MailScanner (

Configuração dos antivírus

Categoria: Miscelânea

Software: MailScanner

[ Hits: 8.874 ]

Por: Wanderson Berbert

Configuração dos anti-vírus utiliados pelo MailScanner para se usado juntamente com o artigo sobre o MailScanner.

# This is a list of the names of the virus scanning engines, along with the
# filename of the command or script to run to invoke each one.
# Three fields:
#  1.  Name of virus scanner as known by MailScanner. Do not change this.
#  2.  Location of -wrapper script. You should not need to change this.
#  3.  Installation directory of virus scanner. This does not usually include
#      any "bin" directory in the path to the scanner program itself.
# You can test a -wrapper script with a command like this:
#      /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/f-secure-wrapper /opt/f-secure/fsav /tmp
# That command will attempt to scan /tmp using F-Secure. If it works you
# should see some sensible output. If it fails, you will probably just see
# an error message such as "Command not found" or similar.
antivir         /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/antivir-wrapper        /usr/lib/AntiVir
bitdefender     /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/bitdefender-wrapper /usr/local/bd7
clamav          /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/clamav-wrapper /usr/local
clamavmodule    /bin/false                              /tmp
command         /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/command-wrapper        /usr
drweb           /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/drweb-wrapper  /opt/drweb
etrust          /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/etrust-wrapper /opt/eTrustAntivirus
f-prot          /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/f-prot-wrapper /usr/local/f-prot
f-secure        /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/f-secure-wrapper /usr/local/fsav
inoculan        /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/inoculan-wrapper       /usr/local/inocu
inoculate       /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/inoculate-wrapper      /usr/local/av
kaspersky-4.5   /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/kaspersky-wrapper      /opt/kav
kaspersky       /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/kaspersky-wrapper      /opt/AVP
kavdaemonclient /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/kavdaemonclient-wrapper /usr/local
mcafee          /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/mcafee-wrapper /usr/local/uvscan
nod32-1.99      /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/nod32-wrapper  /usr/local/nod32
nod32           /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/nod32-wrapper  /usr/local/nod32
none            /bin/false                              /tmp
norman          /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/norman-wrapper /usr/bin
panda           /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/panda-wrapper  /usr
rav             /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/rav-wrapper    /usr/local/rav8
sophos          /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/sophos-wrapper /usr/local/Sophos
sophossavi      /bin/false                              /tmp
trend           /etc/MailScanner/wrapper/trend-wrapper  /pack/trend


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