpires: Yes

Title[^]: Traffic Analysis for

# 128K leased line
# ----------------
#Title[leased]: a 128K leased line
#PageTop[leased]: <H1>Our 128K link to the outside world</H1>
#Target[leased]: 1:public@router.localnet
#MaxBytes[leased]: 16000

# ETH0
Target[eth0]: `cat /proc/net/dev |grep eth0 |awk -F':' '{print $2}' |awk '{print $1}'; cat /proc/net/dev |grep eth0 | awk -F':' '{print $2}' |awk '{print $9}'; uptime |awk -F':' '{print $3}' |awk '{print $3}'; echo Server`
MaxBytes[eth0]: 1250000
Title[eth0]: eth0 - Utilizacao eth0
PageTop[eth0]: <H1>Estatisticas das interfaces<BR>Utilizacao interface interna (eth0)</H1>
Options[eth0]: growright

# ETH1
Target[eth1]: `cat /proc/net/dev |grep eth1 |awk -F':' '{print $2}' |awk '{print $1}'; cat /proc/net/dev |grep eth1 | awk -F':' '{print $2}' |awk '{print $9}'; uptime |awk -F':' '{print $3}' |awk '{print $3}'; echo Server`
MaxBytes[eth1]: 1250000
Title[eth1]: eth1 - Utilizacao eth1
PageTop[eth1]: <H1>Estatisticas das interfaces<BR>Utilizacao interface Externa (eth1)</H1>
Options[eth1]: growright
# HD
Target[hd]: `df -h | grep sda1 | awk '{ print $3 }' | cut -c 1-2; df -h | grep sda1 | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -c 1-3; uptime |awk -F':' '{print $3}' |awk '{print $3}'; echo Server`
MaxBytes[hd]: 160
#HTML output settings
Title[hd]: DISK Usage
PageTop[hd]: <H1> HD <BR> Utilizacao do Disco Rigido</H1>
#Suppress[hd]: ym
#Graph output settings
Options[hd]: growright, gauge
PNGTitle[hd]: Marispan
kMG[hd]: G
YLegend[hd]: GBytes
Legend1[hd]: GBytes Usados
Legend2[hd]: Total
Legend3[hd]: Dias Ligado
Legend4[hd]: Server Name:
#LegendI[hd]:  sda1:
#Memoria Will
Target[memo]: `cat /proc/meminfo |grep Active: |awk -F':' '{print $2}' |awk '{print $1}'; cat /proc/meminfo |grep MemTotal: |awk -F':' '{print $2}' |awk '{print $1}'; uptime |awk -F':' '{print $3}' |awk '{print $3}'; echo Server`
MaxBytes[memo]: 4000000
#HTML output settings
Title[memo]: Uso da Memoria
PageTop[memo]: <H1>Memoria <BR> Utilizacao da Memoria</H1>
#Suppress[memo]: ym
#Graph output settings
Options[memo]: growright, gauge
PNGTitle[memo]: Marispan
YLegend[memo]: Memoria
#ShortLegend[memo]: KBytes
kMG[memo]: k,M,G,T
Legend1[memo]: KBytes Usados
Legend2[memo]: Total
Legend3[memo]: Max bytes load
Legend4[memo]: Max Users
LegendI[memo]:  Usado:
LegendO[memo]:  Total:
# Processador
#Target[proc]: `cat /proc/loadavg | awk -F':' '{print $1}' |awk '{print $1}'; cat /proc/loadavg | awk -F':' '{print $1}' |awk '{print $2}'; uptime |awk -F':' '{print $3}' |awk '{print $3}'; echo Server`
Target[proc]: `/etc/mrtg/`
MaxBytes[proc]: 100
#HTML output settings
Title[proc]: Processador
PageTop[proc]: <H1>Processador <BR> Utilizacao do Processamento</H1>
#Suppress[proc]: ym
#Graph output settings
Options[proc]: growright, gauge, noinfo
PNGTitle[proc]: Marispan
YLegend[proc]: Processador
ShortLegend[proc]: %
Legend1[proc]: Carga CPU
Legend2[proc]: Uso da Memoria real
LegendI[proc]:  Carga:
LegendO[proc]:  Memoria:

Target[usr]: `uptime |awk -F':' '{print $4}' |awk '{print $2}'; uptime |awk -F':' '{print $3}' |awk '{print $3}'; uptime |awk -F':' '{print $3}' |awk '{print $3}'; echo Server`
MaxBytes[usr]: 500
#HTML output settings
Title[usr]: Usuarios
PageTop[usr]: <H1>Uptime <BR> Usuarios e Uptime</H1>
#Suppress[usr]: ym
#Graph output settings
Options[usr]: growright, gauge
PNGTitle[usr]: Marispan
YLegend[usr]: Usuarios
#ShortLegend[usr]: Usuarios
Legend1[usr]: Usuarios
Legend2[usr]: Uptime
LegendI[usr]:  Users:
LegendO[usr]:  Uptime:

[1] Comentário enviado por rafaelbonilha em 13/09/2015 - 02:07h

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